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Français III – Leçon 4B Structures

Français III – Leçon 4B Structures. Le futur simple Irregular futur forms. Le futur. In French I, you learned to use aller + [infinitive] to talk about things that are going to happen in the immediate future. Je vais nager . (I’m going to swim) Nous allons aller a l’école.

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Français III – Leçon 4B Structures

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  1. Français III – Leçon 4BStructures Le futur simple Irregularfuturforms

  2. Le futur • In French I, you learned to use aller + [infinitive] to talk about things that are going to happen in the immediate future. • Je vaisnager. (I’m going to swim) • Nous allons aller a l’école. (We’re going to go to school.) • This is called le future proche.

  3. Le future simple is another way to talk about the future. It is used to say what will happen. Compare these two sentences: • Le future proche • Je vais nager = I’m going to swim. • Le future simple • Je nagerai = I will swim.

  4. You form the future simple for regular –er and –ir verbs by adding the future endings to the infinitive. parler je parlerai tu parleras il/elle/on parlera nous parlerons vous parlerez ils/elles parleront choisir je choisirai tu choisiras il/elle/on choisira nous choisirons vous choisirez ils/elles choisiront

  5. For regular –re verbs, drop the –e from the infinitive and add the future endings. attendre j’attendrai tu attendras il/elle/on attendra nous attendrons vous attendrez ils/elle attendront

  6. The words le futur andl’avenir(m.) both mean future. Use the first word when referring to the grammatical future; use the second word when referring to events that haven’t occurred yet. • On étudie le futur en cours. (We’re studying the future tense in class.) • Je parlerai de mon avenir au prof. (I’ll speak to the teacher about my future.)

  7. Irregular futur simple forms • Although the futur simple endings are the same for all verbs, (-ai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont),some verbs use irregular stems in the future tense. You will need to memorize these verbs and their stems.

  8. infinitive stem future form j’irai aller ir- apercevr- apercevoir j’apercevrai aur- avoir j’aurai devoir devr- je devrai j’enverrai envoyer enverr- être ser- je serai

  9. faire fer- je ferai pouvoir pourr- je pourrai recevoir recevr- je recevrai savoir je saurai saur- viendr- je viendrai venir vouloir voudr- je voudrai

  10. The verbs devenir, maintenir, retenir, revenir, and tenirare patterned after venirin the future tense, just as they are in the present tense. • Other future forms: • Il y a  il y aura • Il faut  il faudra • -il pleut  il pleuvra

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