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Welcome to SIOP!. MIX to MUSIC State your name and share a special talent you have. Mix to Music State your name and share who is in your family Mix to Music Share a fun thing you did this weekend Mix to Music What does the acronym SIOP stand for and what is SIOP’s Motto Mix to Music
Welcome to SIOP! • MIX to MUSIC • State your name and share a special talent you have. Mix to Music • State your name and share who is in your family Mix to Music • Share a fun thing you did this weekend Mix to Music • What does the acronym SIOP stand for and what is SIOP’s Motto Mix to Music • Back to your seats, stand at your chair
SIOP Sheltered Instructional Observation Protocol Lesson Preparation
Content Objectives • You will be able to identify and design objectives that are aligned to state standards. • You will be able to incorporate supplementary materials to meet the needs of English Learners. Language Objectives • Write language and content objectives for your students. • Discuss advantages for writing, displaying, and sharing both objectives with students.
Think/Pair/Share • Think about the content and language targets you will be learning today. • Pair with your shoulder partner. • Share tell your partner the objectives you will be learning about and what you think they mean. • Compliment each other… “Thank you for sharing!”
Lesson Preparation 1. Content Objectives 2. Language Objectives 3. Appropriate Content Concepts 5. Meaningful Activities 6. Adaptation of Content 4. Supplementary Materials Using SIOP Protocol
How can EL’s meet targets? Intentional Lesson Planning Student Background State Standards/GLE’s Curriculum Meaningful Activities Supplemental Materials Clearly defined expectations Student Proficiency Content Concepts
Think/Pair/Share • Think about what ‘pieces’ are the most challenging for you to implement currently in your own classroom. • Pair with your shoulder partner. • Share what is your most challenging ‘piece’ and why. Compliment and Sparkle praise when you are done.
Clearly defined expectations Clearly defined expectations • Effective SIOP lessons require carful planning with specific content and language objectives. • Written and stated in simple student-friendly language. • Age and proficiency appropriate. • May need to be limited to 1 or 2 per lesson.
Objectives need to be clear and measurable! Objectives need to be displayed for students! Objectives need to be reviewed with students! Students should be able to articulate content and language objectives with explanations.
It has been found! • When EL learners are provided with specific information about what they will learn and their expectations, their understanding of CONTENT concepts is enhanced! • When they are they are provided with specific information about how they are developing knowledge of English during each lesson, their English proficiency is enhanced.
Content Objective • Written from the State standards and/or GLE’s. • Use “Students will be able to…” ~ SWBAT • Age and Proficiency appropriate. • Will be assessed at the end of the lesson/unit. Standard: Students will be able to investigate and understand the basic needs and life processes of plants and animals. Content Objective Example: Students will identify parts of a tree and their functions.
Verbs for Content Objectives • Identify • Solve • Investigate • Distinguish • Hypothesize • Create • Select • Draw conclusions about • …..
Rally Robin • Each shoulder partner will share one thing you have just learned about content objectives.
Write • Write one content objective for your students.
Language Objective • What students are expected to show. • Action, demonstration, read, write, listen, speak • Key content vocabulary, language skills, tasks, Objective Example: You will be able to label the parts of a tree and explain what each part does.
Language Objective Verbs • Listen for • Retell • Define • Find the main idea • Compare • Summarize • Rehearse • Persuade • Write • …
RallyRobin • Each shoulder partner will share one thing you have just learned about language objectives.
Write • Write one language objective for your students. Group/Share One person will read their language objective. (spinner) Each member will provide feedback using the talking chips. The next person (clockwise) will share theirs. Each member will provide feedback using the talking chips. Cheese Grater Cheer when everyone in the group has gone.
Meaningful Activities Student Background Content Concepts • Materials may be adapted, but the content is not diminished. • Teachers must consider: • Students first language and literacy skills • Students second language and proficiency • Students reading ability • Cultural and age appropriateness of L2 materials • Difficulty level of material to be read • Background experiences necessary to learn the materials.
Supplemental Materials Enlarged, Adapted Text • Helps L1 learners focus attention on the most important information. • Focus on 3-5 bolded vocabulary words • Use highlighters • Draw pictures for vocabulary and conceptual understanding; these serve as reminders as well as mnemonics for remembering key information. Alternate Materials Use an assortment of stimulating ‘props’ Pictures, authentic maps, videos, personal collections, real objects, internet, clip art, etc…
Group Rally Robin • Brainstorm a list of alternate materials you can use for your content area • Share one idea of alternate materials you can use for your content area. • Add any ideas to your list if you don’t have them. • Continue until everyone’s ideas are shared. Roller Coaster Cheer when your group is done.
Success through scaffolding • Students are moving from dependence on the teacher to independence! • Concept is explicit ~ • Followed by modeling ~ • Grouping configurations ~ • Independence! • EL learners need to know: • How to identify what is helpful • How to ask for assistance • How to self-assess
Task Analysis/Backward Planning • Used to ensure that instruction leads to student success on the final assessment of a lesson’s content and language objectives. • Assessment is predetermined to focus on objectives providing an environment for success. SIOP Planning Flow Chart • Create an overview of the entire unit. • Scope and Sequence of both Language and Content Objectives. Planning SIOP Lesson Plans
SIOP strategies shared today • Content and Language Objectives • Enlarged, Adapted Text • Alternate Materials • Success through Scaffolding • Task Analysis or Backward Planning Cooperative Group Strategies shared today: Mix to Music Think/Pair/Share Talking Chips Think/Write/Group Share Rally Robin Group Rally Robin
THANK YOU for sharing this hour with us! Your participation is appreciated! • Homework: • Try one of the strategies or cooperative group activities we have demonstrated today with your students. • Briefly write about the experience and be ready to share next Monday. COWBOY PRAISE!