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ADR within the MAP - Alternative or Supplement to Arbitration?

Explore the various types of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) and their potential as an alternative or supplement to arbitration within the Mutual Agreement Procedure (MAP). Understand the benefits, challenges, and added value of ADR in resolving international tax disputes. Consider the potential scenarios and elements of a multilateral agreement that combines ADR and arbitration.

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ADR within the MAP - Alternative or Supplement to Arbitration?

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  1. Dr. Arno Gildemeister ADR within the MAP - Alternative or Supplement to Arbitration?

  2. Dr. Arno Gildemeister Dr. Arno Gildemeister • Types of ADR • … in which a neutralperson, institution or commission participates and helps the parties resolvetheir dispute • Mediation: Mediatorassists the parties by clarifying the issues in dispute, requesting documents and data, asking and listening « actively » to the parties’ arguments and exploring options for an agreement on mutually acceptable terms • Conciliation: … and makesrecommendationswhich the parties are required to seriouslyconsider • Expert evaluation: Expert gives an opinion about discrete (factual) issues; e.g. arm’slengthprice

  3. Dr. Arno Gildemeister Dr. Arno Gildemeister • Variable Degrees of Activity • Monitoring the process • Administrating • Guiding the discussions, requesting information, focussing on key issues • Helping the parties evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of their arguments • Makingprocess-relatedproposals (e.g. commissioning of an expert; agreeing on objective criteria; meeting withtaxpayer; …) • Recommending solutions • « Authenticating » agreements

  4. Dr. Arno Gildemeister Dr. Arno Gildemeister Dr. Arno Gildemeister Added Value of ADR?

  5. Dr. Arno Gildemeister Dr. Arno Gildemeister • Two Possible Approaches • 1. ADR as an alternative to MAP Arbitration • 2. ADR as a supplement / precursor to MAP Arbitration • Whether or not ADR or Arbitration or bothwilltake place shouldbeclarifiedbefore the dispute arises (e.g in the treaty), because • voluntary arbitration has proven inefficient • voluntary ADR has rarely been used • Mandatory ADR (at the request of one of the CA’s or the TP) if MAP has not been closedwithin, e.g., 15 months?

  6. Dr. Arno Gildemeister Dr. Arno Gildemeister • Scenario 1: « Alternative to Arbitration » • Pro: • - Acceptable to a larger group of States • - Better chances for multilateralization or commondenominators • Contra: • - No guaranteedoutcome (« tiebreaker ») • - Lessstringent application of legalprinciples? • - Lessconsistency?

  7. Dr. Arno Gildemeister Dr. Arno Gildemeister • Scenario 2: « Precursor to Arbitration » • Pro: • - Arbitration as a tiebreakerincreases the efficiency of ADR • - Expert evaluationcanincrease the efficiency of an arbitration (fact-finding) • - Mediation as a precursor to baseball arbitration • Contra: • - Lack of impartiality of arbitratorswho have previouslyacted as mediators or conciliators? • - Can proposals made withoutprejudiceduring the mediationhurtduring an arbitration? • - ADR shall not delay the proceedings!

  8. Dr. Arno Gildemeister Dr. Arno Gildemeister • Multilateral Setting • Scenarios 1 and 2 canbecombined in a multilateralinstitutionalapproach « at two speeds »: • Some States maywant to agree to MAP with ADR only; somemay go further and agree to ADR and Arbitration • Example of the ICSID system: Conciliation Rules and Arbitration Rules • Institutional support in order to level the playingfield: • administrative support • cost • training • researchtools and databases • roaster of qualifiedmediators, experts and arbitrators • …

  9. Dr. Arno Gildemeister Dr. Arno Gildemeister • Elements of a Multilateral Agreement • - Procedural mechanics • - Timelines (e.g. mandatory ADR after 15 months of MAP; Arbitration after 2 years of MAP + ADR) • - Default options for ADR (e.g. expert evaluation for transfer pricing disputes; mediation for all other) • Default options for arbitration (baseball or not) • Confidentiality and transparency issues • Qualification and appointment of mediators and arbitrators (competence profiles to fit the dispute) • Impartiality requirements • Enforceability of the outcomes

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