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Table 3 Predicting Time 3 Religiosity from Time 1 Religiosity and College Major at Time 1 LISREL Models (Z – ratios in parentheses). Table 4 Predicting the Stability of Time1 College Majors Through Time3 for the Time1 Religiosity (Z-Ratios in Parentheses).
Table 3Predicting Time 3 Religiosity from Time 1 Religiosity and College Major at Time 1 LISREL Models (Z – ratios in parentheses)
Table 4 Predicting the Stability of Time1 College Majors Through Time3 for the Time1 Religiosity (Z-Ratios in Parentheses)
Table 5Multinomial Logistic Regressions Predicting the Time3 College Major from the Time1 Religiosity for Individuals in College at Time1 Who Indicated a Change in College Major by Time3 (Trades is the Omitted Category) (Z-ratios in Parentheses)