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Lattice QCD Comes of Age y. Richard C. Brower. XLIst Rencontres de Moriond March 18-25 2006 QCD and Hadronic interactions at high energy. Super String Theory Space!. D=11 SGRA. N = 2. HO. IIA. N = 1. M-theory. M?. IIB. HE. I. QCD Theory Space!. String/Gravity. Strassler, Katz.
Lattice QCD Comes of Agey Richard C. Brower XLIst Rencontres de Moriond March 18-25 2006 QCD and Hadronic interactions at high energy
Super String Theory Space! D=11 SGRA N = 2 HO IIA N = 1 M-theory M? IIB HE I QCD Theory Space! String/Gravity Strassler, Katz N = 1, nf = 1 N = 0 Flux Tubes/Spectra (IR/Long Distances) Asymptotically Free (UV/Short Distances) Ncolor QCD g2 Orginos 1/g2 *Lattice* B kT Schmidt,Levkova Color Supercond (Dense quarks) Chiral Restored (High Temp)
Comparison of Chemistry & QCD : K. Wilson (1989 Capri):“lattice gaugetheory could also require a 108 increase in computer power ANDspectacular algorithmic advances before useful interactions with experiment ...” • ab initio Chemistry • 1930+50 = 1980 • 0.1 flops 10 Mflops • Gaussian Basis functions • ab initio QCD • 1980 + 50 = 2030?* • 10 Mflops 1000 Tflops • Clever Multi-scale Variable? “Almost 20 Years ahead of schedule!” *Fast Computers + Smart Algorithms + Rigorous QCD Theoretical Analysis = ab inition predictions
USA SciDAC Software Group UK Peter Boyle Balint Joo * Software Coordinating Committee
Optimised for P4 and QCDOC Optimized Dirac Operators, Inverters ILDG collab Level 3 Exists in C/C++ C/C++, implemented over MPI, native QCDOC, M-via GigE mesh SciDAC QCD API QDP (QCD Data Parallel) QIO Binary DataFiles / XML Metadata Level 2 Lattice Wide Operations, Data shifts QLA (QCD Linear Algebra) Level 1 QMP (QCD Message Passing)
Sources of Error • Wrong “theory” --- no quark loops • solution: Keep Fermionic det & Disconnected diagrams • Finite lattice spacing a • solution: a < .1 fermi + O(a2) asymptotic freedom • Light quark limit mu/d/ms O(1/20) • solution: Chiral pert. theory + Exact Lattice Chiral Symmetry • Finite space-time volume • solution: Big memory computer • Monte Carlo 1/N1/2 sampling error • solution: Algorithms + $’s
Staggering Results:Role of Determinant (aka Sea Quarks) This is real QCD --- No more excuses (except Staggered Fermion with Det[D]¼ trick: 4 * ¼ taste loops. Tasteful Chiral perturbation theory to take a 0)
Strong Coupling Constant Lattice (data) vs Perturbation Theory (red/one sigma band) Lattice: S(MZ) = 0.1170(12) Experiment: S(MZ) = 0.1187(20)
CKM projected improvement via Lattice Gauge Before After
Properties of and K mesons Rule out mu = 0 by 5 sigma (Strong CP problem not solved!) lattice value is |Vus| = 0.2219±0.0026, experimental results: |Vus| = 0.2262(23)
Axial Charge of the Nucleon Experiment gA = 1.295 (29) Lattice gA = 1.226 (84)
Multi-scale Algorithms QCD length scales: Log(mq) • String Length 1000 Mev ( » 0.2 fm) • Quarks Masses: (197 fm Mev) 2, 8, 100, 1200, 4200, 175,000 Mev • Nuclear: scattering length/effective range asinglet = - 23.714 fm ( » 8 Mev) & r = 2.73 atriplet = 5.425 fm ( » 36 Mev) & r = 1.749 fm • Deuteron Binding = 50 Mev. (» 4 fm) • Finite T, finite etc Flavor: u,d,s,c,b,t
Quark loops: Multi-time step HMC In Hybrid Monte Carlo (HMC) simulations, the determinant acts as a potential for molecular evolutions: Equilibrium by “molecular chaos”: Speed up by separating force terms and using multiple step sizes: • Hasenbush Trick: • Rational Hybrid Monte Carlo: n times
Wilson Fermions with Multi-time step trick(moving the Berlin Wall) Wilson is Almost as efficient as Staggered BUT respects flavor sym (Urbach, Jansen, Shindler, Wegner, hep-lat/0506011)
Multi-grid al 1980’s failure point:Universal Autocorrelation: = F(m l) Gauss-Jacobi (Diamond), CG (circle), 3 level (square & star) = 3 (cross) 10(plus) 100( square
New fangled Algebraic-Adaptive Multigrid for Disconnected Diagrams
Exact Lattice Chiral Fermions: (Taking the 5th Dimension Seriously ?) s = 1 s = 2 s = M s = Ls qL QL qR QR RIGHT LEFT qR QR QL qL
5-d Flavor Current 4-d Vector/Axial Current 4-d Ward-Takahashi Identities via decent relations: Vector: Axial:
Remarkably similar to AdS/CFT approach to Flavor Currents “QCD and a Holographic Model of Hadrons” Erlich, Katz, Son, Stephanov, hep-ph/05011 (fit “qcd, mq, ”) *constrained fit
Conclusions Coming of Age for Lattice Field theory: I. Search for signals Calibration of Errors II. Postdictions Predictions III. To paraphrase W.C. “This is Not the End of Lattice Gauge Theory ..., Not even the Beginning of the End ..., But perhaps the End of the Beginning”