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H510 INTERNSHIP/ORGANIZATIONAL EXPERIENCE. Orientation and Answers to Frequently Asked Questions. What is an internship/organizational experience?. Final, practical experience in the OMPH program Worth 6 credits (200 hours), over one ten week term
H510INTERNSHIP/ORGANIZATIONAL EXPERIENCE Orientation and Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
What is an internship/organizational experience? • Final, practical experience in the OMPH program • Worth 6 credits (200 hours), over one ten week term • Taken after completion of all required MPH courses
What is the purpose? • To provide a professional experience where knowledge from coursework is applied in a real-world setting • Opportunity to apply existing skills and learn new ones • Opportunity to gain experience within the field of public health • Opportunity to reflect on learning objectives
Who takes H510? • All OMPH students must complete an internship or organizational experience. • The Environment, Safety and Health, Health Promotion, Epidemiology, Biostatistics,and International Health tracks require an internship. • The Health Management and Policy track requires an organizational experience.
What are the prerequisites? • Complete all MPH coursework • Complete the Application and Learning Contract form, before meeting with your faculty advisor to: • discuss interests and possible sites for an internship/organizational experience, and • the requirements for completing the learning contract
What is involved in H510? • Internship/organizational site selection • Application and Learning Contract form approved • 6 credits (total 200 hours)- register for H510 • Apply knowledge in a real-world competency based experience • Full-fill track and student-specified competencies • Develop final summary and evaluation reports
How do I find an internship/organizational experience? • Announcements posted on the OMPH listserv • Site identified in consultation with faculty advisor or other faculty • Your own ideas and contacts
Where have students found internships/organizational experiences in the past? • Health departments • Healthcare organizations • Non-profit organizations • Worksite programs • International contacts • Government agencies • Industrial settings
What is a preceptor? • Your site supervisor • Appropriate mentorship preceptors must have public health credentials or appropriate health related credentials and experience • Preceptor cannot be your faculty advisor
Are internships/organizational experiences paid? • Not expected or required • May be negotiated between student and preceptor • University usually is not involved in salary/wage arrangements
What needs to be done? • Meet with your faculty advisor and the internship coordinator to discuss possible sites • Have faculty advisor fill out form giving final approval to engage in an internship. • Work with advisor and internship coordinator to find a placement and site preceptor • Complete the Application and Learning Contract and the Internship/Organizational Experience Information Form and discuss with internship coordinator. • Provide copies of both forms to the preceptor, to advisor, to coordinator, and to Eileen Kasper in the Dean’s office.
What needs to be done? • Complete, get signatures, and submit the “Request for ‘To-Be-Arranged’ Course Form”; available in department office • Complete registration for H510 – must register for the entire duration of the internship/organizational experience
What needs to be done? • Maintain an ongoing internship/organizational experience journal • Meet or communicate with internship coordinator as specified periodically during internship/organizational experience • Immediately discuss any concerns or questions with internship coordinator.
What needs to be done? • Fulfill the Learning Contract as specified • Submit Internship/Organizational Experience Summary Report and Internship/Organizational Experience Evaluation Report to internship coordinator and faculty advisor • Request that preceptor complete the Student Evaluation Form for submission directly to the internship coordinator • Complete the H510 Checklist
What do I do if I am involved with data that might be used for my thesis? • Develop proposal under supervision of faculty advisor and committee members • Gain approval of proposal • Submit to IRB for approval, as necessary
Why is the learning contract important? • Identifies information about the site • Defines learning objectives, skill requirements, and anticipated outcomes • Establishes timeline for task completion
How do I write learning objectives? • Begin with an action verb that matches the means of performance assessment. • Describe what you will be able to do as a result of the objective. • Describe the intended outcome or product, not the process.
How do I write learning objectives? • Write only one measurable objective for each skill. • Learning objectives must reference and build upon the track competencies.
What are the summary report components? • The report should be a minimum of 10 pages, typed, double-spaced and must include the following sections: • I. Introduction • II. Evaluation of Learning Objectives • III. Evaluation of Track Competencies • IV. Conclusion and Recommendations
What are the other final requirements for the internship/organizational experience? • Submit Internship/Organizational Experience Evaluation Report to faculty advisor • Request that preceptor complete the Student Evaluation Form and return it directly to the internship coordinator • Submit the Internship Checklist to internship coordinator
Summary of paperwork to be completed during internship/organizational experience See Internship/Organizational Experience section of the OSU MPH Handbook 1. Faculty internship approval form 2. Internship/Organizational Experience Application and Learning Contract (copies to advisor, internship coordinator, preceptor, and Public Health Graduate Programs Manager, E. Kaspar) 3. Internship/Organizational Experience Information Form 4. Internship/Organizational Experience Summary Report 5. Internship/Organizational Experience Evaluation Report 6. Student Evaluation Form 7. Internship/Organizational Experience Checklist
How can I make sure my experience is a good experience? • Talk with others who have interned at your site, interact with other OMPH students about possible sites • Meet with your internship coordinator, faculty advisor, and preceptor to clarify learning objectives • Complete all requirements in a timely manner • Immediately discuss concerns or questions with the internship coordinator
How do I register for H510? • Complete all required MPH coursework • Complete Learning Contract and meet with faculty advisor/internship coordinator • Complete the “Request for ‘To-Be-Arranged’ Course Form (available online and in the department’s main office) and have signed by internship coordinator • Register for H 510
What are the deadlines? • Must submit the Learning Contract before registering for H510 • Registration for H510 must be done before the internship/organizational experience is started & must be for the duration of the actual internship/organizational experience • To receive a final grade, you must submit all final requirements before the end of the term, as discussed with the internship coordinator.
How is the grade determined? • Graded Pass/No Pass: • Pass: Satisfactory internship report documenting: • Accomplishment of learning objectives • Insights about relevant previous coursework • Preceptor’s recommended evaluation of student’s progress • No Pass: insufficient documentation • Internship coordinator and faculty advisor will discuss final grade and options if unsatisfactory outcome is determined
What are the Track Specific Standards/Requirements? • In addition to meeting the MPH program requirements for the internship/organizational experience, the student must meet track-specific standards and requirements for the internship or organizational experience.
What are the ESH Track Competencies? 1. Identify and assess the major environment, safety, and health hazards that impact workers and the general population. 2. Communicate culturally appropriate strategies for preventing and controlling environment, safety and health hazards. 3. Conduct environment, safety and health applied research.
What are the ESH Track Competencies? 4. Analyze the interrelationship among the organization, delivery, and financing of environment, safety and health-related services. 5. Apply environment, safety and health knowledge and skills in practical settings. 6. Adhere to established ESH professional ethical standards and practices.
What are the EHS Internship Requirements? • Student must develop appropriate learning competencies for the EHS internship and document them in the learning contract. • Student must describe how their area of emphasis, internship, and career objectives are connected.
What are the EHS Internship Requirements? • Student must be able to demonstrate that the placement is competency based including opportunities to develop EHS Track Competencies #1-6 • Student may seek placements in public and/or private sector organizations with qualified preceptors in the area of Environment, Safety, & Health. • Student must complete a “Request for ‘To-Be-Arranged’ Course Form” before registering for H510 for the entire duration of the actual internship.
What are the EHS Internship Requirements? • Student must submit both bi-weekly progress reports and a final summary of their work in the practice setting. These reports must be accepted by students’ faculty advisors. • In their final reports, student must describe and evaluate the degree to which they demonstrated their individual and EHS Track learning competencies during their field experience.
What are the EHS Internship Requirements? • Preceptor must evaluate the degree to which student accomplished the stated individual and track learning competencies, using the student evaluation form provided by the student. • The evaluation form must be submitted directly to the internship coordinator. • Student will orally present activities and respond to questions in an open forum, which includes three faculty members who will evaluate the student’s demonstration of stated competencies.
What are the Health Management & Policy Track (HMP) Competencies? 1. Conceptualize, analyze, and resolve problems related to health services delivery and finance. 2. Identify and apply economic financial, legal, organizational, political, and ethical theories and frameworks. 3. Employ appropriate qualitative and quantitative techniques to manage human, fiscal, technological, information, physical, and other resources.
What are the Health Management & Policy Track (HMP) Competencies? 4. Establish and manage systems and processes to assess organizational performance for continuous improvement of quality, safety, and effectiveness. 5. Act ethically and professionally, and be responsive to community variations in cultures and sociodemographics. 6. Lead in all levels of public and private health services organizations.
What are the Health Management & Policy Track (HMP) Competencies? 7. Communicate, solve problems and make decisions related to health policy and management in the public and private sectors. 8. Integrate theory and practice to plan, implement, and evaluate strategies and policies in health services programs, systems, and organizations.
What are the HMP Organizational Experience Requirements? • In consultation with the faculty advisor, student must enroll in either H510 (organizational experience) or H506 (project) for the duration of the actual experience/project. • Students in either option are required to present their final work product to a faculty committee during a presentation open to the university community.
What are the HMP Organizational Experience Requirements? • The student must work on an administrative, policy or management issue confronting a public, nonprofit or health services organization. • The experience site and work scope must be pre-approved by the relevant faculty advisor. • Student is encouraged to maintain a journal during the experience to help in the preparation of the reflective paper. • Student must complete a “Request for ‘To-Be-Arranged’ Course Form” before registering for H510 for the entire duration of the actual internship.
What are the HMP Organizational Experience Requirements? Upon completion of the 200 hours of practice work: 1. The community or organization preceptor will evaluate the student’s performance with respect to the competencies designated at the beginning of the experience, including at minimum Track Competencies 5, 6, and 8. 2. The student will document the experience and its product for the host organization.
What are the HMP Organizational Experience Requirements? 3. The student will prepare a reflective paper (minimum 10 pages) on the experience that addresses the utility of the experience for the student and offers personal reflection on: • achievement of the student's learning objectives articulated at the beginning of the organizational experience, including Track Competencies 5,6, and 8; and • opportunities for integration of curricular content in practice; and future career directions based on the experience and related learning.
What are the HMP Organizational Experience Requirements? 4. The student will make an oral presentation of their final work product to a faculty committee. The presentation will be open to the university community. 5. Preceptor will submit directly to the internship coordinator a competency assessment instrument, which is provided in the field experience handbook, evaluating the student’s performance of stated competencies.
What are the Health Promotion (HP) Track Competencies? 1. Apply theory in the development, implementation, and evaluation of health promotion interventions programs, and policies. 2. Develop interventions and programs to effect change at multiple levels, including individual, community, organizations, and policy. 3. Design and implement strategies to promote health.
What are the Health Promotion (HP) Track Competencies? 4. Solicit and integrate input from community and organization stakeholders. 5. Design and deliver health communication messages. 6. Evaluate and interpret results from program evaluations and other research. 7. Define research problems, frame research questions, design research procedures, and outline methods of analysis.
What are the Health Promotion (HP) Track Competencies? 8. Apply ethical principles that govern the practice of Public Health. 9. Enact cultural competency in diverse social and cultural communities. 10. Develop a substantive area of emphasis.
What are the Health Promotion Internship Requirements? • Student may seek H510 placement in public or private sector organization that offers qualified health promotion preceptors. • Student must complete a learning contract, prior to the start of placement. • Student must complete a “Request for ‘To-Be-Arranged’ Course Form” before registering for H510 for the entire duration of the actual internship.
What are the Health Promotion Internship Requirements? As part of the learning contract: • Student must develop individual learning competencies for the internship; • Student must describe how the area of emphasis, internship,and career objectives are connected; and • Student must describe the Health Promotion track competencies of which they intend to gain mastery during their internships. These must include, at minimum, track competencies #1, 3, 4, 8, 9, and 10.
What are the Health Promotion Internship Requirements? • After completing the internship, student must complete an internship summary report, which must be approved by the internship coordinator and the faculty advisor. • In the final summary report student must describe and evaluate the degree to which they accomplished their individual and track learning competencies during their internship.
What are the Health Promotion Internship Requirements? • Preceptor must evaluate, using a survey instrument provided in the Internship Handbook, the degree to which students accomplished their individual learning competencies and attained the track competencies. • This evaluation must be submitted to the internship coordinator.
What are the International Health Track Competencies? 1. Design and manage health development programs considering health, social, political, cultural, and environmental factors. 2. Work in, and adapt to, any global context for health development. 3. Integrate global, political, economic, and cultural systems knowledge into health development.
What are the International Health Track Competencies? 4. Manage health development programs in global settings. 5. Develop a disciplinary subspecialty to be applied to international public health. 6. Identify culturally sensitive and socio-economically appropriate strategies in health development. 7. Design and manage health development programs in accordance to universally and locally acceptable ethical standard.
What are the International Health Internship Requirements? • Student must develop individual learning competencies for the IH internship. • Student must describe how their area of specialization, internship, and career objectives are connected. • Student must describe how the H510 practicum will offer opportunities to demonstrate International Health track competencies 1-7.