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Secondary School to Community Pathway Program

Secondary School to Community Pathway Program. Program Department Building Inclusive Catholic Classrooms. Revised July 2010. Learning for All. The LDCSB welcomes all students and will provide them with the quality education they deserve;. Mission Of the LDCSB:

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Secondary School to Community Pathway Program

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  1. Secondary School to Community Pathway Program Program Department Building Inclusive CatholicClassrooms Revised July 2010

  2. Learning for All The LDCSB welcomes all students and will provide them with the quality education they deserve; Mission Of the LDCSB: To serve the Catholic student in a community that nurtures a living faith and provides a quality Catholic education that enables the individual to become a contributing member of the Church and society. Success Every Day

  3. We Believe That… • All students must have an opportunity to learn to live and to contribute as responsible Catholics • All students have a right to participate fully in opportunities for learning and growth appropriate to their needs and gifts • An attitude of welcome acceptance, and indeed, celebration of individual differences and unique gifts is to be encouraged and supported “All these are the work of the one and the same Spirit who distributes different gifts to different people just as He chooses” Corinthians 12:11 Success Every Day

  4. Inclusion • All students contribute to the life of the school. Educators, in a collaborative team setting, provide meaningful integration. All students benefit from inclusion Success Every Day

  5. School to Community Pathwaysroom is welcoming to students for individual and small group learning, for use of specialized computers and equipment, and a class in which to complete some K Courses Social InteractionOpportunities for students to interact and develop friendships with other students 3. Class ParticipationIn collaboration, educators ensure accommodations are made to achieve the learning goals 4. Extra Curricular ActivitiesStudents are eligible to participate in activities such as clubs, dances, school performances, sports events The Face of Inclusion Success Every Day

  6. The School to Community Pathway Program Is designed to support secondary students with significant special needs • Typically students with high needs who are experiencing significant intellectual delays and/or • require additional time, intervention and support to successfully enter the world of work • may eventually transition to assisted living • Is designed to maximize student potential and promote independence • Is focused on transition to the world of work and/or living within the community Success Every Day

  7. Supporting Secondary Students With High Needs • Supports may include: • School to Community Pathway Teacher, Subject Teachers, Educational Assistants, Student Program Support Teachers, peers, … • Reduced pupil teacher ratio • Specialized equipment • EA support for personal care and safety needs Success Every Day

  8. Program Goals Realize individual potential in Body, Mind and Spirit for each student Experience opportunities to engage in and contribute to the life of the school community and eventually, the community at large Experience opportunities for inclusion in all aspects of school life: • Academic/Alternative • Social/Recreational • Vocational • Spiritual Success Every Day

  9. Potential of Spirit Have opportunity to reach personal potential: • To develop a personal relationship with God • To develop ability to make responsible decisions based on Catholic values and beliefs • To be aware of liturgical seasons, the Sacraments, the power of prayer in one’s life and be an active participant in the celebration of the Mass • To be aware of relationships with others and to share talents with others through volunteering • To be aware of and participate in one’s parish community Success Every Day

  10. Potential in Body Have opportunity to reach personal potential: To be aware of the safety issues in one’s personal environment (physical and chemical hazards, personal safety, problem solving strategies) • To be active in leisure activities • To be aware of one’s own body-illness, nutrition, personal hygiene and grooming Success Every Day

  11. Potential of Mind Have opportunity to reach personal potential: • To be able to self advocate (introduce self, identify own needs, ask for assistance) • To be ready for a workplace placement (supported or independent) • To be able to follow a schedule including a transportation system • To be aware of money, a pay-cheque, living independently Success Every Day

  12. Program Description • School to Community Pathway Program offers modified courses in various settings such as: • Self Contained Classroom • Integration into other course classes • Community or Workplace • The majority of students are integrated into mainstream classes for approximately 50% of the time Success Every Day

  13. Program Description Continued • K courses are individualized based upon a student’s IEP • Credit courses may be accessed for some students as per an individual student’s needs and abilities • Work placement may be an integral part of this program • Students may stay in school until 21 years of age or Year 7 in the program • Students may earn a Certificate of Achievement or a Certificate of Accomplishment Success Every Day

  14. Certificate of Achievement • Designed to benefit students whose post secondary destination will be direct entry to the world of work. K course programs support employability skills • Schools can plan the program to meet the needs of individual students in the program • Religion is a required part of the day in all programs • To earn a Certificate of Achievement: • 14 credits – 7 of which are compulsory(Section 3.3 of Secondary School – Program and Diploma Requirements 1999) Success Every Day

  15. Certificate of Accomplishment • Designed to benefit students who will leave the secondary school to a supportive living placement • Each program will be developed using the K course codes as outlined by the Ministry of Education • Schools plan the program to meet the needs of the students in the program • Religion is a required part of the day in all programs Success Every Day

  16. Selecting Courses Success Every Day

  17. Secondary Courses With the support of their teacher(s), parents, Guidance and Learning Services Departments, students are provided with a variety of courses in which to integrate in order to address their needs and interests. • Open courses • 2. Locally Developed • 3. K courses • 4. Guidance courses • 5. Co-op or Work Experience • 6. System courses Success Every Day

  18. Secondary Courses 1 Open Courses • Offer many opportunities for skill development while enhancing the school experience • Include many of the Arts, Physical Education, Business,Tech Courses and Religious Education 2 Locally Developed Courses • Are designed for students who may not be ready to access the grade 9 curriculum in English, Math and Science • Have a lower class size allowing for individual attention 3 K Courses • Are non credit bearing courses • Include content of credit courses with a functional, practical focus whenever possible • Are based upon Ministry of Education listings Success Every Day

  19. Continued Secondary Courses 4 Guidance Courses (GLE, GLD, GLN, GWL) • Courses are designed to support all students with specific learning needs 5 Cooperative Education & Work Experience • May be based on any course offered in the school • Open to all students 6 System Courses • Specialized courses offered at one or more sites and open to all students • E.g. Transportation, Tech Theatre,Construction Work Experience,Environmental Leadership Success Every Day

  20. K Courses* - Samples *Many of the program areas may link directly to the Ontario Curriculum. The IEP becomes the definition of the course. Courses present values and content consistent with our mission as a Catholic community; students called to be collaborating contributors in a Christ – centered community. Success Every Day

  21. Technology Bank of computers with internet access, scanner, printer, data projector, Digital camera Physical Needs Accessible washroom with lifts Physiotherapy table Social Skills Sofas, side chairs, coffee tables, DVD/Televisions Dedicated safe room, quiet area Life Skills Small kitchenette space (counters, food preparation space, storage) Work Skills Store, banking services Program Facilities Classroom facilities reflect learning, work skills, life skills and social skills Success Every Day

  22. Transition from Secondary School • Early preparation is essential in order to provide a successful transition from school life to a life pathway • Partners include: • Students • FamilyIdentify the student’s needs and interests • SchoolIdentify the students achievement and interest • Community AgenciesBy matching needs, achievement and interests, provide meaningful volunteer/employment/social/living opportunities • Begin early to seek pathway opportunities by: • Attending Community Fairs and getting to know Community agencies • Determine which agency will best meet the needs of the student Success Every Day

  23. Transitions to Community Community agencies include: • ATN • Community Living London • Employment Services Elgin • Goodwill Industries • Hutton House • Leads Employment Services • St. Thomas/Elgin Association for Community Living • Tillsonburg Association for Community Living Success Every Day

  24. Job Placement May include job coaching Volunteering Daycare centers Social service agencies Museums Non-profit locations Participation in Family Life Independent Living Participate in day programs Supported Living Environment Transitions to Community Effective Transition will see that all students are successfully moved from school life to the life in the community, this may include: Success Every Day

  25. Since the creation of the world the invisible things of God, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what God has made, so that people are without excuse.Romans 1:20 Success Every Day

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