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ROLES OF MENTORS & MENTEES. REFER TO LEAP GUIDELINES. ROLE OF MENTORS Appointed by Academic Leader within first 3 months (in consultation with mentee) Mentors may be changed thereafter (mentee involved) Mentor-mentee relationship two-way developmental relationship

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  2. ROLE OF MENTORS • Appointed by Academic Leader within first 3 months (in consultation with mentee) • Mentors may be changed thereafter (mentee involved) • Mentor-mentee relationship two-way developmental relationship • Mentors separate from appointee’s research supervisor

  3. Attend appropriate seminars/workshops on mentoring • In consultation with mentee, establish developmental plan within first 3 months. Same applies if mentor changes • Developmental plan should identify goals/objectives; set time-lines and outline meeting schedules between mentor and mentee. Meetings should ideally take place once per fortnight thereafter once per month. • Mentor should assist mentee in developing their teaching portfolio • Monitor progress against agreed goals and time-lines • Affirm and develop the strengths and work on weaknesses of mentee

  4. Review mentee’s professional goals and adjust development plan accordingly. Plans should ideally be discussed at the beginning of the year and reviewed at the end e.g. Discuss no. of articles, suggest possible journals & conferences • Introduce mentee to formal and informal collegial & information networks • Support or direct mentee to areas that can provide specialised support where necessary • Share information relating to teaching & learning and research • Assist mentee in understanding policies & procedures of UKZN

  5. Be available on reasonable basis to support mentee in all areas related to their position • Encourage and assist mentee to develop their research profile (conference papers; book reviews; journal articles; books and grant applications) • Mentors should keep records of their meetings with the mentee (date, duration and brief summary) and provide annual interim report to academic leader

  6. ROLE OF THE MENTEE • Establish a developmental plan with mentor, review and adjust the plan annually • Compile teaching portfolio and comprehensive CV with the assistance of their mentor • Attend regular meetings with the mentor and make every reasonable effort to fulfil the agreed mentee developmental plan • Attend at least 70% of all developmental activities (seminars & workshops), network meetings and evaluation focus groups • Provide an annual report outlining activities to date, progress towards agreed objectives/goals, achievements, professional development and any difficulties/obstacles experienced

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