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Science of Hadith (3). Classification of Hadith as regards to the state in which it reached us. Hadith 1- Al-Mutawaatir ( (المتواتر If the Hadith has many chains to narration, without a particular limit- then it is called Al-Mutawaatir. 2- Al- Ahaad ( (الآحاد
Classification of Hadithas regards to the state in which it reached us • Hadith • 1- Al-Mutawaatir ((المتواتر • If the Hadith has many chains to narration, without a particular limit- then it is called Al-Mutawaatir. • 2- Al- Ahaad ((الآحاد • If the chains of narration are limited to a particular number, then it called “Al-Ahaad”
Conditions of Al-Mutawatir • In Arabic language, “Tawatur” means succession. • Technically , it has to have 3 conditions: • 1- It has to be narrated by a large number of people. • 2- This number is found in every level of the Isnaad. • 3- It is impossible that they could have gathered together upon a lie.
Types of Mutawaatir • 1- Mutawaatir in wording ((المتواتر اللفظي • The wording and meaning are Mutawaatir. • Example: “ He who lies upon me by purpose , then let him take his place in the Fire” • 2- Mutawaatir in meaning ( (المتواتر المعنوي Example: The Ahadeeth of raising hands in du’a which is reported in about a hundred ahadeeth, all of them stating that He (peace be upon him) raised his hands in dua’ , referring to different occasions , with a common thing that He (peace be upon him) raised his hand.
Classes of Al-Ahaad • 1- Mash-hoor ((المشهور • It means “ Well-known”. It is the hadith that was narrated by three people or more at every level, but does not reach the conditions of Al-Mutawaatir. • 2- Al-Azeez ( (العزيز • It means “ Rare” or “ Strong” in the Arabic language. Technically, It is the hadeeth, that was narrated by no less than two narrators at every level.
Example of Al-Azeez • “None of you would have a complete Iman until I am more beloved to him than his father , his son and all people” Collected by Imam Al-Bukharee and Imam Muslim • THE PROPHET (ρeace be upon him) • 2 Anas Aboo Hu’rayrah • 2 Qataadah ‘Abdul ‘Azeez Ibn Suhayb • 2 Shu’ bah Sa’e ed
Al-Ghareeb • It means the singular in the Arabic language. Technically, it is the hadeeth which was narrated only by a single narrator-either in every stage of the isnaad, or at a single point. • Some scholars call it “Al-fard” • It has two types , Al-Ghareeb Almutlaq (absolute singular) and Al-Ghareeb Al-Nisbee (relative singular) • Example of the first type: the hadeeth of Omar ibn Al-khattab “ Verily , actions are but by intentions” It was narrated by one sahabi (root of the isnaad) • The second type was narrated by more than one sahabi, then somewhere in the isnaad one of its narrators has only one person narrating it from him.
Types of Hadith Al-Ahaad • 1- Accepted ((مقبول • It is the hadith that was reported by trustworthy and accepted narrators. It is an obligation upon Muslims to accept it and act upon it. • 2- Rejected ((مردود • It does not have the conditions of the accepted hadith.
Types of the accepted Hadith • There are two major types: • - Sahih ( Authentic) • - Hassan ( Sound or good) • Those two can be broken down into : • 1- Sahih on its own • 2- Sahih due to the support of others. • Hassan • 1- Hassan on its own • 2- Hassan due to the support of others
Definition of Hadith Sahih • ”ما اتصل سنده بنقل العدل الضابط عن مثله من بداية السند إلى منتهاه و سلم من الشذوذ و العلة • “the hadith whose isnaad is connected trough trustworthy and precise narrators from the beginning to the end , not being Shaath or having a hidden defect”.