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Reliability Prediction Lab Last revised 08/30/2005

This lab guide walks users through performing a reliability prediction using ASENT software, covering project creation, part library management, failure rates calculation, and report generation. Learn to add new parts, create product tree structures, and import board data. Follow the step-by-step instructions to navigate ASENT's tools efficiently.

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Reliability Prediction Lab Last revised 08/30/2005

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  1. Reliability Prediction Lab Last revised 08/30/2005

  2. Introduction This lab will walk the user through the steps involved in performing a Reliability Prediction using ASENT. First, a new project will be created in ASENT and then the product tree structure will be built. Components will be added to the part library, and part lists will be created for some of the boards. Failure rates will be calculated, and reports will be generated. Please refer to the ASENT Reliability Prediction and Importing Board Data presentations for additional topics not covered in this simple lab.

  3. Step 1: Creating A New Project The first thing we will do is create a new project in ASENT. This is accomplished in the ASENT Session Manager. The slides that follow will guide you through these steps.

  4. Create the New FRP Project Create a new failure rate prediction (FRP) project. From ASENT’s Session Manager select the Project menu option and select the ‘New’ option.

  5. Create New FRP Project For the project name enter your <last name>_frp. For example, if your last name is Smith, then enter smith_frp for your project name. Fill in the other information as shown in this example, then click on the Save button.

  6. Step 2: Adding New Parts to the Library The next thing we will do is add some new parts to ASENT’s part library. ASENT’s part libraries consist of thousands of electronic and mechanical parts, but new parts can be added very easy. This is accomplished in the ASENT Component DataManager. The slides that follow will guide you through the steps of adding new parts to your library.

  7. Invoking the Component Data Manager The Component Data Manager is the tool in ASENT that is used to manage your part libraries. A part must first be defined in a part library before it can be used as part of a prediction. The Component Data Manager can be invoked from either the Session Manager or the Reliability Manager. Here, we invoke it from ASENT’s Session Manager by selecting ‘Library Data’ and the ‘Component Data Manager’ option.

  8. Adding an Analog Microcircuit – Step 1 The first part that we will add to the library is an analog microcircuit. Click on the ‘+’ symbol next to your frp project to display the part type folders, and click on the ‘+’ symbol next to Microcircuit to display the sub-type folders. Right-click on ‘Analog Microcircuits’ and select the ‘Add’ option from the drop-down menu.

  9. Adding an Analog Microcircuit – Step 2 Fill in the data, as shown, for your new analog microcircuit, then click on the Save button. Here, we are defining a new analog microcircuit for the smith_frp project part library.

  10. Analog Microcircuit is Added This screen shows the new analog microcircuit that was just added when you clicked on the Save button.

  11. Adding a RLR Style Resistor – Step 1 The next part that we will add to the library is a RLR style resistor. Click on the ‘+’ symbol next to the Resistor part type folder, and click on the ‘+’ symbol next to Fixed Discrete to display the style folders. Right-click on ‘RLR’ and select the ‘Add’ option from the drop-down menu.

  12. Adding a RLR Style Resistor – Step 2 Fill in the data, as shown, for your new resistor, then click on the Save button. Here, we are defining a new RLR style resistor for the smith_frp project part library.

  13. RLR Style Resistor is Added This screen shows the new RLR style resistor that was just added when you clicked on the Save button.

  14. Step 3: Creating A Product Tree Structure The next thing we will do is create a product tree structure in ASENT. This is accomplished in the ASENT Reliability Manager. Here, we will build the product tree structure and calculate failure rates. Later, we will generate reports. The slides that follow will guide you through these steps.

  15. Adding a Subassembly To add a subassembly to our product tree, right-click on the project node and select the ‘Add SubAssy / Board’ option from the drop-down menu.

  16. Adding Subassembly Subsys1 Fill in the data as shown here and click on the Save button.

  17. Adding a Board To add a board as a child of subsys1, right-click on the ‘subsys1’ node that was just added, and select the ‘Add SubAssy / Board’ option from the drop-down menu.

  18. Adding Board1 Fill in the data as shown here and click on the Save button.

  19. Making a Copy of Board1 The Ctrl-Drag-Drop convention works for copying items in your product tree. To make a copy of board1, hold the Ctrl key down, left-click on Board1, drag and drop it on subsys1. After the copy your screen should appear as shown here.

  20. Making a Copy of Board1 Change the name of the new board1 to board2, and modify the other data as shown. Click on the Save button.

  21. Board2 is Now a Copy of Board1 After the modifications, the new board should appear as shown. It is a copy of board1.

  22. Importing a Board From Another Project – Step 1 ASENT gives you the ability to quickly import items from other project trees. In the next few slides you will import the Sound card from the DEMOCD_PRJ project. This is a sample project that comes on the ASENT Software CD. If this project does not exist on your server, then select another one for this example.

  23. Importing a Board From Another Project – Step 2 You are presented a list of all of the projects that exist on your server. Select the DEMOCD_PRJ project and click on the OK button.

  24. Importing a Board From Another Project – Step 3 The product tree for the DEMOCD_PRJ project will appear. Initially, the tree will be fully collapsed. Click on the ‘+’ symbol next to the project node and do the same thing for the chassis. Select the SOUND board and click on the OK button.

  25. The SOUND Board Has Been Imported to Your Project The screen shows the result after the SOUND board has been imported. Notice, that the SOUND board has been added as a child of subsys1.

  26. Adding a Part to Board1’s Part List – Step 1 To add a part to Board1, follow these steps: 1) click on the ‘+’ symbol next to board1 to display the Parts container, 2) Right-click on the Parts container and select the ‘Add’ option from the drop-down menu.

  27. Adding a Part to Board1’s Part List – Step 2 Enter ‘U1’ for the Reference Designator (Ref. Des.) value, and click on the button.

  28. Adding a Part to Board1’s Part List – Step 3 The Select a Part window appears with a list of projects. Scroll down, if necessary, to locate your FRP project.

  29. Adding a Part to Board1’s Part List – Step 4 Click on the ‘+’ symbol next to your project to expand the project folder, and click on the ‘+’ symbol next to All to display all of the part that have been added to the FRP project part library. Select the ‘CLASSPRT-0001’ part that we added earlier, and click on the OK button.

  30. Adding a Part to Board1’s Part List – Step 5 This screen shows that we have assigned reference designator U1 to the CLASSPRT-0001 part from the smith_frp part library. Click the Savebutton to add the part to board1’s part list.

  31. Adding a Part to Board1’s Part List – Step 6 Part U1 now appears in the part list for Board1.

  32. Adding a Group of Parts to Board1’s Part List – Step 1 In this example, we use ASENT to create a group of components. In the screens that follow we will add five resistors (R1-5) to our part list. Right-click on board1’s part container and select ‘Add Group’ from the drop-down menu.

  33. Adding a Group of Parts to Board1’s Part List – Step 2 When the Add Group window appears, fill in the information as shown here, and click on the button. Next, select the CLASSPRT-0002 part and click the OK button.

  34. Adding a Group of Parts to Board1’s Part List – Step 3 Notice, that the project and part number values are now populated in the Add Group window. Here, we are telling ASENT to create five references (R1-R5) to part number CLASSPRT-0002 from the smith_frp part library. Click the OK button. After the OK button has been pressed, there will be a slight delay, and then the five parts will appear in the part list, as shown here.

  35. Set the Operating Failure Rate of Board2 to 5.0 Sometimes we may use a vendor supplied failure rate, field failure rate, or a value derived from comparative analysis. Here, we user set the failure rate value to 5.0 failures/million hrs. By checking the checkbox next to the failure rate field you can either enter a failure value or click on the MTBF button to enter a MTBF. Check the checkbox next to the Failure Rate field, enter 5 for the failure rate, and click on the Save button.

  36. Set the Prediction Method, Environment, Temperature Define the failure rate prediction method, environment and temperature that ASENT will use to calculate failure rates. Click on the project node. The right side of the screen will display information that corresponds to the project node. Fill in the information as shown here and click on the Save button.

  37. Calculate Failure Rates To calculate failure rates for the entire system, right-click on the project node and select ‘Calculate Failure Rates’ from the drop-down menu.

  38. Calculate Failure Rates When the Failure Rate Calculator window appears, click on the ‘Calculate’ button.

  39. Generate Reports To generate a standard reliability prediction report, right-click on the project node, and select the ‘Reports | Op Tree FR | Sorted by RD’ options from the drop-down menus.

  40. Generate Reports When the Enter Parameter Values window appears click on the OK button.

  41. Generate Reports After a short delay, the report viewer window will appear, displaying the report. Click on the icon to print the report. The icon is used to export the report to a file.

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