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Revolutionary Times: From Enlightenment to Latin America

Explore key events of the Scientific Revolution, Enlightenment, French Revolution, and Latin American Revolutions. Learn about influential figures, revolutions, and their impact on history.

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Revolutionary Times: From Enlightenment to Latin America

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  1. Start Playing Jeopardy

  2. Sci Rev Enlightenment French Rev Latin American Revs Industrial Rev 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 Final Jeopardy

  3. Scientific Revolution100 The organization (seen as the authority) that was being questioned by Scientists during the Scientific Revolution Answer

  4. Answer Scientific Revolution 100 Roman Catholic Church

  5. Scientific Revolution 200 What is this? Answer

  6. Answer Scientific Revolution 200 The Scientific Method

  7. Category Scientific Revolution 300 _________________ used a new instrument, the ___________, to help discover that the sun was the center of the universe or the ________________ model Answer

  8. Answer Scientific Revolution300 Galileo; Telescope; Heliocentric Model

  9. Scientific Revolution 400 __________________ discovered gravity using the Scientific Method. Answer

  10. Answer Scientific Revolution 400 Isaac Newton

  11. Scientific Revolution 500 The main reason the Roman Catholic Church fought against the findings of the Scientists Answer

  12. Answer Scientific Revolution 500 If they were proven to be unknowing in one area – they could be wrong in others (people may stop believing – church loses power)

  13. Enlightenment 100 Enlightenment Thinkers met in __________ to discuss ideas and their opposition to this group of people in power. Answer

  14. Answer Enlightenment 100 Salons; Absolute Monarchs

  15. Enlightenment 200 What are Natural Rights; what can you do if they are taken away; which thinker said this? Answer

  16. Answer Enlightenment 200 Rights you are born with; rebel; John Locke

  17. Enlightenment 300 The Enlightenment thinkers thought decisions should be made with the “consent of the governed.” What type of government would this favor? Answer

  18. Answer Enlightenment 300 Democracy

  19. Enlightenment 400 _________ wrote about freedom of speech. ________ wrote about the Social Contract ________ wrote that women should be educated. Voltaire; Montesquieu; Rousseau; Wollstonecraft Answer

  20. Answer Enlightenment 400 Mao Zedong Great Leap Forward Communes

  21. Enlightenment 500 What country did these Absolute Monarchs rule? Louis XIV: Peter the Great: Suleiman: Akbar: What were 2 of them known for? Answer

  22. Answer Enlightenment 500 Louis XIV: France Peter the Great: Russia Suleiman: Ottomans Akbar: Mughals

  23. French Revolution 100 Prior to the French Revolution in the Estate System this class had to pay all of the taxes Answer

  24. Answer French Revolution 100 3rd Estate - Poor workers; middle class (97%)

  25. French Revolution 200 What groups of people were in the 1st and 2nd Estate? Which side of the revolution did they favor (Absolute Monarch or Revolutionaries)? Answer

  26. French Revolution 200 1st – Clergy 2nd - Nobles (Rich landowners) They support the Absolute Monarch because he doesn’t make them pay taxes!

  27. French Revolution 300 _______________ philosophers message spread to the 3rd Estate and as anger grew so did the Revolution. The revolutionaries stormed the ________ took weapons and created a bill of rights called the _______________ of the Rights of Man. Answer

  28. Answer French Revolution 300 Enlightenment Bastille (jail) Declaration of the Rights of Man

  29. French Revolution 400 Though they tried to escape King _______ and Queen _______ were killed using the _________. After they lost power ____________ (man) used it to kill thousands of enemies of the revolution in the ________ of ____________. Answer

  30. Answer French Revolution 400 King Louis XVI Queen Marie Antoinette Guillotine Robespierre Reign of Terror

  31. French Revolution 500 To save the revolution ____________ a famous French General takes over the government using a __________ (military takeover). He later names himself _____________, conquers most of Europe and creates a law code called the _________________. Answer

  32. Answer French Revolution 500 Napoleon; Coup d’etat; Emperor; Napoleonic Code

  33. Latin American Revolutions 100 Word of the ____________ Revolution spread the Latin and South America along with the ideas of the ____________ philosophers making them crave independence. Answer

  34. Answer Latin American Revolutions 100 French Revolution; Enlightenment

  35. Latin American Revolutions 200 This European country controlled most of Latin America and South America during this time (they had beaten the Aztecs and Inca) Answer

  36. Answer Latin American Revolutions 200 Spain

  37. Latin American Revolutions 300 Due to the Europeans need for goods from the Americas on the ________________ (trade route), the Spanish began using the __________ system to force Native Americans to work the land. Answer

  38. Answer Latin American Revolutions 300 Columbian Exchange Encomienda

  39. Latin American Revolutions 400 Inspired by the Enlightenment philosophers and the French Revolution, South America fought for its independence under the leadership of _________ ____________. Answer

  40. Answer Latin American Revolutions 400 Simon Bolivar

  41. Latin American Revolutions 500 Inspired by the Enlightenment philosophers and the French Revolution, Haiti fought for its independence under the leadership of _________ ____________ (a former ________). Answer

  42. Answer Latin American Revolutions 500 Toussaint L'Ouverture

  43. Industrial Revolution 100 The ___________ Revolution led to the production of more food, letting people leave farms and move to the cities. What were two causes of the this Revolution? Answer

  44. Answer Industrial Revolution 100 Seed Drill; Enclosure Movement; 3 Field System; Mutton Output

  45. Industrial Revolution 200 Many people moved to the cities during this time period, this is called _____________. Give two facts about what life was like in the cities at this time. Answer

  46. Answer Industrial Revolution 200 Urbanization; Overcrowding; Filth; Disease; Crime

  47. Industrial Revolution 300- Daily Double Daily Double

  48. Industrial Revolution 400 The ____________ system (making goods at home) was replaced with the ____________ system (making goods in factories). What are two inventions that helped increase factory production. Answer

  49. Answer Industrial Revolution 400 Domestic System (Cottage Industry); Factory System; Spinning Jenny; Steam Engine (Power)

  50. Industrial Revolution 500 The Industrial Revolution caused European nations to look for colonies – a period of time called _____________. These nations needed ___________, ____________, and ____________ from these colonies. Answer

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