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Author’s Purpose

Author’s Purpose.

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Author’s Purpose

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  1. Author’s Purpose An author’s purpose is his or her reason for creating a particular work. The purpose may be to entertain, inform , to express and opinion, or to persuade readers to do or believe something. An author may have more than one purpose for writing, but usually one is most important.

  2. ENTERTAIN • As the overworked teacher sat in the empty room diligently correcting papers, she looked up and thought she saw Simon from “American Idol” heading toward her desk. The sarcastic host was carrying a platter laden with money. Was this a reward for years of hard work, or a hallucination brought on by stress? • Works – Fiction – novels, short stories, plays , poetry, essays Periodicals – newspapers, magazines

  3. INFORM (facts) • Joseph Stalin was the second communist leader of the Soviet Union. He introduced a series of five-year plans in an attempt to industrialize the country. • Works – textbooks, autobiography, biography, essays, periodicals, Reference Sources – encyclopedias, atlases, dictionaries

  4. EXPRESS AN OPINION • I love hiking on a mountain trail. The fresh air invigorates me and the beauty of nature makes me glad to be alive! • Look for “I” statements. • Works – journals, diaries, poetry, essays, editorials

  5. PERSUADE • Members of the committee, do not vote for Justin Bieber for artist of the year. This man has no artistic talent whatsoever! His only apparent skill is the ability to be arrested. • Trying to influence you. • Works – editorials, persuasive essays, political tracts

  6. AUTHOR’S PURPOSE BOOKLET Assignment: You will create an author’s purpose booklet. This booklet will include each type of author’s purpose, the definition of each, an example of each type, and a justification for the example.

  7. COVER • Create a title, “Author’s Purpose.” • List the four types on the cover and create an illustration for each. Clip art and computer use is fine. • Do not use regular pencil on the cover and make sure that no “white” areas are showing.

  8. CONTENTS • For each page, you will list one of the author’s purposes and the definition which you will create. • Glue an example of the purpose ( i.e. a newspaper/magazine article) on the page • Next to the article, explain why it represents that particular author’s purpose. You may use pencil on this part!

  9. PROOFREADING AND EDITING Check the following: • Spelling • Grammar • Capitalization • Punctuation • Sentence construction.

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