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Effective CPU Cooling Solutions for Overclocking Performance

Reduce CPU operating temperature, overclock CPU safely. Compare stock fan vs. new solution. Analyze results, increase airflow, optimize cooling efficiency.

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Effective CPU Cooling Solutions for Overclocking Performance

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CPU Cooling Benjamin Crummett

  2. Objective • Reduce CPU operating temperature. • Over clock the CPU without over heating it.

  3. Starting Conditions • Stock heat sink and fan. • CPU operating temperature 45°C. • Ambient air temperature in computer case 28°C.

  4. Increasing Air Flow 20 CFM 50 CFM

  5. Analytical • T∞ = 28°C • Afan = .0049m2 • Afin = .0028m2 • N = 66 • L = .04m • ReL = VL/n • Nu = hL/k = .664 ReL1/2 Pr1/3 • q = NhAfin (Ts – T∞)

  6. New Fan Results Original temperature 45°C. Measured • CPU temperature 39°C. Calculated • CPU temperature 38.8°C.

  7. Over Clocking Results • Increasing CPU speed from 2 GHz to 2.4 GHz increased CPU temperature from 39°C to 45°C. • The new fan allowed the CPU speed to be increased 20% without increasing the temperature from it’s original state.

  8. Conclusions • Increasing air flow velocity increases convective heat transfer rate.

  9. Questions?

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