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Horisontal Action Involve. European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. Participation at EUSBSR Annual forum in Tallinn, Gdansk and Copenhagen divided into group of actors in %. European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region.
European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region Participation at EUSBSR Annual forum in Tallinn, Gdansk and Copenhagen divided into group of actors in %.
European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region Allocation of funds in % between different group of partners in the Interreg IIIB, Baltic Sea Programme, South Baltic programme, Central Baltic programme and EUSBSR Seed Money Facility.
European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region Allocation of Funds in % between different groups of partners - Interreg IIIB (2000-2006) compared with BSR + South Baltic and Central Baltic programmes (2006-2013).
European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region Evaluering av den EUSBSR: • From WWF: ”The BSAP will only be fully implemented when countries realize the potential of cooperation across borders, across sectors, and across levels of government.” • Most Countries are behind in the implementation. • Simple, honest and transparent reporting system is urgently needed. • Countries have not developedsufficient tools for cooperation. • From the European Commission: • All participants must recognize their macro-regional strategies as horizontal responsibility of their governments as a whole; • Progress should also be seen in terms of networks created, projects successfully pursued, and improvements in integration and coordination. • If the added value of the strategies is clear, it remains essential to improve implementation methods.
European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region EU institutions MLG: first observations. Pan-Baltic organizations National level Regional-local level Horizontal actors
European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region Quantitative observations: Repartition of leading activities per actors category: • Nature of the actors involved in the implementation activities:
European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region Conclusions of the mapping: • All levels of actors need ”Capacity Building” activities. • Strong lack of leadership when it comes to reinforce the local actors role in the EUSBSR. • Horisontal/local actors need a stronger political role in the EUSBSR. • HA Involve is missing recognition from other EUSBSR actors. • HA Involve must be more politised. • HA Involve must identify/support the creation of organisations and structure that can support the role of municipalities.
www.balticsea-region-strategy.eu Thank you for your attention!
EU 2020, EUSBSRCoachingEU Commission, EU Parliament, EU CoR European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region University, Business sector NGO:s, Individuals Lokal nivå Regional nivå Nationellnivå
European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region Funds in % to projects approved in Interreg IIIB (2000-2006), the Baltic Sea Programme (2007-2013) in general compared with flagship projects in the BSR programme (45 projects)