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Annex 4. Future of Care Programme Board Jill Finney (SRO), Amanda Hutchinson, John Lappin, Amanda Sherlock, Jeet Bains, Alan Rosenbach Yetty Oyenekan - Programme Officer. Establishing HealthWatch England. Nigel Thompson. Ian Forsyth. Yetty Oyenekan. Structure and staffing
Annex 4 Future of Care Programme Board Jill Finney (SRO), Amanda Hutchinson, John Lappin, Amanda Sherlock, Jeet Bains, Alan Rosenbach Yetty Oyenekan - Programme Officer Establishing HealthWatch England Nigel Thompson Ian Forsyth Yetty Oyenekan Structure and staffing Organisation design and structure, staffing and recruitment Ian Forsyth Sue Thomas Zoe Lorenzo Engagement, comms and branding Engagement and comms with LHOs and other stakeholders; developing HWE’s brand and its comms/ engagement strategy Frances Hasler Sara Cain Nigel Thompson Digital comms Design and build of website and functionalities, digital comms Henry Cook and/or Ingrid Karikari Intelligence HWE’s info needs and analysis capacity Neil Prime Sue McMillan and/or Dot Metcalf Sam Banga Policy, governance and functions What HWE will do, Committee formation, interaction with CQC, LHOs and others, governance, influencing legislation. Nigel Thompson Frances Hasler Sue McMillan Lucy Hamer Jay Harman Matthew Trainer Alastair Cannon/Sharon Ward Rachel Dodgson Alan Rosenbach Finance Determining and securing HWE’s operating budget Glyn Barker Ian Forsyth IS HWE systems and infrastrcuture One of Paul Oliver Martin Pitcher Angela Maragna Location Office location, accommodation and support Andrew Evans Y:\CQC_Records\PROGRAMMES AND PROJECTS\Future of Care Programme\HealthWatch\Papers for Committee and Board Meetings\20110826 Board paper for 14 Sept Annex 4 Structure&high-level plan.ppt
JULY AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB 29/7 14/9 Policy, governance and functions Share model, assumptions and costings with DH Roundtable with key players in DH, ADASS, LGA etc on model and assumptions CQC Board consider model and key issues D R A F T B U S I N E S S C A S E Intelligence Scope Intelligence input to HWE – design high level approach Modify scope & approach based on outcome of ET/Board discussions Finalise Intelligence approach Confirm resource requirement 29/2 Structure and staffing Advertise for Chair designate Org structure and staffing requirement determined Launch Online Forum 1. Share HWE key messages doc 2. Sign off Spencer du Bois timeline 5/9 Comms, engagement and branding Brand and reputation development work Prog of Comms on 1 yr to go CQC / DH branding workshop Work Prog for Branding agency signed off Establishing HealthWatch England – high-level plan 2011-12 Design (technical/ Digital Comms Concept and solution investigation Strategy and scope Requirements gathering IS 29/2 Finance Agree funding of set-up costs Iterate costs following discussion w/DH Verify set-up costs HWE operating budget requirement determined 29/2 Location Facilities requirement and location proposals Y:\CQC_Records\PROGRAMMES AND PROJECTS\Future of Care Programme\HealthWatch\Papers for Committee and Board Meetings\20110826 Board paper for 14 Sept Annex 4 Structure&high-level plan.ppt
MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT 30/4 Activities, functions and processes designed Policy, governance and functions 30/6 Governance products and “fit” with wider CQC agreed 1/10 Business and strategic plans agreed Royal Assent B U S I N E S S C A S E F I N A L I S E D L A U N C H Intelligence Define SLA between HWE and CQC Intelligence, and other sources Assemble Intelligence team Define products, test, document, define BAU 30/4 31/5 Structure and staffing 30/6 30/9 Committee members appointed? Staff recruitment and training Org structure and staffing agreed All staff in place and trained Chair designate appointed Senior officer(s) appointed 1/4 Comms, engagement and branding 1st HWE comms following Chair appointment Regional events x9, exact dates and content tbd Detailed launch plans Establishing HealthWatch England – high-level plan 2012 Digital comms 1/9 1/10 31/7 Launch basic site /data/presentation) Launch preview site Launch full site Test Build IS Agree and share brand 30/6 Finance 31/3 Operating budget requirement confirmed Funding secured Location and facilities Y:\CQC_Records\PROGRAMMES AND PROJECTS\Future of Care Programme\HealthWatch\Papers for Committee and Board Meetings\20110826 Board paper for 14 Sept Annex 4 Structure&high-level plan.ppt