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SM A R T C od e ™ R e f e r e n ce Tool Ov e r v iew

SM A R T C od e ™ R e f e r e n ce Tool Ov e r v iew S MA R T C o de ™ is a c l i n i c al d o cumen t a t i on p ro g r a m (C D I ) re f e r e n ce to o l de v e lo p e d b y CO D ES MA R T G rou p .

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SM A R T C od e ™ R e f e r e n ce Tool Ov e r v iew

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  1. Helping yourorganizationbeSMART aboutCDI&ICD-10

  2. SMARTCode™ ReferenceTool Overview • SMARTCode™is aclinical documentationprogram(CDI) referencetooldevelopedbyCODESMARTGroup. • Ourproprietary toolis aweb based subscriptionservicedesignedby clinicalstaffwithexperienceas clinical documentationspecialists andsupportstheclinicianin identifyingtheMS-DRG. Additionally,it displaysthestrategies for MS-DRG,ICD-10 CMandICD-10PCSdocumentationandfacilitates identificationofMCC /CC andseverityLevels. Lastly,thetoolidentifies HCC’s, qualityindicators,andpotentialdenials sostaffcannotify the neededstafftoassureconcurrentresolutionofissues. • Key elementsofSMARTCode™include: • Translatedtermsfromcoding toclinicalfriendlyterminology • Clinically focusedMS-DRG,ICD-10 CMandICD-10PCSdocumentation strategies • Searchfiltercapabilitiestoviewanyclinicaltermbyspecificelement • Allows multiplediagnosis and surgicalterms tobeviewedsidebysidewiththepertinent MS-DRG,relativeweight,andstrategyinformation. Thisfacilitates theCDIthoughtprocess by allowingthecliniciantocompareandcontrasttodeterminethe best option • Assures appropriatedocumentationfor ICD-10DRG andHCC revenueandqualityinitiatives • Allows foramorecomprehensiveapproachtodocumentationimprovement toassuremaximum benefit toyourorganization’s bottom line. Helping yourorganizationbeSMART aboutCDI&ICD-10

  3. Howto Use SMARTCode™ UponpurchaseofaSMARTCodelicense,youwillreceivealinktotheSMARTCodeReferencetool websitewithyourlog-inand temporarypassword. The passwordmaybereset byeachusertothewordoftheir choice HelpDesk AsubscriptiontotheCDISMART™referencetoolincludeshelp desk support. Ourhelp deskcan becontactedtollfreeat1-844- CDISMART(1-844-234-7627)orviaemail atcdisupport@codesmartgroup.com.Ourstaffcananswerquestionsregarding searchandfilter functions,passwordissues,etc.Also,suggestions regardingthe additionofterms or strategies canbe submittedvia email for considerationinthe nextupdate. Helping yourorganizationbeSMART aboutCDI&ICD-10

  4. CommonAcronyms Helping yourorganizationbeSMART aboutCDI&ICD-10

  5. SearchandFilter Functions Helping yourorganizationbeSMART aboutCDI&ICD-10

  6. SearchFunction: CHF Helping yourorganizationbeSMART aboutCDI&ICD-10

  7. SearchResults: Helping yourorganizationbeSMART aboutCDI&ICD-10

  8. . Choosing Diagnoses to Further Research: Helping yourorganizationbeSMART aboutCDI&ICD-10

  9. View Detail: Helping yourorganizationbeSMART aboutCDI&ICD-10

  10. Looking Up Multiple Diagnoses CHF;CAP pneumonia;respiratory fail Search Helping yourorganizationbeSMART aboutCDI&ICD-10

  11. Choosing Diagnoses Helping yourorganizationbeSMART aboutCDI&ICD-10

  12. Comparing and Contrasting DRGs Helping yourorganizationbeSMART aboutCDI&ICD-10

  13. Searching by ICD-9 or ICD-10 Code I10 Helping yourorganizationbeSMART aboutCDI&ICD-10

  14. Multi-Term Search Function: Totalhipreplacement;CHF;Diabetestype2 Helping yourorganizationbeSMART aboutCDI&ICD-10

  15. Other Ways to Use the Filter Function Cholecyst Helping yourorganizationbeSMART aboutCDI&ICD-10

  16. Other Ways to Use the Filter Function Helping yourorganizationbeSMART aboutCDI&ICD-10

  17. Finding CCs, MCCs, etc… Helping yourorganizationbeSMART aboutCDI&ICD-10

  18. Other Filter Options Helping yourorganizationbeSMART aboutCDI&ICD-10

  19. Other Filter Options Helping yourorganizationbeSMART aboutCDI&ICD-10

  20. Other Filter Options Helping yourorganizationbeSMART aboutCDI&ICD-10

  21. Using Code and DRG Strategies to Determine if a Query is Needed Helping yourorganizationbeSMART aboutCDI&ICD-10

  22. CDI Smarton AndroidTabletusingtheGoogleChromeBrowser. • Download ChromeBrowser –Googlefrom GooglePlay or other appservice. • Open Chrome web browser>opensettings>checkRequestDesktop Site. • Enterwww.cdismart.com • <LOGIN>;<SmartCodeReference Tool>;<CDI SmartRef ToolLogin>;<User Name>;<User Password>;<Login>. • CDI Smarton AndroidTablet usingtheFirefoxWeb Browser Download Firefoxweb browser fromGooglePlayor other appservice. • Open Firefoxweb browser>opensettings>checkRequestDesktop Site. • Enterwww.cdismart.com • <LOGIN>;<SmartCodeReference Tool>;<CDI SmartRef ToolLogin>;<User Name>;<User Password>;<Login>. Helping yourorganizationbeSMART aboutCDI&ICD-10

  23. CDI SmartTM software is a clinical documentation program (CDI) workflow, monitoring and reference tool developed by The CodeSmartTM Group. • Organizes tasks associated with assignments, chart reviews and Clinical Documentation Specialists’ workflow processes. • Systematizes, tracks and supports all aspects of query templates, generation and response. • Facilitates the capture of DRG assignment for the MS, AP and APR-DRG systems. • Coordinates and streamlines the DRG reconciliation process. • Provides robust report functionality to monitor program performance metrics, trends and identification of potential program opportunities. Call Us Today! 1-844-CDISMART (1-844-234-7627) Helping yourorganizationbeSMART aboutCDI&ICD-10

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