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The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Explore the diverse landscapes, climate, and vibrant culture of Great Britain. Learn about British rivers, lakes, mountains, and the multicultural population. Find out how to reach Great Britain via air, coach, ferry, or undersea train.

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The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

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  1. The UnitedKingdomofGreatBritain and NorthernIreland

  2. GreatBritainissituated in the BritishIslesconsistingoftwolargeislands, GreatBritainand Ireland, and 5,000 smallislands,e.g. the Isleof Man or ChannelIslands, Shetlands, Orkneys • GB consistsofthreeparts: England, Wales and Scotland. • UK comprisesfourparts E, S, W and NorthernIreland. • SouthernIrelandisanindependentrepublic. Geography

  3. Itsneighbours are SouthernIreland and France. • The UK issurrouned by the seas and oceanlike the NorthSea, AtlanticOcean, IrishSea– separatesBritainfromIreland, CelticSea and EnglishChannel – separatesBritainfromEurope.

  4. You can fly – in London there are 3 main airports where you can land – Heathrow, Gatwick and Stansted Take a coach - there are coach routes to Britain from many European destinations. Although it may take much longer, coach is a great cheap alternative to flying Take an undersea train - in May 1994, the Channel Tunnel was opened between England and France. How to get to GreatBritain?

  5. You can travel by ferry to many destinations all around the British coast, including routes to the Scottish Islands and the Channel Islands. Ferry travel to the UK from Europe is a popular, good value way to get to Britain with a car or caravan. How to get to GreatBritain?

  6. Britainisanisland country and the surroundingseagivesEngland a varied and humidclimate. • Itisdescribedasmildwithfewextremes. You never knowwhat the weatherwillbelikefromoneday to the other – itis a verychangable w. Itcanbesunnyoneday and rainy the next. So itisdifficult to predict the weather. • In generalthere are warmsummersand coolwinters. Britishsummers are coolerthanthose on the continent, but the winters are milder. • July and August are normally the warmestmonthsin England. • Around the coasts, Februaryisnormally the coldestmonth, butinlandthereislittle to choosebetweenJanuary and Februaryas the coldestmonth. Climate in Britain

  7. Britishriversaren'tverylong, butdeep. The longestriveristheSevernand the largestriveristheThamesflowingthroughLondon. • NorthernIrelandisalsohome to the UK'slargestlake, LoughNeagh, Other major lakesincludeWindermerein the EnglishLakeDistrict(is a mountainousregion in NorthWestEngland) and LochLomondin Scotland • AnotherofScotland'slakes, LochNessisfamousforsightingsof 'Nessie', a mythical monster! Britishrivers and lakes

  8. The UK landscape is very varied, ranging from the Grampian Mountainsof Scotland to thelowlands of England which are at or below sea level in some places. Scotlandand Wales are the most mountainousparts of the UK. The highest mountain in the Scottish Highlandsis Ben Nevis (1343 m). In Wales the highest mountain is Snowdon(1085 m). The landscape

  9. Many coastal areas are low-lying, especially in the east and south of England. These include the wetlands – moors of the Somerset Levels, that regularly flood during heavy rain. The landscape

  10. The populations in Britain is over 60 million inhabitants. Britain is divided into counties. England comprises 46 counties. England is the most densely populated part of the UK. In Britain, we can find the following ethnic groups: English, Scottish, Irish, Welsh. The majority of people speak English. Other languages are Welsh, Irish and Scottish Gaelic. There are also lots of other nationalities – Bangladeshes, Pakistanies, Indians ( people who came from former British colonies), Chinese or people from Eastern Europe. Britain is a multicultural country. population

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