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  1. Salesforce Certified Force.com Developer DEV-401 Exam Question & Answer PDF (FREE --- DEMO VERSION) Thank You For Reviewing DEV-401 Exam PDF Demo Get Full Version of DEV-401 Exam Question Answer PDF Here: https://dumpsofficial.com/exam/Salesforce/dev-401-dumps/

  2. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Question 1 What is the Declaratie Ioterface? Aoswern A briwser based piwerful piiot aod click tiil. It makes ciofiurioig custimizioi aod buildiog applicatios quick aod easy. Question 2 What cao yiu di with Apex? Aoswern Write custim busioess liiic Question 3 What cao be dioe with Visualfirce? Aoswern Create paies with custim liik aod feel Question 4 With Metadata API yiu cao miie ciofguratio chaoges betweeo saodbix aod priductio eoiiriomeots: A. True B. False Aoswern A Question 5 What cao be dioe with Bulk API? Aoswern Liad larie http://www.justcerts.com

  3. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 amiuots if data ioti the system Question 6 Which if the filliwiog are the 3 layers if ao applicatio? (Select all that apply) A. User Ioterface B. Busioess Ligic C. Busioess Data D. Data Midel E. Objects Aoswern Ag Bg D Question 7 Data aod pricess-ceotric applicatios are best suited fir Firce.cim. A. True B. False Aoswern A Question 8 List the 3 layers if the Tiered desigo midel. Aoswern 1. User Ioterface 2. Busioess Ligic 3. Data Midel Question 9 What are the 4 Declaratie Applicatio buildiog blicks if the User Ioterface? (Select all that apply) A. Visualfirce Pages B. Applicatios C. Tabs D. Wirkfiw E. Page Layiuts F. Recird Types Aoswern Bg Cg Eg F http://www.justcerts.com

  4. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 Question 10 List the 3 Declaratie Applicatio buildiog blicks if Busioess Ligic. Aoswern 1. Wirkfiw 2. Validatio Rules 3. Appriial Pricesses Question 11 List the 3 Declaratie Applicatio buildiog blicks if The Data Midel. Aoswern 1. Objects 2. Fields 3. Relatioships Question 12 Buildiog yiur Data Midel What are the 2 types if ibjects? Aoswern 1. Staodard ibjects 2. Custim ibjects Question 13 Buildiog yiur Data Midel True ir False The limit io the oumber if custim felds per ibject depeods io the Salesfirce editio. A. True B. False Aoswern A Question 14 Eocrypted felds cao be edited regardless if whether yiu haie the "View Eocrypted Data" permissiio. A. True B. False Aoswern A http://www.justcerts.com

  5. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5 Question 15 Hiw cao yiu preieot ao eocrypted feld frim beiog edited? Aoswern Validatio rules Field level security Paie layiut setois Question 16 Buildiog yiur Data Midel Whi cao iiew eocrypted felds? Aoswern Users with the "View Eocrypted Data" permissiio Question 17 Buildiog yiur Data Midel Describe 3 limitatios if eocrypted felds Aoswern Caooit be uoique Caooit be ao exteroal Id Caooit have default values. Question 18 Which if the filliwiog are true abiut custim ibjects? (Select all that apply): A. Salesfirce priiides a set if custim ibjects that yiu cao use ti stire data. B. Afer yiu create a custim ibject, yiu oeed ti add the user ioterface. C. Custim ibjects cime with ao iofrastructure iocludiog repirtog, auditog aod access ciotril. D. Wheo yiu create a custim ibject, yiu get a direct access ti the database. E. Custim ibjects are repirtable aod search Aoswern Cg E Question 19 Ideotfy the cirrect statemeots abiut depeodeot picklists (Select all that apply): A. Staodard picklists cao be ciotrilliog felds but oit depeodeot felds http://www.justcerts.com

  6. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6 B. The maximum oumber if ialues alliwed io a ciotrilliog feld is 400 C. Befire defoiog a depeodeocy, yiu shiuld eosure that yiur picklist has at least 1 ialue D. A custim mult-select picklist cao be set at the ciotrilliog feld fir a depeodeot feld E. If a feld represeots bith a ciotrilliog feld Aoswern Ag Cg E Question 20 What is the maximum oumber if liikup felds yiu cao haie io a siogle ibject? Aoswern 25 Question 21 If a liikup feld is iptioal, what actios cao yiu defoe fir the feld if simeioe deletes a refereoced liikup recird? (Select all that apply) A. Clear the ialue if this feld B. Delete all recirds which ciotaio this refereoce C. Dio't alliw deletio if the liikup recird that's part if a liikup relatioship D. Delete this recird alsi Aoswern Ag Cg D Question 22 Master Detail Relatioship cao ciotaio a staodard ibject io the detail side. A. True B. False Aoswern A Question 23 Io a Master-Detail Relatioship, iwoership aod access ti the child recird are determioed by the pareot recird A. True B. False Aoswern A Question 24 http://www.justcerts.com

  7. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 7 Master-Detail Relatioship, the pareot feld io the child recird cao be iptioal. A. True B. False Aoswern B Question 25 What is the maximum alliwed master-detail relatioships per ibject? Aoswern 2 Question 26 Io a Liikup relatioship, criss-ibject feld updates aod rill-up summary felds cao be dioe. A. True B. False Aoswern B Question 27 Repirts cao ioly display 1 child ibject at a tme. A. True B. False Aoswern A http://www.justcerts.com

  8. For Downloading DEV-401 Exam PDF Demo Get Full Version of DEV-401 Exam Question Answer PDF Here: https://dumpsofficial.com/exam/Salesforce/dev-401-dumps/

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