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CSE 503 – Software Engineering Lecture 6: Practice with the Spin model checker Rob DeLine

CSE 503 – Software Engineering Lecture 6: Practice with the Spin model checker Rob DeLine 14 Apr 2004. Matching channel contents. Channels support primitive pattern matching mtype = { START, STOP } // these are constants chan msgs = [10] of {byte} proctype Fetch () { do

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CSE 503 – Software Engineering Lecture 6: Practice with the Spin model checker Rob DeLine

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  1. CSE 503 – Software Engineering • Lecture 6: Practice with the Spin model checker • Rob DeLine • 14 Apr 2004

  2. Matching channel contents • Channels support primitive pattern matching • mtype = { START, STOP } // these are constants • chan msgs = [10] of {byte} • proctype Fetch () { • do • :: msgs?START -> /* do start command */ • :: msgs?STOP -> /* do stop command */ • od • } • Channel data must equal constant for receive to be executable • You can also match channel data against the value of a variable: • proctype A (byte b) { do :: msgs?eval(b) -> ... } • init { run A(0); run A(1); }

  3. Checking properties • Easiest way to check safety properties: use assert • Spin also has built-in checks • deadlocks (every process blocked on another process) • unreachable code • livelocks (processes are busy, but no “progress”) • Spin also checks properties in linear temporal logic (LTL) • Temporal logics are a huge field by themselves • We’ll stick to basic formulae in this class

  4. ... S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 LTL describes traces • LTL formulae are defined over traces of system states • Spin “state” consists of globals, process locals, channel contents • Due to nondeterminism, there are many possible traces • LTL talks about one trace at a time • (A different logic, CTL, talks about all traces at once) • LTL built on top of atomic propositions • With Spin, these are Promela expressions, given names with #define • We’ll label a state with a proposition that holds in that state P

  5. ... ... ... ... ... P P P P P P P P P Q P P P LTL temporal operators • P P holds in the initial state • X P P holds in the next state (not in Spin) • □ P P holds in all states (a.k.a. G P) • ◊ P P holds in some future state (a.k.a. F P) • P U Q P holds until Q holds

  6. LTL “patterns” • Certain cliches appear again and again • See Dwyer, Avrunin, and Corbett, “Patterns in Property Specifications for Finite-State Verification”, 1999 • Universal property (P always holds) • [] P • Response property (Q always happens after P happens) • [] P -> <> Q • Precedence property (S always precedes P) • <> P -> (!P U (S && !P))

  7. Let’s practice with elevators • We’ll model an elevator in an N-floor building • On each floor there’s a door and a button. • Pressing the button sends a request for the elevator to come to that floor. • To enter the elevator, the door must be open when the elevator is at that floor. • The door must not be open when the elevator is not on that floor. • A controller on each floor controls the door. • The elevator moves only in response to requests. Syntax reminder: chan c = [2] of {int} int i = 0; proctype Loopy (int n) { int i=0, j=0; do :: i < n -> i--; :: c?j -> i = i + j; od } proctype Send (int n) { if :: n < 0 -> n = -n; c!n; :: n >= 0 -> c!n; fi } init { run Loopy(3); }

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