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Global Properties of relativistic heavy-ion collisions proved by PHENIX. International Nucleus-Nucleus Conference Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Aug. 28 th , 2006. Akitomo Enokizono Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. UCRL-PRES-223948. Thanks!.
Global Properties of relativistic heavy-ion collisions proved by PHENIX International Nucleus-Nucleus Conference Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Aug. 28th, 2006 Akitomo Enokizono Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory UCRL-PRES-223948 Int. Nucleus-Nucleus Conf., Rio, Brazil, Aug 28, 2006
Thanks! Int. Nucleus-Nucleus Conf., Rio, Brazil, Aug 28, 2006
Space-time evolution in heavy-ion collisions. • Au+Au sNN=200GeV at RHIC creates: • Hot and dense, strongly coupled partonic matter (sQGP). • Low viscosity, almost perfect liquid. • Well thermalized. • Many of hard (high-pT) observables probe it. • (PHENIX talks by Cesar Silva, Carla Vale*) *Jennifer Klay hadron freeze-out and rescattering (very) early environment QGP and parton production hadron production pre-collision PURPOSE OF TALK: Trying to give insights into a picture of the space-time evolution, e.g. bulk properties, sizes, the order of phase transition and those scaling laws, through relatively soft (Low-pT) observables. Int. Nucleus-Nucleus Conf., Rio, Brazil, Aug 28, 2006
Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider (RHIC) • Two independent rings with 3.83 km circumference 120 bunches/ring 106 ns bunch crossing time • Ability to collide any other species Au-Au, Cu+Cu, d+Au (polarized) p+p • Top energy: 500 GeV (p+p) 200 GeV for (Au+Au) Int. Nucleus-Nucleus Conf., Rio, Brazil, Aug 28, 2006
BBCN BBCS The PHENIX Detector Tracking devices - Drift Chamber - Pad Chamber (PC1,PC2,PC3) - Muon Tracking Particle Identification and Calorimetry - EMCal (PbSc and PbGl) - Time of Flight Counter - Aerogel Cherenkov Counter - Ring Imaging Cerenkov Counter - Muon ID Event Trigger and Characterization - Beam-Beam Counter - Zero Degree Calorimeter - Forward Calorimeter (for d+Au) Year Species sNN int.Ldt Ntot Data 2000 Au+Au 130 1 mb-1 10M 3 TB 2001/2002 Au+Au 200 24 mb-1 170M 10 TB 2002/2003 d+Au 200 2.74 nb-1 5.5G 46 TB 2003/2004 Au+Au 200 241 mb-1 1.5G 270 TB Au+Au 62 9 mb-1 58M 10 TB 2004/2005 Cu+Cu 200 3 nb-1 8.6G 173 TB Cu+Cu 62 0.19 nb-1 0.4G 48 TB Cu+Cu 22.5 2.7 mb-1 9M 1 TB Int. Nucleus-Nucleus Conf., Rio, Brazil, Aug 28, 2006
Event characterization and Particle identifications Reaction plane Centrality ZDC Npartis evaluated by Glauber model and MC simulation. BBC Charged hadron PID ACC PbSc TOF Int. Nucleus-Nucleus Conf., Rio, Brazil, Aug 28, 2006
Pz z y Py x Px Elliptic Flow (v2) Spatial anisotropy Momentum anisotropy Int. Nucleus-Nucleus Conf., Rio, Brazil, Aug 28, 2006
nucl-ex/0608033 v2/ scaling holds v2(pT) over a wide range of centralityindependent of beam species. v2 : Hadron v2, eccentricity scaling • Hydrodynamics models well describe charged hadron v2 up to ~1.0 GeV/c. • Early thermalization (<1fm/c). • Low viscosity, almost perfect liquid. Phys. Rev. Lett. 91 (2003) 182301 Int. Nucleus-Nucleus Conf., Rio, Brazil, Aug 28, 2006
Kinetic energy + quark number: • KET/nq scaling holds over a wide KET range for all particle species. • Indicate partonic collectivity, each parton carries the same fraction of hadron kinetic energy. v2 : Kinetic energy and Quark number scaling nucl-ex/0608033 Kinetic energy: • KET scaling holds up to ~1 GeV then breaks and splits into baryons and mesons. • Due to different quark degree of freedom? Int. Nucleus-Nucleus Conf., Rio, Brazil, Aug 28, 2006
v2 : Universal scaling CIPANP 2006, H. Masui meson v2 follows meson band in kET In kET/nq it agree with universal scaling. WWND 2006, M. Issah Including , 0 and d, KET/n scaling works for a large variety of particle species. PHENIX PRELIMINARY This result indicates v2 could be determined before hadronization. Int. Nucleus-Nucleus Conf., Rio, Brazil, Aug 28, 2006
(Multiplicity) Fluctuation PHENIX: Au+Au √sNN=200GeV Negative binomial distribution (NBD) μ: Averaged multiplicity QM2005, T. Nakamura Parameter k : Deviation from Poison distribution Int. Nucleus-Nucleus Conf., Rio, Brazil, Aug 28, 2006
Multiplicity fluctuation : Correlation length RHIC/AGS 2006, K. Homma Extract correlation length from N.B.D k PHENIX Preliminary PHENIX Preliminary Correlation length Divergence of correlation length is the indication of a critical temperature. Divergence of susceptibility is the indication of 2nd order phase transition. k=0*T [au] Npart Int. Nucleus-Nucleus Conf., Rio, Brazil, Aug 28, 2006
Multiplicity fluctuation : Critical Exponent? In GCE QNP2006, J. Mitchell All four systems exhibit a power law behavior with respect to Npart. All systems appear to follow a universal curve within errors. The value of the critical exponent is g=1.24±0.13 (p=1/3) for all species. This is consistent with g for common gas-liquid phase transitions, which are typically between 1.2 and 1.3. g=1.24±0.13 Int. Nucleus-Nucleus Conf., Rio, Brazil, Aug 28, 2006
Bose-Einstein Correlation (HBT) Phys. Rev. Lett. 93 (2004) 152302 side long out Int. Nucleus-Nucleus Conf., Rio, Brazil, Aug 28, 2006
Au+Au at 200 GeV (0-30% centrality) Sys.Err. K+K++K-K- ++ -- Sys.Err. Hydro+UrQMD – kaon Hydro+UrQMD – pion (S. Soff, hep-ph/0202240, Tc=160MeV) HBT : mT and energy dependence of HBT radii DNP/JPS 2005, A. Enokizono PHENIX Preliminary A small change of freeze-out source size from AGS to RHIC energies may excludes the naïve assumption of the first order phase transition Pion and kaon freeze-out times and sizes are consistent as a function of mT. Hadron rescattering effect may be small. Int. Nucleus-Nucleus Conf., Rio, Brazil, Aug 28, 2006
HBT : Detailed source characteristics HBT-imaging analysis Azimuthal-HBT analysis nucl-ex/0605032 DNP/JPS 2005, J. Newby final Non-Gaussian structure can not be seen for high kT or peripheral collisions. final Non-Gaussian structure can be seen r > 20 fm initial final Int. Nucleus-Nucleus Conf., Rio, Brazil, Aug 28, 2006
HBT : Detailed lambda parameter analysis QM2005, M. Csanad Combination of 2- and 3- particle correlation analyses assess source coherence and fraction of core/halo via HBT-lambda parameter. Search for UA(1) symmetry restoration: With the measured 2-particle HBT-lambda parameter at low-pT region, mass of eta’ created in the medium can be evaluated. PHENIX PRELIMINARY Int. Nucleus-Nucleus Conf., Rio, Brazil, Aug 28, 2006
Summary • Partonic thermalization and hadronization: • Early thermalization (<1fm/c) • (initial pressure gradient) is converted into kET. • v2 is determined before the hadronization with some common flow field. • Freeze-out: • Very short time. • Hadron rescattering effect is small. QGP and parton production hadron production hadron freeze-out and rescattering (very) early environment pre-collision • Phase transition: • Small change of source size suggests not the naïve first order phase transition. • Divergence of susceptibility indicates the second order phase transition. • The critical exponent value consistent with a liquid-gas phase transition. • Freeze-out structure: • Central collision: • - Core size~30fm, life time~10fm/c • - Halo type non-Gaussian structure. • Peripheral collision: • - Consistent with Gaussian structure. • - Eccentricity defused. Int. Nucleus-Nucleus Conf., Rio, Brazil, Aug 28, 2006
Backup slides Int. Nucleus-Nucleus Conf., Rio, Brazil, Aug 28, 2006
Single spectra HQ2006, T. Chujo Identified single spectra have been measured for Au+Au and Cu+Cu at lower beam energies. HQ2006, M. Konno Int. Nucleus-Nucleus Conf., Rio, Brazil, Aug 28, 2006
Spectra : p/pi ratio, baryon anomaly Phys. Rev. Lett. 91 (2003) 172301 HQ2006, M. Konno HQ2006, T. Chujo Systematic study on p/pi ratio using all available data set have been done. Int. Nucleus-Nucleus Conf., Rio, Brazil, Aug 28, 2006