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CEI National Work Experience Symposium Jane Artess University of Warwick November 14 th – 15 th 2011. Outline. Some recent findings from research and policy-making Some issues that still confront us Key questions for today and for ‘back at the ranch’. post Wolf and all that ….
CEI National Work Experience SymposiumJane ArtessUniversity of WarwickNovember 14th – 15th 2011
Outline • Some recent findings from research and policy-making • Some issues that still confront us • Key questions for today and for ‘back at the ranch’
post Wolf and all that … • High quality experience of the workplace will be an important component of these programmes for many 16-19 year olds. Under these proposals, providers will be free to offer experience of the workplace as part of a programme of study where that will help the student progress. We will work through the funding rules that need to change to enable this to happen whilst ensuring proper accountability for public money.
Elements of a good internship • Objectives should be negotiated • Worthwhile, meaningful and clearly part of an overall programme of study • Maximum flexibility to suit individuals and employers • The placement should be overseen by a named individual (in addition to person having oversight of the programme of study)
Little and Harvey, 2006 • Little research on the impact of work experience on learning, except skills acquisition and gaining entry to work • Found that work experience did have positive impact on learning in HE – especially communication skills, networking, problem-solving, personal organisation, meeting deadlines, and • Learning from work placement provided a vehicle for the application of theories …
In the first and second year you do see them (other students you work with in teams) as friends but now it’s more of a case of you see them as friends in your social time but see them as colleagues when it comes to doing your work. I learned that through my placement.
Real Prospects, 2011 • Real Prospects, survey of graduates views of their employer, found: • 22 per cent had worked for their employer before they applied to their current job, of these, • 45 per cent had been on work experience (or internship) and • 27 per cent had been on placement as part of their degree • 28 per cent had been employed in a casualrole
Liz – Marketing Executive While I was at university I decided I wanted to work in brand promotion so I went on a 3-day insight into media course which was organised by my university’s careers service and then tried to find some relevant PR and marketing experience. While I was studying I did a one-week placement at a PR agency and then a four-week press & marketing internship with an educational organisation. After I graduated I spent a few months working abroad and when I got back to the UK I sent my CV to the marketing agency I wanted to work for with a speculative cover letter which basically said that I would love to work for them and that they had inspired me to get into marketing. I had two interviews with the agency, which went well, but unfortunately they decided that they needed someone more senior so I resigned myself to the fact that it wasn’t going to happen. I moved back to my university town for another internship, but then a couple of months later the marketing agency got back in touch to offer me a different role so I went back for another interview & got the job. And here I am!’ Subject studied: History of Art
Current student of history I don’t really think History is a subject that lends itself to a particular work placement and I think to try and shoehorn in a placement for the sake of it would detract from the subject. Some subjects, like Philosophy and History can be studied for the sake of becoming more intelligent rather than channeling people into a specific job. (March 2011)
HEFCE – Oakleigh/CRAC, 2011 Evaluation of the HEFCE funded undergrad and graduate internship schemes: • There are estimated to be 200,000 student placements per year of which 25 – 30,000 are ‘sandwich’ and a similar amount are ‘block’ • There is likely to be unmet demand. • Best impact on social mobility (WP) will derive from fully supported, structured internships or experiences. • Were around 35,000 graduate internships for 2010.
… found • Targeted for social mobility – only 33% had been on work experience before • Higher participation amongst Black and Minority Ethnic students • Students participation was in order to enhance employability – gain skills – experience an industry • Just 24% said they applied just to earn some money.
Futuretrack respondents .. • 47% had paid work in term time (three quarters had worked in vacations) – just 22% had not worked – especially in Scotland and N. Ireland • More working undertaken in ‘lower tariff’ institutions and had doubled in ‘highest tariff’ • Mens’ working had increased from 9 to 13 hours per week; womens’ from 8 to 12 hours • Men less worried about debt than women (expectation of higher earnings, perhaps?) and higher earnings expected associated with type of institution attended rather than gender or socio economic group
Applying for unpaid jobs and internships • Three quarters would like to - but 38% cannot • Financial reasons act as barrier but not socio-economic background • Women more likely to say that they could not afford to • Students who had not done work placements in course were more likely to say they planned to do unpaid/internship after graduation • Subject and institution also affect this.
Issues - innovation and awareness is strong but .. • Ensuring high quality experience of work • Knotty issue of financial support • Work-based learning vs employment preparation • Provision equitable access to learning from (work) experience. • Accreditation as quality assurance • Provision of better support to students to articulate their learning from experience • Hazards of ‘simplification’ and destinations data
Resources • E-consultation on 16 – 19 proposals at http://www.education.gov.uk • “Learning through placements and beyond” report by Little/Harvey for HECSU; “Futuretrack” study at stage 3 and “Real Prospects” surveys. See Research reports on www.hecsu.ac.uk • “Increasing opportunities for high quality HE work experience” report by Oakleigh/CRAC for HEFCE on www.hefce.ac.uk
Thank you Contact Jane Artess on j.artess@prospects.ac.uk or telephone 0161 277 5208