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  1. Title • Authors • Authors institution • Authors institution • Authors institution Tips for bruk av poster-mal Mer informasjon • Postermal er basert på UMBs nye visuelle profil. Forskningsmiljøene har en rekke ulike behov, men mange benytter PowerPoint for å utarbeide egne postere. • Grunnstrukturen i malen er følgende:a) Tittel plasseres i oransje felt øverst.b) Forfattere og forfatters institusjonelle tilhøringhet plasseres i grått felt under tittel.c) Referanser plasseres i grått felt over logo I bunn av poster. d) UMBs logo plasseres i bunn. Oransje farge er benyttet i poster da dette er forskningsfargen I ny visuell profil. For at UMBs nye logo (merke) skal legges merke til er det viktig med et åpent hvitt felt rundt logo, slik denne malen viser. • De påfølgende sidene viser ulike presentsjonsmåter for å dekke noen behov på en poster. • Posteren forsøker å innføre bruk av faste spalter (to eller tre). Dette for å øke lesbarheten på poster for publikum • Mellomtitler (subtitles) er lagt inn i sorte bokser. Dette også for å øke lesbarheten, og publikums mulighet til å orientere seg på posteren. • Hovedfont poster:TAHOMA • Kopier tabeller fra word eller xl: Dette gir best trykkekvalitet. • c) Mer informasjon om UMBs nye visuelle profil på: http://cirkus.umb.no/ia/visuell_profil_umb.html • d) Last ned egen logo eller logo for UMBs merkedager på: http://biogram.umb.no/ • e) Bruk av felles maler til postere kan øke merkevarebyggingen av Universitetet for miljø- og biovitenskap. References: Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text.

  2. Postertitle: Dummy text: Three column lay-out with picture and without tables. Tove G. Devold1, Ragnhild Nordbø2, Thor Langsrud1, Cecilie Svenning1, Margreet Jansen Brovold1, Esben S. Sørensen3, Brian Christensen3, Tormod Ådnøy4 and Gerd E.Vegarud1 1Department of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food Science, Agricultural University of Norway, N-1432 Aas, Norway2 The Norwegian Crop Research Institute, N-5781 Lofthus, Norway (Present address)3 Protein Chemistry Laboratory, Department of Molecular Biology, University of Aarhus, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark4 Department of Animal and Aquacultural Sciences, Agricultural University of Norway, N-1432 Aas, Norway Summary Subtitle 3 The main objectives of this study were to investigate the frequencies of genetic variants of s1-casein in milk from Norwegian Dairy Goats and secondly to investigate effects of s1 –casein polymorphism on milk composition, mean size of casein micelles and rennet coagulation properties. A remarkable high frequency (70 %) of the as1-casein “null” variant was found among Norwegian Dairy Goats. The composition of “strong” milks was characterized by a significantly higher content of crude protein and casein, higher Ca-ion activity, lower milk pH, smaller casein micelles and higher gel strength (A30) than “null” milks. The main objectives of this study were to investigate the frequencies of genetic variants of s1-casein in milk from Norwegian Dairy Goats and secondly to investigate effects of s1 –casein polymorphism on milk composition, mean size of casein micelles and rennet coagulation properties. A remarkable high frequency (70 %) of the as1-casein “null” variant was found among Norwegian Dairy Goats. The composition of “strong” milks was characterized by a significantly higher content of crude protein and casein, higher Ca-ion activity, lower milk pH, The main objectives of this study were to investigate the frequencies of genetic variants of s1-casein in milk from Norwegian Dairy Goats and secondly to investigate effects of s1 –casein polymorphism on milk composition, mean size of casein micelles and rennet coagulation properties. A remarkable high frequency (70 %) of the as1-casein “null” variant was found among Norwegian Dairy Goats. The composition of “strong” milks was characterized by a significantly higher content of crude protein and casein, higher Ca-ion activity, lower milk pH, The main objectives of this study were to investigate the frequencies of genetic variants of s1-casein in milk from Norwegian Dairy Goats and secondly to investigate effects of s1 –casein polymorphism on milk composition, mean size of casein micelles and rennet coagulation properties. The main objectives of this study were to investigate the frequencies of genetic variants of s1-casein in milk from Norwegian Dairy Goats and secondly to investigate effects of s1 –casein polymorphism on milk composition, mean size of casein micelles and rennet coagulation properties. The main objectives of this study were to investigate the frequencies of genetic variants of s1-casein in milk from Norwegian Dairy Goats and secondly to investigate effects of s1 –casein polymorphism on milk composition, mean size of casein micelles and rennet coagulation properties. A remarkable high frequency (70 %) of the as1-casein “null” variant was found among Norwegian Dairy Goats. The composition of “strong” milks was characterized by a significantly higher content of crude protein and casein, higher Ca-ion activity, lower milk pH, The main objectives of this study were to investigate the frequencies of genetic variants of s1-casein in milk from Norwegian Dairy Goats and secondly to investigate effects of s1 –casein polymorphism on milk composition, mean size of casein micelles and rennet coagulation properties. Introduction The main objectives of this study were to investigate the frequencies of genetic variants of s1-casein in milk from Norwegian Dairy Goats and secondly to investigate effects of s1 –casein polymorphism on milk composition, mean size of casein micelles and rennet coagulation properties. A remarkable high frequency (70 %) of the as1-casein “null” variant was found among Norwegian Dairy Goats. The composition of “strong” milks was characterized by a significantly higher content of crude protein and casein, higher Ca-ion activity, lower milk pH, smaller casein micelles and higher gel strength (A30) than “null” milks. Subtitle 2 The main objectives of this study were to investigate the frequencies of genetic variants of s1-casein in milk from Norwegian Dairy Goats and secondly to investigate effects of s1 –casein polymorphism on milk composition, mean size of casein micelles and rennet coagulation properties. Subtitle 1 The main objectives of this study were to investigate the frequencies of genetic variants of s1-casein in milk from Norwegian Dairy Goats and secondly to investigate effects of s1 –casein polymorphism on milk composition, mean size of casein micelles and rennet coagulation properties. A remarkable high frequency (70 %) of the as1-casein “null” variant was found among Norwegian Dairy Goats. The composition of “strong” milks was characterized by a significantly higher content of crude protein and casein, higher Ca-ion activity, lower milk pH, References: Pierre, A.; Le Quere, J. L.; Famelart, M. H.; Riaublanc, A.; Rousseau, F. Lait 1998, 78, 291-301. Remeuf, F. Lait 1993, 73, 549-557. Vassal, L.; Delacroixbuchet, A.; Bouillon, J. Lait 1994, 74, 89-103. Ambrosoli, R.; Distasio, L.; Mazzocco, P. Journal of Dairy Science 1988, 71, 24-28. Grosclaude, F.; Martin, P. IDF Special Issue 9702, Milk Protein Polymorphism, International Dairy Federation, Brussels. 1997, pp. 241-253. Martin, P.; Ollivier-Bousquet, M.; Grosclaude, F. International Dairy Journal 1999, 9, 163-171. Grosclaude, F.; Mahe, M. F.; Brignon, G.; Distasio, L.; Jeunet, R. Genetics Selection Evolution 1987, 19, 399-411. Pirisi, A.; Colin, O.; Laurent, F.; Scher, J.; Parmentier, M. International Dairy Journal 1994, 4, 329-345. Clark, S.; Sherbon, J. W. Small Ruminant Research 2000, 38, 123-134. Barbieri, M. E.; Manfredi, E.; Elsen, J. M.; Ricordeau, G.; Bouillon, J.; Grosclaude, F.; Mahe, M. F.; Bibe, B. Genetics Selection Evolution 1995, 27, 437-450.

  3. Postertitle: Dummy text: Three column lay-out with picture and tables. Tove G. Devold1, Ragnhild Nordbø2, Thor Langsrud1, Cecilie Svenning1, Margreet Jansen Brovold1, Esben S. Sørensen3, Brian Christensen3, Tormod Ådnøy4 and Gerd E.Vegarud1 1Department of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food Science, Agricultural University of Norway, N-1432 Aas, Norway2 The Norwegian Crop Research Institute, N-5781 Lofthus, Norway (Present address)3 Protein Chemistry Laboratory, Department of Molecular Biology, University of Aarhus, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark4 Department of Animal and Aquacultural Sciences, Agricultural University of Norway, N-1432 Aas, Norway Summary The main objectives of this study were to investigate the frequencies of genetic variants of s1-casein in milk from Norwegian Dairy Goats and secondly to investigate effects of s1 –casein polymorphism on milk composition, mean size of casein micelles and rennet coagulation properties. A remarkable high frequency (70 %) of the as1-casein “null” variant was found among Norwegian Dairy Goats. The composition of “strong” milks was characterized by a significantly higher content of crude protein and casein, higher Ca-ion activity, lower milk pH, smaller casein micelles and higher gel strength (A30) than “null” milks. Subtitle 2 The main objectives of this study were to investigate the frequencies of genetic variants of s1-casein in milk from Norwegian Dairy Goats and secondly to investigate effects of s1 –casein polymorphism on milk composition, mean size of casein micelles and rennet coagulation properties. A remarkable high frequency (70 %) of the as1-casein “null” variant was found among Norwegian Dairy Goats. The composition of “strong” milks was characterized by a significantly higher content of crude protein and casein, higher Ca-ion activity, lower milk pH, The main objectives of this study were to investigate the frequencies of genetic variants of s1-casein in milk from Norwegian Dairy Goats and secondly to investigate effects of s1 –casein polymorphism on milk composition, mean size of casein micelles and rennet coagulation properties. A remarkable high frequency (70 %) of the as1-casein “null” variant was found among Norwegian Dairy Goats. The composition of “strong” milks was characterized by a significantly higher content of crude protein and casein, higher Ca-ion activity, lower milk pH, Introduction The main objectives of this study were to investigate the frequencies of genetic variants of s1-casein in milk from Norwegian Dairy Goats and secondly to investigate effects of s1 –casein polymorphism on milk composition, mean size of casein micelles and rennet coagulation properties. A remarkable high frequency (70 %) of the as1-casein “null” variant was found among Norwegian Dairy Goats. The composition of “strong” milks was characterized by a significantly higher content of crude protein and casein, higher Ca-ion activity, lower milk pH, smaller casein micelles and higher gel strength (A30) than “null” milks. The main objectives of this study were to investigate the frequencies of genetic variants of s1-casein in milk from Norwegian Dairy Goats and secondly to investigate effects of s1 –casein polymorphism on milk composition, mean size of casein micelles and rennet coagulation properties. A remarkable high frequency (70 %) of the as1-casein “null” variant was found among Norwegian Dairy Goats. The composition of “strong” milks was characterized by a significantly higher content of crude protein and casein, higher Ca-ion activity, lower milk pH, The main objectives of this study were to investigate the frequencies of genetic variants of s1-casein in milk from Norwegian Dairy Goats and secondly to investigate effects of s1 –casein polymorphism on milk Subtitle 1 The main objectives of this study were to investigate the frequencies of genetic variants of s1-casein in milk from Norwegian Dairy Goats and secondly to investigate effects of s1 –casein polymorphism on milk composition, mean size of casein micelles and rennet coagulation properties. A remarkable high frequency (70 %) of the as1-casein “null” variant was found among Norwegian Dairy Goats. The composition of “strong” milks was characterized by a significantly higher content of crude protein and casein, higher Ca-ion activity, lower milk pH, References: Pierre, A.; Le Quere, J. L.; Famelart, M. H.; Riaublanc, A.; Rousseau, F. Lait 1998, 78, 291-301. Remeuf, F. Lait 1993, 73, 549-557. Vassal, L.; Delacroixbuchet, A.; Bouillon, J. Lait 1994, 74, 89-103. Ambrosoli, R.; Distasio, L.; Mazzocco, P. Journal of Dairy Science 1988, 71, 24-28. Grosclaude, F.; Martin, P. IDF Special Issue 9702, Milk Protein Polymorphism, International Dairy Federation, Brussels. 1997, pp. 241-253. Martin, P.; Ollivier-Bousquet, M.; Grosclaude, F. International Dairy Journal 1999, 9, 163-171. Grosclaude, F.; Mahe, M. F.; Brignon, G.; Distasio, L.; Jeunet, R. Genetics Selection Evolution 1987, 19, 399-411. Pirisi, A.; Colin, O.; Laurent, F.; Scher, J.; Parmentier, M. International Dairy Journal 1994, 4, 329-345. Clark, S.; Sherbon, J. W. Small Ruminant Research 2000, 38, 123-134. Barbieri, M. E.; Manfredi, E.; Elsen, J. M.; Ricordeau, G.; Bouillon, J.; Grosclaude, F.; Mahe, M. F.; Bibe, B. Genetics Selection Evolution 1995, 27, 437-450.

  4. Postertitle: Dummy text: Two column lay-out with tables. Tove G. Devold1, Ragnhild Nordbø2, Thor Langsrud1, Cecilie Svenning1, Margreet Jansen Brovold1, Esben S. Sørensen3, Brian Christensen3, Tormod Ådnøy4 and Gerd E.Vegarud1 1Department of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food Science, Agricultural University of Norway, N-1432 Aas, Norway2 The Norwegian Crop Research Institute, N-5781 Lofthus, Norway (Present address)3 Protein Chemistry Laboratory, Department of Molecular Biology, University of Aarhus, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark4 Department of Animal and Aquacultural Sciences, Agricultural University of Norway, N-1432 Aas, Norway Table 2: Title Summary The main objectives of this study were to investigate the frequencies of genetic variants of s1-casein in milk from Norwegian Dairy Goats and secondly to investigate effects of s1 –casein polymorphism on milk composition, mean size of casein micelles and rennet coagulation properties. A remarkable high frequency (70 %) of the as1-casein “null” variant was found among Norwegian Dairy Goats. The composition of “strong” milks was characterized by a significantly higher content of crude protein and casein, higher Ca-ion activity, lower milk pH, smaller casein micelles and higher gel strength (A30) than “null” milks. Comments to table. The main objectives of this study were to investigate the frequencies of genetic variants of s1-casein in milk from Norwegian Dairy Goats and secondly to investigate effects of s1 –casein polymorphism on milk composition, mean size of casein micelles and rennet coagulation properties. The main objectives of this study were to investigate the frequencies of genetic variants of s1-casein in milk from Norwegian Dairy Goats Introduction Content The main objectives of this study were to investigate the frequencies of genetic variants of s1-casein in milk from Norwegian Dairy Goats and secondly to investigate effects of s1 –casein polymorphism on milk composition, mean size of casein micelles and rennet coagulation properties. A remarkable high frequency (70 %) of the as1-casein “null” variant was found among Norwegian Dairy Goats. The composition of “strong” milks was characterized by a significantly higher content of crude protein and casein, higher Ca-ion activity, lower milk pH, The main objectives of this study were to investigate the frequencies of genetic variants of s1-casein in milk from Norwegian Dairy Goats and secondly to investigate effects of s1 –casein polymorphism on milk. The main objectives of this study were to investigate the frequencies of genetic variants of s1-casein in milk from Norwegian Dairy Goats and secondly to investigate effects of s1 –casein polymorphism on milk composition, mean size of casein micelles and rennet coagulation properties. A remarkable high frequency (70 %) of the as1-casein “null” variant was found among Norwegian Dairy Goats. The composition of “strong” milks was characterized by a significantly higher content of crude protein and casein, higher Ca-ion activity, lower milk pH, The main objectives of this study were to investigate the frequencies of genetic variants of s1-casein in milk from Norwegian Dairy Goats and secondly to investigate effects of s1 –casein polymorphism on milk The main objectives of this study were to investigate the frequencies of genetic variants of s1-casein in milk from Norwegian Dairy Goats and secondly to investigate effects of s1 –casein polymorphism on milk. The main objectives of this study were to investigate the frequencies of genetic variants of s1-casein in milk from Norwegian Dairy Goats and secondly to investigate effects of s1 –casein polymorphism on milk composition, mean size of casein micelles and rennet coagulation properties. A remarkable high frequency (70 %) of the as1-casein “null” variant was found among Norwegian Dairy Goats. The composition of “strong” milks was characterized by a significantly higher content of crude protein and casein, higher Ca-ion activity, lower milk pH, smaller casein micelles and higher gel strength (A30) than “null” milks. The composition of “strong” milks was characterized by a significantly higher content of crude protein and casein, higher Ca-ion activity, lower milk pH, smaller casein micelles and higher gel strength (A30) than “null” milks. Table 1: Title References: Pierre, A.; Le Quere, J. L.; Famelart, M. H.; Riaublanc, A.; Rousseau, F. Lait 1998, 78, 291-301. Remeuf, F. Lait 1993, 73, 549-557. Vassal, L.; Delacroixbuchet, A.; Bouillon, J. Lait 1994, 74, 89-103. Ambrosoli, R.; Distasio, L.; Mazzocco, P. Journal of Dairy Science 1988, 71, 24-28. Grosclaude, F.; Martin, P. IDF Special Issue 9702, Milk Protein Polymorphism, International Dairy Federation, Brussels. 1997, pp. 241-253. Martin, P.; Ollivier-Bousquet, M.; Grosclaude, F. International Dairy Journal 1999, 9, 163-171. Grosclaude, F.; Mahe, M. F.; Brignon, G.; Distasio, L.; Jeunet, R. Genetics Selection Evolution 1987, 19, 399-411. Pirisi, A.; Colin, O.; Laurent, F.; Scher, J.; Parmentier, M. International Dairy Journal 1994, 4, 329-345. Clark, S.; Sherbon, J. W. Small Ruminant Research 2000, 38, 123-134. Barbieri, M. E.; Manfredi, E.; Elsen, J. M.; Ricordeau, G.; Bouillon, J.; Grosclaude, F.; Mahe, M. F.; Bibe, B. Genetics Selection Evolution 1995, 27, 437-450.

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