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Biography Competition

Biography Competition. Featuring our Renaissance Contestants Who will be crowned LONGEST LIVING!. Johannes Gutenberg. Born in Germany 1395-1468 Blacksmith,goldsmith,inventor Invented the printer. MARTINUS LUTHER MANSFELDT. OCCUPATION : Theologian Birth date: Nov. 10,1483

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Biography Competition

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  1. Biography Competition Featuring our Renaissance Contestants Who will be crowned LONGEST LIVING!

  2. Johannes Gutenberg Born in Germany 1395-1468 Blacksmith,goldsmith,inventor Invented the printer

  3. MARTINUS LUTHER MANSFELDT OCCUPATION : Theologian Birth date: Nov. 10,1483 Death date: Feb. 18,1546 Place of birth: Eisleben , Germany Place of death: Eisleben , Germany

  4. michelangelo di lodovico buonarroti simoni he was born on march 6 1475 in italy and died at 88 years old at feb 18 1564 he was a archetect painter sculpter poeter.

  5. Christopher Columbus 10-31-1451--5-20-1506 Italian explorer Colonizer Martlime explorer

  6. Niccolo’ Machiavelli May 3, 1469-June 21, 1527 In Florence, Italy Writer

  7. Galileo galilei Astronomer, Philosopher, Inventor, Physicist, and Mathematician. Born on February 15th, 1564 and died on January 8th, 1642. Also born in Pisa Italy. b

  8. Desiderius ErasmusDutch Renaissance humanist Born: October 27, 1466, Rotterdam, Netherlands Died: July 12, 1536, Basel, Switzerland

  9. Henry the 8th Henry the 8th was born in Green which, London united King dom. He was born in June 1491, and died in January 1547. He was the king of England.

  10. ALBRECHT DURER May 21, 1471-1528 German painter ,print press ,and theorist from Nurem berg.

  11. Nicolaus Copernicus February 19 1473 – may 24 1543

  12. Marie le jars de gournay Born in Paris October 6th 1565 and died July 13th 1645 . Was single and ready to mingle and was the oldest of her 5 siblings. Was a pro writer

  13. LORENZOdi pero DE MEDICI Birth Date: Jan. 01,1449 Death date: April 09, 1492 Place of birth:Florence,Italy Career: Merchant, and a poet.

  14. Sir Isaac Newton ----- • Name: Sir Isaac Newton • Career:mathimatics, Physics , astronomer, birth date/death: born 1643 died 1727 woolsthrope,england/united kingdom

  15. Leonardo di ser piero da VinciSculptor, painter, inventor, and draftsmanApril 15, 1452 to May 2, 1519Born in Vinci, Italy

  16. Claudio Giovanni Antonia Monteverdi He Was An Composer, Gambist, Singer And Roman Catholic Priest. Born on May 15, 1567- November 29, Born in Cremona, Italy. Buried in Venice, Italy Claudio’s Birth Place Painting of Claudio Monteverdi

  17. Luca Pacioli 1445-1517 Sansepolcro, Italy Mathematician & The Father of Accounting

  18. William Shakespeare 1564 – 1616 Born in Stratford-upon-Avon Famous for being greatest English poet and playwright Shakespeare centre

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