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Ammunition Safety Management and the IED threat

Learn the importance of effective ammunition management systems and how they help prevent dangerous situations, including the threat of improvised explosive devices (IEDs).

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Ammunition Safety Management and the IED threat

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  1. Ammunition Safety Managementandthe IED threat

  2. Why? • With effective ammunition management systems in place: • The military command always knows what ammunition it has, where it is, and whether it is safe to use. • Unsafe ammunition is destroyed before it can explode and risk a civil disaster. • The ammunition is not stolen or informally sold and used to threaten the state by criminals or extremists. • The ammunition stores are not easy for the enemy to compromise or otherwise attack.

  3. Brazzeville, Congo 2012

  4. http://www.smallarmssurvey.org/weapons-and-markets/stockpiles/unplanned-explosions-at-munitions-sites/uems-incidents-by-country.htmlhttp://www.smallarmssurvey.org/weapons-and-markets/stockpiles/unplanned-explosions-at-munitions-sites/uems-incidents-by-country.html

  5. Recorded causes • Lack of surveillance leading to ammunition deterioration. • Inappropriate storage infrastructure and systems. • Handling errors and inappropriate working practices. • Failure to take into account external, environmental influences and events. • Poor security. • Cause not known.

  6. RISKS • Human casualties • Weapons and explosive materials getting into the wrong hands • Risk of punishment • Reduction in the assets available • Reduction in public confidence

  7. Physical SecurityandStockpile ManagementPSSM


  9. Why do we need IATG?

  10. What are International Ammunition TechnicalGuidelines (IATG)? • Like the International Mine Action Standards, IATG are designed to provide practical advice to national authorities. • They are intended to help everyone develop national standards for ammunition management that will have a lot in common with the standards in other countries. • IATG are based on western military regulations – but they should be adapted before being used so that they are appropriate in each context.

  11. The IATGs also cover: • the safe transport and disposal of ammunition. • record keeping so that it is always known what ammunition is available and where it is. • providing training for the people who will manage the ammunition storage procedures and the storage sites.

  12. GICHD Toolset

  13. The International AmmunitionTechnical Guidelines - IATG

  14. IMAS IATG HumanitarianMineAction Ammunition Management EOD IM QM National regulations

  15. UN Safer Guard programme OnlineSupportToolkit

  16. UN Safer Guard programme

  17. UN Safer Guard programme

  18. Risk of an explosive accident

  19. Risks from theft

  20. This has only been a brief introduction to my views on ammunition management, PSSM and the IATG.

  21. More information • Formore information aboutammunition managementand safe ways to • destroy unwanted ammunition, visit the following websites: • www.bicc.de • www.gichd.org • www.itf-und.si • www.msag.es • www.msiac.nato.int • www.nspa.nato.int • https://www.gichd.org/resources/databases-and-tools/detail/publication/ammunition-safety-management-asm-toolset/#.W3RJzY2Wziw • www.osce.org • www.racviac.org • www.rasrinitiative.org • www.seesac.org • www.smallarmssurvey.org • www.state.gov/t/pm/wra • www.smallarmsstandards.org • https://www.un.org/disarmament/un-saferguard/

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