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Homework 5<br>due Wednesday, March 8, 5pm<br>Submit zipped .m files on Canvas and printed published file in 182 George St box #15 or #16<br>You are encouraged to work with other students on this assignment but you are expected to write<br>and work on your own answers. You don’t need to provide the name of students you worked with.<br>You can find information about usage and syntax of any built-in Matlab function by typing<br>help xfunctionnamey<br>in the Command window, where is the space character. You are expected to submit<br>(I) a zipped file containing all your .m and any .out files online on Canvas<br>(II) a printout of the files produced by the publish command of the filled in template and all<br>other .m files your template uses in the dropbox in 182 George St lobby (#15 for S01 and<br>#16 for S02)<br>
educational course/tutorialoutlet.com APMA 0160 Homework 5 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.tutorialoutlet.com Homework 5due Wednesday, March 8, 5pmSubmit zipped .m files on Canvas and printed published file in 182 George St box #15 or #16You are encouraged to work with other students on this assignment but you are expected to writeand work on your own answers. You don’t need to provide the name of students you worked with.You can find information about usage and syntax of any built-in Matlab function by typinghelp xfunctionnameyin the Command window, where is the space character. You are expected to submit(I) a zipped file containing all your .m and any .out files online on Canvas(II) a printout of the files produced by the publish command of the filled in template and allother .m files your template uses in the dropbox in 182 George St lobby (#15 for S01 and#16 for S02)
educational course/tutorialoutlet.com CA 103Q1 File Size, Transmission Speed, and Transmission Time FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.tutorialoutlet.com Cloud 9, a cloud storage service provider based in San Diego, has just announced that it is running out of money and will be shutting down operations soon. It has given all its clients fifteen (15) days to move their data out, either back to their own facility or to an alternative service provider. Founded six years ago, Cloud 9 has since acquired 500 business clients, who use Cloud 9's infrastructure to store archived data. Among these clients, a few are large companies with several terabytes (TB) of data archived at Cloud 9, but on average each client company stores about 400 Gigabytes (GB) of data on Cloud 9's disk drives. Cloud 9's connection to the Internet is a Gigabit Ethernet line that has an effective aggregate transmission rate of 1 Gbps (1,000,000,000 bits per second). To make your calculations easier, a few assumptions have been made as follows: 1. Cloud 9's Internet connection will be available 24 x 7 before the 15-day shutdown deadline. 2. Even if new funding could be arranged, there would be no time to add additional transmission lines to Cloud 9's facility before the deadline.
educational course/tutorialoutlet.com CIS 115So when do you think you would use a WHILE loop for an array FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.tutorialoutlet.com So when do you think you would use a WHILE loop for an array, and when would you use a FOR loop? Why? Why wouldn't you always use a FOR LOOP?
educational course/tutorialoutlet.com CIS 489 Final Project: Project Plan FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.tutorialoutlet.com Final Project: Project Plan Due Week 10 and worth 300 points This assignment consists of three (3) sections: a written project plan, a revised Gantt chart or project plan, and a project plan PowerPoint presentation. You must submit the three (3) sections as separate files for the completion of this assignment. Label each file name according to the section of the assignment for which it is written. Additionally, you may create and / or assume all necessary assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment. While taking all business and project parameters into consideration, make quality assumptions to support the following requirements. Section 1: Written Project Plan You are now in the final stage of the project plan development. All previous documentation will be combined into one (1) document that will serve as the statement of work for the project. Your goal is to have the project approved by the executive team and the venture capital group. The project plan is very detailed which is appropriate to accomplish the monumental task of implementation. However, the executive team is only interested in a ten (10) minute summation.
educational course/tutorialoutlet.com CMGT 410 Cloud computing FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.tutorialoutlet.com Cloud computing is a collection of individual technologies that become one integrated technology for deployment. Create a 3-page process map using Visio® showing the various components of cloud computing and who has responsibility for the implementation and support of the cloud. Additionally, include basic cloud essentials, security, virtualization and databases. Note: Responsible parties can include vendors, in-house IT, outsourced IT, security team, or hybrid group
educational course/tutorialoutlet.com CMIS 102Homework 2Test Case Creation FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.tutorialoutlet.com Homework 2 – Test Case Creation Using the following pseudocode, provide 3 unique test cases that would help validate youralgorithm. Be sure to place the test cases in a table showing the input values, and expected outputfor each test case.Write "Enter the price in dollars:"Input PriceWrite "Enter state sales tax(e.g. .06) :"Input SalesTaxSet Price = Price + (Price * SalesTax)Write "Price with Tax is" + Price Submit your word or PDF file to your assignments folder no later than the due date. Grading guidelinesSubmissionA minimum of 3 test cases were provided.
educational course/tutorialoutlet.com CMIS 111 Final Project FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.tutorialoutlet.com Final ProjectThe final project for this course consists of two case studies related to cybersecurity and the use of social networking and home computer use. Please review the case studies and respond using the guidelines provided below.Case Study 1: Securing your home computerYou just purchased a brand new computer for your home environment. It comes with the latest operating system, Internet connectivity and all accessories to complete your home office and school activities. You also have an Internet Service Provider where you can easily use the existing network to connect to the Internet and to perform some online banking.Describe the steps you plan to go through to ensure this new computer system remains as secure as possible. Be sure to discuss the details of firewall settings you plan to implement, browser privacy and security settings, and recommended software (e.g., Anti-virus and others) you will install. Also, describe your password strength policy you plan to adopt, and what you envision to do to ensure your online banking site is encrypted and uses the proper certificates.
educational course/tutorialoutlet.com CMIT 495 Active Directory Policy Statement General Active Directory Forest FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.tutorialoutlet.com Active Directory Policy StatementGeneralActive Directory Forest :Deployment of one Active Directory Forest will suffice for WWTC’s requirments.There are not requirements for data isolation within WWTC’s Active Directory configurationand any data separation can be performed using data isolation. A single-forest was chosenbecause it is very cost-effective and requires the least amount of administrative support. Forexample, with only one forest, the global catalog does not require synchronization acrossforests and management of a duplicate infrastructure is not required. An organizational forestmodel will be used with user accounts and resources contained in the forest and managedindependently. The forest will be used to provide service and data isolation. This has beenchosen insteady of other models where resources and users are isolated in separate forests.
educational course/tutorialoutlet.com CMIT 495Active Directory Policy StatementFOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.tutorialoutlet.com Active Directory Policy StatementGeneralActive Directory Forest :Deployment of one Active Directory Forest will suffice for WWTC’s requirments.There are not requirements for data isolation within WWTC’s Active Directory configurationand any data separation can be performed using data isolation. A single-forest was chosenbecause it is very cost-effective and requires the least amount of administrative support. Forexample, with only one forest, the global catalog does not require synchronization acrossforests and management of a duplicate infrastructure is not required. An organizational forestmodel will be used with user accounts and resources contained in the forest and managedindependently. The forest will be used to provide service and data isolation.
educational course/tutorialoutlet.com CMPS 11 Quiz5 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.tutorialoutlet.com CMPS 11 Quiz5This is a closed notes, closed book exam. June 3, 2013 Ok to leave out 1. (2 points) Given the following variation on the IntListElement class from class, what would be printed by theprogram Main1? Put the output on the lines shown in the comments.class IntListElement {IntListElement(int value, IntListElement e) {data = value;next = e;}IntListElement next;int data;}class Main1 {public static void main(String args) {IntListElement e1 = new IntListElement(1776,null);e1 = new IntListElement(1984, e1);
educational course/tutorialoutlet.com COM 140Project 3 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.tutorialoutlet.com Project 31. SpecificationThe third programming project involves writing a program to calculate the terms of the following sequence ofnumbers: 0 1 1 3 5 11 21 43 … where each term is twice the second previous term plus the previous term. The0th term of the sequence is 0 and the 1st term of the sequence is 1.The example below shows how to calculate the next sequence term:Current sequence: 0 1Current sequence: 0 1 1Current sequence: 0 1 1 3Current sequence: 0 1 1 3 5… etc. Calculate next term: 2 * 0 + 1 = 1Calculate next term: 2 * 1 + 1 = 3Calculate next term: 2 * 1 + 3 = 5
educational course/tutorialoutlet.com COP 3330 Upon completion of this program FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.tutorialoutlet.com ObjectiveUpon completion of this program,you should gain experience with the use of managing arrays inside of a class. ABETISMALCS Assessment This assignment is designated as one of the course assignments being used to assess basic programming skills for ABETISL‘LALCs requirements. Please see the syllabus for details. Note thatin addition to the normal grading scales, each student‘s submission Will be judged in several aspects on a scale of "HighlyEffwtive", ”Effective", or "Ineffective" , as specified byABETISNIAIES outcome assessment procedures. A student's submission that earns 70% of the available points will count as an overall score of ”Effective". Task You will write a class called Grid, and test it with a couple of programs. A Grid object will be made up or" a grid of positions, numbered with rows and columns. Row and column numbering
educational course/tutorialoutlet.com COSC 2315 Implement aprogram that will use a stack FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.tutorialoutlet.com Implement as program that will use a stack structure to check for correct placement of parentheses in an algebraic expression. Allow the use of ( ) [ ] { } characters as grouping symbols. Make sure that an error is reported for an expression of a form (...]. In addition report other possible parentheses related errors (too many levels, too many right paren., too many left paren.). Make sure to use 'silent error reporting' (and report any possible errors outside the main scanner loop). Hint - start with the program that checks '(...)' and when all the common errors are correctly reported, expand the parentheses syntax to ([{...}])
educational course/tutorialoutlet.com CS 161Assignment 4 Strings and Function FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.tutorialoutlet.com Assignment 4Strings and FunctionsDue: Sunday, February 19, 2017 11:59pm(90 pts) Problem Statement: Wheel of FortuneYou will implement the program for playing a modified Wheel of Fortune. The game must allow a user to enter the number of rounds to play and a new secret message (possibly containingblanks) with each round, and print the number of dashes/slots for the message (spaces do not get dashes, just the space).If you are not familiar with the game of Wheel of Fortune, then you can watch an episode on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8bZUXi7zDENOTE: I realize there are solutions to assignments online, but resist the temptation of usingthese because the assignments are checked against online resources, code submitted byclassmates, and code submitted by prior students for cheating/plagiarism. It is much moregratifying to complete this on your own.
educational course/tutorialoutlet.com CS 192 Let’s think about the use of Lists in everyday life FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.tutorialoutlet.com Let’s think about the use of Lists in everyday life. Provide an example and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using these types of Lists.
educational course/tutorialoutlet.com CS 210 Introduction to Programming Java Programming Assignment FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.tutorialoutlet.com CC& The output file will contain a list of vehicle license plate numbers (accessed via agetter) and the fine associated with that license, with the fines right-aligned on thedecimal poi§ If the file opened successfully, generate a report and write it to the output file.§ Define an instance method to produce a fines report.The method will create an output file with the fines report. The method should:o Have one parameter, the fines arrayo Read the filename for the report output file from the user.o Try to open the report output file· Store the calculated fine in the fines array.§ Calculate the ticket fine.§ Access the clockedSpeed and speedLimit data stored in the object using getters.§ Define a method to calculate and store values in the fines array. The method will:o Have one parameter, the empty fines arrayo Define constants for all fixed values in the calculations (from page 1 of this assignment).o For each ticket stored in the ticket array:· Display a message that explains which file could not be opened.o Return the count of tickets stored in the array.
educational course/tutorialoutlet.com CS 331, Spring 2017 Assignment #2 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.tutorialoutlet.com CS 331, Spring 2017 Assignment #2Greg PlaxtonJanuary 31, 2017For this assignment, you are required to turn in solutions to any two of Problems 1through 4, which appear in Section 2 below. Your solutions are due at the beginning of classon Thursday, February 9. Please refer to the course syllabus for the ground rules concerningcollaboration, and for the slack day policy governing lateness.Any corrections or clarifications related to this assignment will be announced in thelectures and on Piazza. You are responsible for being aware of any such announcements. 1 Exercises The following textbook exercises are recommended to help you to prepare for the tests. Wewill not be grading your solutions to these exercises, so you do not need to turn anything in.1. Exercise 3.10, page 110.2. Exercise 3.12, page 112.3. Exercise 4.15, page 196.
educational course/tutorialoutlet.com CS210 Introduction to Java Programming Assignment FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.tutorialoutlet.com CS210 Introduction to ProgrammingJava Programming Assignment 8: Array ImplementationNOTE: This assignment will be more challenging than the previous assignments, so make sure to start early and allocate enough time to complete it, including time you might need to seek any necessary help. Since this is the last program, the program may not be submitted more than 1 day late! Problem SummaryA local city would like you to write a program to help them analyze data on speeding tickets. City police have collected information about the speeding violations. They store data about each ticket issued during a one week period in a text data file. Data collected for each ticket includes the vehicle license plate number, the speed limit, and the clocked speed. From past data, the police department knows that it willnot issue more than 200 tickets per week.
educational course/tutorialoutlet.com CSIS 325CMS PROJECT – PHASE I INSTRUCTIONSFOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.tutorialoutlet.com CMS PROJECT – PHASE I INSTRUCTIONSPart A:Background Information:CMS Systems, Inc. is a company that provides information systems consulting services to companies in the telecom industry in the United States and the United Kingdom. Due to its success, CMS is hoping to expand its operations into other parts of Europe. Despite its large size, CMS currently uses a manual/spreadsheet-based process for maintaining employee and client data. Management has now decided to implement a company-wide database that will serve all of its operations.CMS currently employs 1,500 individuals (900 in the US and 600 in the UK) who serve as systems analysts, developers, managers, testers, maintenance engineers, accountants, lawyers, and sales representatives. Each employee has a first name, last name, unique CMS ID, office location, email address, salary, title, level, and supervisor.
educational course/tutorialoutlet.com Data Structure and complexity analysis Question FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.tutorialoutlet.com Question 1 (15 marks) Short Answer (maximum 20 words):Answer all five parts below.Part A (3 marks): What is the worst case time complexity for binary search on a BST with nelements? Explain. Part B (3 marks): The first time you run algorithm A on a dataset of n elements; it is faster thanalgorithm B. The second time you run algorithm A on a dataset of n elements; it is slower than algorithm B. Explain how this is possible. Give an example for algorithm A and algorithm B. Part C (3 marks): If both have n nodes and are sorted smallest to largest, will it be faster to find the largest value in a sorted linked list or a minimum-level BST? Explain. Part D (3 marks): What is the time complexity to delete the root of a minimum-level BST withnnodes? Explain. Part E (3 marks): An implementation of quicksort has its worst case of O(n2) for an array in sorted order. Explain how this is possible/how this version of quicksort was implemented. Page 2 of 5 Question 2 (10 marks) Complexity Analysis/Estimation:
educational course/tutorialoutlet.com Difference between two sets. Given two arrays ???? and ???? FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.tutorialoutlet.com Difference between two sets. Given two arrays ????[] and ????[], each containing distinct values, design a subquadratic algorithm to count the number of values that are contained either in array ????[] and array ????[] but not both. Create test program DiffSets.java that takes three command line arguments <size_of_a><size_of_b><number of iterations> For ex: java DiffSets 10 20 100 The program must do the following 1. Create arrays a and b of the mentioned size and fill it with uniformly random numbers between (0-max(size_a, size_b)) <- in this case this would be 0-20 2. Find the numbers that are only present in a or b but not both. 3. Repeat 1 and 2 for n iterations
educational course/tutorialoutlet.com Film Showings The Cinema Guild FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.tutorialoutlet.com Film ShowingsThe Cinema Guild Theatre Group wants the following collection of 21 data items to be implemented in a databaseto manage its member theatres in several towns. Provide the 3NF LDM that satisfies these requirements.Your answer must be the minimum required for a valid logical model solution. No extraneous entities orrelationships. Do not add *any* data items to the 21 items shown. You must label with a name each entity andeach relationship (between entities). Check carefully that you have satisfied all constraints A through K. ActorAddress_of_TheatreAdult_CountAdult_PriceChild_CountChild_Price
educational course/tutorialoutlet.com • Given a string variable string s; , initialize s such that it contains a paragraph • FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT • www.tutorialoutlet.com • Problem description: Given a string variablestring s;, initializessuch that it contains a paragraph in English text. You can do so within your program by either (1) hardcoding the initial value, e.g.,string s("hello world"); or (2) read in the initial value from the keyboard by calling thegetline( )function. Furthermore, this paragraph consists of no more than 100 tokens. Tokens are sequences of contiguous characters separated by any of the specified delimiters (e.g., white spaces). Please implement a C++ program to perform the following two tasks ons: • Implement the functionvoidgetLetterFreq(string s);to identify the frequency of each unique letter ('a'-'z', case insensitive) ins. This function will call the "cout<<" statement(s) to print out the frequencies on the screen.
educational course/tutorialoutlet.com IFSM 201 What risks and safeguards are associated with wireless communication? FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.tutorialoutlet.com What risks and safeguards are associated with wireless communication? What is “war driving” or “war flying”? Are you comfortable (or would you use) a wireless “hot spot” to do computer work? What safeguards might you use in accessing an unprotected (public) wireless communications? Are you more at risk using a wireless connection via laptop or a connection via a smart phone?
educational course/tutorialoutlet.com • IST 220 Java classes to model a small plane flying passengers from State College, PA to Orlando, FL • FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT • www.tutorialoutlet.com • In this assignment, you will be creating several Java classes to model a small plane flying passengers from State College, PA to Orlando, FL. • You must include: • An Aircraft class • A Pilot class • A Passenger class • A Stewardess class • A Suitcase class • An Address class • A Map class • You must model the following relationships: • Each Aircraft contains one Pilot, one Stewardess, and four Passengers • Each person (Pilot, Stewardess, or Passenger) has a Suitcase • Each person (Pilot, Stewardess, or Passenger) has an Address • Each Pilot has a Map
educational course/tutorialoutlet.com • IT 407 assignment 1 • FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT • www.tutorialoutlet.com • 1.5 Marks • Learning Outcome(s): • Evaluate the pros and cons of ethical theories. • Apply ethical theories to solve moral problems. • Question One • Evaluate the following scenario from the perspective of social contract theory? • Alexis, a gifted high school student, wants to become a doctor. Because she • comes from a poor family, she will need a scholarship in order to attend college. • Some of her classes require students to do extra research projects in order to • get an A. Her high school has a few older PCs, but there are always long lines • of students waiting to use them during the school day. After school, she usually • works at a part-time job to help support her family.
educational course/tutorialoutlet.com IT 409 Assignment 1 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.tutorialoutlet.com 1 College of Computing and Informatics IT Security and PoliciesIT409 Assignment 1[Total Mark for this Assignment is 25] Student Details:Name:### ID:### CRN:###Instructions:This Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard via the allocated folder.Email submission will not be accepted.You are advised to make your work clear and well-presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. You MUST show all your work.Late submission will result in ZERO marks being awarded.Identical copy from students or other resources will result in ZERO marks for all involved students. Convert this Assignment to PDF just before submission. Pg. 1 Assignment 1 Learning Outcome(s): Policy characteristics Identity and Q1- There are seven successful policy characteristics, list them all and give understand the one example from your experience for only one of these characteristics (NOT characteristics of from the book). a successful
educational course/tutorialoutlet.com IT 511Final Project Guidelines FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.tutorialoutlet.com IT 511: Final Project Guidelines and Grading GuideOverviewYour final project for this course is the creation of a Virtual World Java application that results in a virtual world, complete with an object that will act as a humanclone. A virtual world with a human clone would not be complete without additional objects for interaction, so you will be responsible for creating a “ShoutBox”and another object that will keep your human clone from getting lonely, and a virtual world application that will test your objects. Your final deliverables willinclude your working code (which your instructor will run in order to review your virtual world) as well as an annotated version of your written code that explains
educational course/tutorialoutlet.com IT CKIT-501-2Week 11 Individual Assignment FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.tutorialoutlet.com Name Email_address Location John <..n@abxz.com 5Mary <..h@abxz.com 3Philip <..x@abxz.com5 While there are many varieties of databases, the relational database model is the model utilised in common systems such as Oracle, MySQL, MS SQL Server and MS Access. As such, it is imperative to understand, recognise, and interpret relations within these databases. That said, consider the following relational database instructions: Employees
educational course/tutorialoutlet.com ITC 117Shelly Cashman Excel 2016 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.tutorialoutlet.com Shelly Cashman Excel 2016 | Module 1: SAM Project 1a Blooming Everywhere DeliveryCREATING A WORKSHEET AND A CHART GETTING STARTED Open the file SC_EX16_1a_FirstLastName_1.xlsx, available for downloadfrom the SAM website. Save the file as SC_EX16_1a_FirstLastName_2.xlsx by changing the “1” to a“2”.o If you do not see the .xlsx file extension in the Save As dialog box, do nottype it. The program will add the file extension for you automatically. With the file SC_EX16_1a_FirstLastName_2.xlsx still open, ensure that yourfirst and last name is displayed in cell B6 of the Documentation sheet.
educational course/tutorialoutlet.com ME 6460 ME 2016 Computing Techniques FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.tutorialoutlet.com ME 2016 Computing TechniquesSection C - Spring 2017Computing Project OneDue Thursday, February 16th at 3:00pmNumerical Errors and Root-Finding AlgorithmsPlease read all instructions (on 2 pages) before starting to write any code.Submission of your answers• At the end of the class on 02/07, upload any Matlab code that you have written on T-Square • By 3:00 pm on Thursday 02/16, upload your final Matlab codes on T-Square. • At the start of the class on 02/16, turn in the print-out of the codes, the print-out of the outputs of yourcode and the graph. Problem statement
educational course/tutorialoutlet.com MIS 535 CUSTOMER SELF-SERVICE AND FEEDBACK FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.tutorialoutlet.com Running head: CUSTOMER SELF-SERVICE AND FEEDBACK FOR EFFECTIVEBUSINESS1 Customer Self-service and Feedback for Effective BusinessStudent`s NameInstitution CUSTOMER SELF-SERVICE AND FEEDBACK FOR EFFECTIVE BUSINESS2Customer Self-service and Feedback for Effective BusinessTABLE OF CONTENTS1.0 Subject of Course Project ………………………………………………………………….31.1 Business Problem Statement……………………………………………………………….31.2 Name of the company or organization………………………………………………………41.3 Brief Description of the Proposed Solution………………………………………………….41.4 General Benefits it will provide the Organization……………………………………………41.5 Audience to whom the proposal is being presented …………………………………………5 CUSTOMER SELF-SERVICE AND FEEDBACK FOR EFFECTIVE BUSINESS
educational course/tutorialoutlet.com new network design for CNT Books FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.tutorialoutlet.com you have been called in to consult on a new network design for CNT Books. The requirements of this design are summarized as follows: The building has three floors. there are 300 computer and 10 servers. Users must be grouped according to the projects. what features would you look for on the switches you purchase for this design, Explain why you would want each feature. Do you need to include any other devices in this design?
educational course/tutorialoutlet.com • To calculate the value of Pi • FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT • www.tutorialoutlet.com • 1.To calculate the value of Pi, we can use the graph of a circle and find the area under the graph. • 2.Riemann sum(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Riemann_sum )is an effective method for finding the area under the graph • 3. Write a PThreads Program that will calculate Pi -It should run 8 threads -Create a global variable for the total sum -Use a Mutex variable to lock the critical section where you sum the results • 4.The program should output the sum at each thread and the parent will output the total sum • 5.Copy this version and remove the Mutexvariable -run both versions and compare the output • Need • 1.Source Code • 2.Screenshots of output of both programs • Some sample code for PThreads can be found here. https://grid.cs.gsu.edu/~cfrederick/csc4320/examples.php
educational course/tutorialoutlet.com Write a program that demonstrates causing and throwing the following exceptions FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.tutorialoutlet.com Java: Write a program that demonstrates causing and throwing the following exceptions.ArithmeticExceptionInputMismatchException (User input permitted)ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptionStringIndexOutOfBoundsException (Optional. See chapter 14 if you want to try)NullPointerExceptionNegativeArraySizeExceptionThe program should present the user with a numbered menu that extends the capability to the user to select one of the above exceptions. Menu selection is run through a switch/case structure with each case associated with one of the exceptions being demonstrated/thrown. The entire switch/case structure should be contained within a single try block. Each case should contain code that creates the condition that causes the exception for that particular case to be thrown. After the single try block should be the multiple catch blocks for each type of exception with each catch block outputting a message that indicates the type of exception thrown and the values and/or condition(s) causing the exception.