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Megaphones are Preventive Medicine: Supporting Community Voices for Health and Health Equity

This conference explores the use of megaphones as a preventive medicine, focusing on community voices for health and health equity. Topics include direct service, organizing, research, policy, and communications.

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Megaphones are Preventive Medicine: Supporting Community Voices for Health and Health Equity

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  1. Megaphones are Preventive Medicine:Supporting Community Voices for Health and Health Equity Grantmakers In Health Annual Meeting March 7, 2014

  2. Vanessa DanielGroundswell Fund

  3. Grantmakers in Health Atlanta, GA March 7, 2014

  4. Direct Service + Organizing

  5. Research + Organizing

  6. Policy + Organizing

  7. Communications + Organizing

  8. 3%

  9. 5%

  10. 6.4%

  11. Lisa FuCalifornia Healthy Nail Salon Collaborative

  12. California Healthy Nail Salon Collaborative Lisa Fu Program and Outreach Director GIH - March 7, 2014

  13. Nail Salon Community in CA 60-80% Vietnamese 95% Women of reproductive age Average income $21,800 per year Recent immigrants Long term exposure to toxic chemicals and products

  14. Toxic Trio

  15. Reproductive Health Impacts Birth defects Miscarriages Difficulty conceiving Reproductive cancers

  16. Other Health Impacts Acute symptoms & illnesses Respiratory illness Rashes and skin irritation Nose and throat irritation Chronic pain Carpal tunnel Back pain

  17. Leadership Development and the Salon Community Building the leadership, decision-making, and power of the nail salon community to improve their health, safety and rights.

  18. Reducing Toxic Chemicals: Healthy Nail Salon Campaign

  19. Community Leadership Development

  20. Expanding the HNS Program

  21. National Impact

  22. Lisa Fulfu@cahealthynailsalons.orgwww.cahealthynailsalons.org

  23. Chris PetersSeventh Generation Fund for Indigenous Peoples

  24. Anna RondonNavajo Nation Division of Health

  25. Megaphones are preventive health • Anna Rondon, Dine • Navajo Birth Cohort Study • Southwest Indigenous Uranium Forum (1987) • annarondon@msn.com • Dine Peoples’ Megaphone Worked!

  26. Dine Peoples: Example of Successful Community Based Advocacy • Dine peoples have been subjected to public health determinants due to gross negligence by the United States government on the uranium mining legacy. • The past 40 years there has been more uranium impacted community based organizing with citizens uniting and bring a strong voice to the world. 7genfund has been a critical collaborator that provided organizing funds to the communities.

  27. Congressional committee outraged over Navajo uranium legacy. First of four: By Kathy Helms, Dine Bureau, Gallup Independent WINDOW ROCK – A picture may be worth a thousand words, but the sound of an instrument used to detect radioactive contamination, clicking away over a soil sample from Tuba City, set a federal oversight committee on its ear Wednesday during a hearing in Washington. Chairman Henry Waxman’s Committee on Oversight and Government Reform heard from a Navajo Nation delegation about the health and environmental impacts of uranium contamination during a four-hour hearing. Several congressional leaders expressed outrage at the federal government for allowing such conditions to remain unchecked on Navajoland for so many years, saying they were “ashamed” and “embarrassed.” They offered apologies to the Navajo people.

  28. Resource Links http://www.epa.gov/region9/superfund/navajo-nation/ http://www.latimes.com/extras/navajo/Day1/ http://www.sric.org/index.php Like us on FACEBOOK: Navajo Birth Cohort Study Dr. Johnnye Lewis, UNM Dr. David Begay, Cora Maxx, Teddy Nez, Malcolm Benally

  29. Robby RodriguezW.K. Kellogg Foundation

  30. Ensures people • are part of • making change. Community Voice

  31. Tannia EsparzaYoung Women United

  32. We Respected ABQ Women and We Won 55% AGAINST, 44% FOR

  33. Creating the Respect ABQ Women Campaign Respect ABQ Women Steering Committee: ACLU-NM, NM Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, Planned Parenthood of NM, Southwest Women’s Law Center, Southwestern Women’s Options, Strong Families NM, & Young Women United

  34. Defeat the abortion ban ballot measure Build infrastructure of data management and volunteers to last beyond the campaign Build capacity of individual organizations to maintain access to repro health & rights Build strength within key legislative districts Campaign Long Term Goals

  35. Shifting the Narrative on Abortion • Shifted messages away from polarizing • pro-life/pro-choice • frame • Recognized values already held by New Mexico Families • Decades working in our communities and in Reproductive Justice

  36. Together we acknowledged that: abortion is complex a family frame is necessary these healthcare decisions need to remain with women and doctors, without government interference Shifting the Narrative on Abortion

  37. Social Media Radio Earned Media Creating a Successful Media Strategy

  38. Voter contact: 403,471 attempts 68,002 contacts 23,424 vote against ID's 80,000 + people voted Brought 25% of voters Field Highlights

  39. Ongoing Civic Engagement State and National Elections School Board Elections State Legislative Session State Legislative Session November 2013 Elections 2014 2013 November 2012

  40. HEFN helps funders learn, connect & collaborate for greater impact on HEFN Annual Meeting: Oct. 27-28, 2014 Los Angeles, CA www.hefn.org environmental health & justice

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