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Wind. The summer wind, came rolling in, from across the bay. What causes wind?. Uneven heating of the Earth’s surface causes some areas to be warmer than others Warmer air is less dense and moves. Coriolis Effect. The rotation of the Earth causes wind. Like a spinning ball.

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  1. Wind The summer wind, came rolling in, from across the bay

  2. What causes wind? • Uneven heating of the Earth’s surface causes some areas to be warmer than others • Warmer air is less dense and moves.

  3. Coriolis Effect • The rotation of the Earth causes wind. • Like a spinning ball

  4. Types of Coriolis Winds Polar Easterlies: In the polar regions, cold, dense air sinks and moves away from the poles. Westerlies Near 30 degrees. Earth’s rotation moves winds from west to east toward polar region Trade Winds: Air near the equator heats up and move to the poles Equatorial Doldrums: Air heats up and becomes less dense, causing low pressure and almost daily rain storms.

  5. Jet Stream • Narrow belts of strong air near the top of the Troposphere • Jets flying East ride the wind to save time and fuel • Jets flying west fly at different altitudes(heights) to avoid the headwind.

  6. Sea breeze • During the day, the sun heats the land and causes it to rise. • When the warmer, less dense air move up, cooler air from the sea moves in, causing a wind

  7. Land Breeze • At night land cools. • The warmer air over the sea rises and the land air moves in, causing a wind.

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