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Discover the highlights of the 8th Latin American Mission Congress (COMLA 8) and 3rd Mission Congress of the Americas (CAM 3) that took place in Quito, Ecuador from August 12-17, 2008. With insight on speeches by Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez, Archbishop Luis Castro, and Bishop Erwin Krautler, and the enlightening discussions on missionary community and discipleship. Immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere, interactions with diverse church representatives, and the valuable experiences shared during this transformative event.
8th LATIN AMERICAN MISSION CONGRESS (COMLA 8)3rd MISSION CONGRESS OF THE AMERICAS (CAM 3) • Since 1987 Latin American delegations gather every 4 years in Mission Congresses (COMLA) • In 1999 invitation opened to all of the Americas (CAM) • August 12 – 17, 2008 COMLA 8/CAM 3 were celebrated… • Sisters Emma Nuñez from St Andrew in Delevan and Rosemary Huddleston from World Mission Ministries were there!
We participated in the 53 member delegation representing the US Church’s commitment to World Mission
We joined 3000 delegates from the Americas and the Caribbean as well as some from Africa, Asia, Europe and Oceania
During the Opening Ceremonies 16,000 people celebrated Eucharist and Global Mission
Bishop Roger Aubry’s Reflection onA Missionary Congress: • An ecclesial event, animated by the Holy Spirit • Opens the Church beyond her frontiers • Most significant “grace” – the personal encounter of people from diverse local churches committed to world mission. • Most important elements for mission, more than ideas: living persons enriched with the experience of Christ in their hearts
An Ecclesial Event Animated by the Holy Spirit • 3000 Delegates • Including about 600 Cardinals, Bishops and Priests • Letter from Pope Benedict XVI • Enthusiastic interaction among all participants
Most significant “grace”… Personal encounters with people from diverse local churches committed to World Mission
Most Important Elements for Mission… Living persons enriched with the experience of Christ in their hearts
“More than ideas”…though ideasinspire… Morning Presentations: Cardinal Oscar Rodriquez Honduras Archbishop Luis Agosto Castro, Colombia Bishop Erwin Krautler, Brasil Listen, Learn. Announce
Afternoon forums: Mission and… Ecology Education and the Intellectual World The Presence of Women
Opening our Frontiers… Delightful, informal conversations…
Gracious Hospitality Cadre of young people (red vests) served 3000 lunches in half hour, responded to every request possible, and kept us from getting too lost Students from Catholic University of Ecuador (PUCE) entertained during lunch in the school arena.
Delightful Saturday Excursion Our Guides: Luis and his daughter Delia, our translator Alejandro Aguilere-Titus, USCCB Hispanic Office walks the Equator
Through the “Middle of the Earth!”Other new friends in our tour group Kateri Mitchell, USCCB Native American Concerns, Kathryn Runman-Zimney, Minneapolis-St Paul Archdiocese, and Rosemary Kateri captured the scene for future inspiration Rosemary with Inca mask honoring the sun. Two sided, wearer will never turn from the sun. Kateri, Delia, Alejandro with Rodrigue Mortel, Baltimore Archdiocese, and Kathryn
Other Moments to Remember Kathryn enjoying Ecuadorian cuisine … and dancing with Rodrigue While dining we were serenaded by Ecuadorian musicians.
El mundo es un pañuelo… • After closing ceremonies, no taxis available; asked a woman if she could take us to one; she responded in English • She is on board of Working Boy’s Center and knows the Parks family in Milwaukee!!!
THE “CONTENT”Presentations on Missionary Community and Discipleship Introducing the morning ¡PONENCIAS!
Cardinal Oscar Rodríguez MadangaArchbishop of Tegucigalpa, Honduras • No one is born a disciple of Jesus • Jesus was considered Crazy, so are his disciples • A radical new vision comes from encountering Christ • We become one family in Christ • Being a disciple implies perseverance • Sent like a lamb among wolves • The logic of “small:” seed, grain, salt, flock • Willing to give one’s life. Discipleship: the Missionary Community of the Jesus’ Disciples
Mons. Luis Augusto CastroArchbishop of Tonja, Colombia The Spirit was Jesus’ strong, firm “companion” all during his life Our inseparable companion, source of creative energy: • Pushes us out • Pushes us toward others • Pushes us toward each other • Pushes us into our depth • Pushes us toward the side • Pushes us back • (Pushes us forward) • (Pushes us down) • Pushes us up Pentecost: the Missionary Community “Pushed” by the Spirit
Bishop Erwin KrautlerBishop of Xingu, PA Brazil(Six and one half million dollars to kill him for his leadership!) Jesus was not a stone mason, he was a carpenter, and he made windows! Our missionary responsibility, both locally and “to the ends of the world:” • The relevance of the missionary community for humanity springs from the missionary nature of the Church. • There are precious stones and stumbling stones as the missionary community encounters humanity • Our commitment is with humanity The Crises of our planet: • Economic, social, ecological, cultural, and democratic Another world is possible: the mission of the church is to be in, and “awaken hope in, the midst of the most difficult situations.” Evangelization: Missionary Community for Humanity
The Words of Women? • Hardly heard from the podium: • On second and third days, a woman (religious) invited to comment (15 min.) on major presentation • Hardly heard while 3000 were returning from their morning “coffee break.” Sister Mary Lucy Villa (on left) “Superior” General,Marianitas Sister Adelle Brambilla “Superior General, Comboni Missionaries
Hardly heard elsewhere… SIXTEEN afternoon forums on Mission and: 1) “Ad Gentes” 2) Family and Defense of Life 3) Globalization 4) Exclusion and Migration 5) Laity 6)Youth Human Dignity 7) Culture 8) Ecology 9) Media and Communication 10) Ecumenism and Interreligious Dialogue 11) Education and the Intellectual World 12) 13) Spirituality 14) Woman 15) Science and Technology: • Two women presenters (Ecology and Women) • Four women moderators • Ten women secretaries • An Honduran Bishop, also concerned about the scarcity of women’s voices, will communicate with a Bishop friend in Venezuela before they prepare for 2012.
A Final Word…to be heard… WOMAN, FOUNTAIN OF LIFE!