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An opportunity to integrate theoretical knowledge with actual practice in social work. Field internships and seminars provide a hands-on learning experience.
Field Education Information2014 - 2016 or 2014 - 2017 CSU Long Beach School of Social Work
Field Education • An opportunity to integrate theoretical knowledge with actual practice • An opportunity to practice the skills that you are learning in the classroom • It is the “Heart of Social Work” thus the most exciting! Field consists of two experiences: • Field Internship in an agency • Field Seminar on campus Hours in class are in addition to the 1000 Field hours
Field: The Heart of Social Work FIELD INTERNSHIP • 2 Internships - minimum of 500 hours each year • 2-year students: Foundation Field 2014 – 2015 Concentration Field 2015 – 2016 • 3-year students: Foundation Field 2015 – 2016 Concentration Field 2016 - 2017 • Daytime Hours and a schedule determined by agency • Maximum – 2 – 8 hour days • Minimum 1 - 8 hour day & 2 - 4 hour blocks of time • No agencies with only weekend or evening hours available.
Field: The Heart of Social Work FIELD SEMINAR Field Seminar – 2 hrs/week 2-year students: Mondays at 1 pm 3-year students: Mondays at 5 pm OR Saturdays at 8 am You will have an opportunity to choose. Practice Courses concurrent with Field Internship The 3 Year Model requires that student be available for classes Monday night, Wednesday night and Saturday. Therefore, Saturday cannot be one of your field days.
Field: The Heart of Social Work FIELD EDUCATION Field is graded Credit or No Credit. It means not just showing up and then completing hours. PARTICIPATE, DEMONSTRATE, APPLY SKILLS YOU ARE LEARNING. Internship is about learning in the context of the agency, not practice as an employee.
ACCOMMODATION NEEDED DUE TO DISABILITY? We work closely with Disabled Student Services You must be registered with them if accommodation is needed in Field.
Basic Expectations Before you begin your foundation year field placement, you must attend a mandatory Field Lab, which will be part of “Beach Academy” 2-year students: This will take place on Tuesday, September 2nd. There will be a lab fee of $25 or less. More information will be emailed to you over the summer 3-year students: Your Lab will take place in September 2015. You will receive more information next spring. Lab prepares you for the Internship Experience Notices will be posted on “Student Corner” in BeachBoard.
Field Placement Information (continued) Different experience from your work – “stretch yourself” Experiences vary from case management to psychotherapy. 1st year is Generalist/Direct Practice focused Staying in the “learner role” in the internship. Second Year Field within your concentration can include clinical (micro); Macro (Administrative) = Grant Writing, Program Planning, Community Focused, etc. Agency of Employment if it meets certain criteria and approved by Field Faculty
Special Programs For students who choose Child and Family Well-Being as a concentration: PPS – School Social Work – 2nd year Field placement UCCF – Public Child Welfare with work commitment in LA County DCFS –2nd year only CalSWEC Child Welfare – stipend with work commitment For students who choose Integrated Health as a concentration: LA County DMH - 2nd year –Stipend – work commitment in LA County DMH For students who choose Adulthood and Aging as a concentration: GSWEC – stipend program – 2nd year -no work commitment
Agency Agreements Only University-Approved Agencies are used for Field Internship sites. Legal Contract with the University. Field Instructors must have MSW, at least 2 yrs post MSW Field Instructors must attend Trainings Students must not attempt to develop their own placements; however, if you know of agencies interested in interns, let us know.
Seminars Students assigned to a specific seminar Students remain in the same assigned seminar for the entire academic year (both semesters) Seminar Instructor is the Field Liaison. This individual will conference with the student and the Field Instructor once each semester. Field Seminar is conducted as a group of typically 14-16 students. Student is expected to participate, share, support each other, provide feedback, raise issues, problem solve and process. Seminar days and times shared earlier
Critical Issues Maintain professionalism Being responsible for learning cooperatively with field instructor and agency Daytime hours – no agency offers just evening hours to students Student experiences function of the agency Plan your schedule now in preparation for field!
Critical Issues (continued) Time Management is critical issue. Challenges of rigors of school, life, work, internship, personal responsibilities Courses are sequenced according to the model you are in. You may not rearrange the sequencing without first checking with Dr. Nancy Meyer-Adams, Associate Director.
Critical Issues(continued) Stipends are very limited, especially for 1st year Do NOT count on a stipend. Establish CSULB email address Frequent Student Corner on BeachBoard! Check out Field Bulletin Board regularly for information that might be helpful for you.
Placement Process3-year Students Foundation Year • Attend Field Orientation in spring of 2015 • Interview with field faculty. • CSULB will refer you to your placement agency in May-June2015 • Contact the agency ASAP to arrange a pre-placement interview. • Once the agency accepts you, you can complete any screening requirements. Concentration Year • More choice: concentration, agency of employment, MACRO/administration, UCCF, PPS, Mental Health and GSWEEC stipend programs. • Students referred to 2 agencies for interviews – you get to rank order.
Placement Process2-year Students Foundation Year • Sign-up for a field interview TODAY. • Download, print, and complete the field application and bring to your field interview. • CSULB will refer you to your placement agency in June. • Contact the agency ASAP to arrange a pre-placement interview. • Once the agency accepts you, you can complete any screening requirements. Concentration Year • More choice: concentration, agency of employment, MACRO/administration, UCCF, PPS, Mental Health and GSWEEC stipend programs. • Students referred to 2 agencies for interviews – you get to rank order.
Field: The Heart of Social Work • CSULB is responsible for protecting the educational integrity of the field experience; • You are responsible for your own learning and to be professional according to Code of Ethics of NASW. BE ENGAGED, REALISTIC, MANAGE YOUR TIME, AND ENJOY! IT IS WELL WORTH IT!