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Organic projects in Estonian Crop Research Institute (ECRI) . Ilmar Tamm Ülle Tamm Anne Ingver. 15.04.2014. COBRA. ERA–NET CORE ORGANIC : C oordinating O rganic plant Br eeding A ctivities for diversity ERA-NET - Networking the European Research Area Duration : 2013-2017. COBRA.
OrganicprojectsinEstonianCropResearchInstitute (ECRI) Ilmar Tamm Ülle Tamm Anne Ingver 15.04.2014
COBRA ERA–NET CORE ORGANIC: CoordinatingOrganicplantBreedingActivitiesfordiversity ERA-NET -Networking the European Research Area Duration: 2013-2017
COBRA Projectbrings together over 40 partner organizations from 18 European countries: UK, Turkey, Denmark, Italy, Austria, Norway, Luxemburg, Slovenia, Belgium, France, Germany, Sweden, theNetherlands, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Hungary, Switzerland
COBRA Aims: COBRA aims to support and develop organic plant breeding and seed production in Europe with a focus on increasing the use and potential of plant material with High genetic Diversity (Hi-D), such as Composite Cross Populations (CCPs)
COBRA Specific objectives: (1) To improve methods to ensure seed quality and health (developthetestingofgermination and diseases on NIRS eqipment); (2) to determine the potential to increase resilience, adaptability, and overall performance in organic systems by using crop diversity at various levels;
COBRA Specific objectives: (3) to improve breeding efficiency and to develop novel breeding methods to enhance and maintain crop diversity (selectionforqualitybased on singleseeds; Marker Assistent Selectionetc).
COBRA Specific objectives: (4) to identify and remove structural barriers to organic plant breeding and seed production (embeddingthe CCPs totheproductionchain; fundingoforganicbreedingthroughcooperationtotheproductionchain, regulatoryframeworkoforganicseedsystems) (5) to improve networking and dissemination in organic plant breeding.
COBRA Cropsincluded: wheat barley pea fababean
COBRA Roleof ECRI: triallingselectedentriesofspring and winterwheat and springbarleywithfocus on: a) diseaseresistance b) weedsuppressionability c) foodquality
COBRA • Trials (ECRI): • Wheat:yield, quality, weedsuppressionability (earlyqrowthvigour, allelopathicability); CCPs and varietymixtures • Barley:diseaseresistance (loose smut, leafstripe), increasinggeneticdiversity (differentbarleytypes :2 ja 6-row, hulless, awnless, darkcoloured), yield, quality
Healthyminorcereals (HMC) (EU 7. frameworkproject) Project Title: An integrated approach to diversify the genetic base, improve stress resistance, agronomic management and nutritional/processing quality of minor cereal crops for human nutrition in Europe
Healthyminorcereals (HMC) (EU 7. framework) Duration: sept 2013–aug 2018 Participants: 16 partnersfrom 10 countries Austria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Switzerland, Turkey and United Kingdom
Healthyminorcereals (HMC) General aim: to enhance the exploitation of five of the so-called 'minor cereal' species: oat rye spelt einkorn emmer
Healthyminorcereals (HMC) • Researchtopics: • Breeding (foodquality, biotic (diseases) and abiotic (drought) stresses, yieldetc) • Agro- technology(fertilisation, varietymixtures, weedcontrol) • Improvingprocessingtechnologies, developmentnewproducts
Healthyminorcereals (HMC) • Researchtopics: • Assessingnutritionalcontentofminorcereals • Enhancethe market prominenceforminorcereals
Healthyminorcereals (HMC) • Roleof ECRI: • Breeding: multiplicatin and phenotypingwide range ofgenotypes, crossings • Bioticstresses: testingofdiseaseresistanceofrye and oatinfield and labconditions
Healthyminorcereals (HMC) • Roleof ECRI: • Fertilisationtrial: • Crops:rye, oat (4 varietiespercrop) • Fertilisertypes: compost, farm manue, biogasdigestate, mineralfertiliser • Fertiliserrates: N0, N50, N100
Healthyminorcereals (HMC) • Roleof ECRI: • Testing of varietymixtures • Farm trials (includingorganicfarms)
Thankyou! • Ilmar.tamm@etki.ee