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Welcome to Mrs. Gomez’s Third Grade Room 211. Attendance. Students must be inside the classroom by 7:55 to be counted on time. When possible, please make doctor appointments after school or during lunch. I know this isn’t always possible, we just have so much to learn!. Reading.
Attendance • Students must be inside the classroom by 7:55 to be counted on time. • When possible, please make doctor appointments after school or during lunch. I know this isn’t always possible, we just have so much to learn!
Reading • Students will have a reading log or BINGO card sent home every quarter to complete. • Please try to read for 15-20 minutes every evening. • Book reports or projects will be given out throughout the year too!
Math • Our Everyday Math curriculum has two journals and a Student Reference Book. • Students will complete a Home Link almost every day. • Helpful tips and answers are in the Family Letter that comes home at the beginning of each unit.
Math continued… • Students will • discuss math strategies, • write about math activities, • practice math through challenging games, • use math materials in meaningful ways to solve problems, • understand measurement, geometry, probability, estimation, • accurately memorize & understand basic facts, • organize data, • develop money-smarts, • and reason logically.
Social Studies • We do have Social Studies every week. • Social studies grades will be a combination of daily geography, class participation/work, and test scores. • Please be patient with social studies because it can be challenging. This is the first year that students are assigned a social studies grade, so we are adjusting to new expectations.
Science • Third graders complete five science units. • They are Sound, Chemical Tests, Rocks and Minerals, Plant Growth and Development, Food Chains and Webs.
Cursive • Students will learn one letter each day. • We will begin with lowercase letters and then uppercase. • As students learn letters, they will write words, sentences, and poems. • By the third quarter students should be writing almost everything in cursive. • January is an exciting month!
Spelling • Students will take home a spelling list each Monday after a pretest. • Students who make 100 on the pretest get a challenge list to be responsible for as well as dictation for Friday. • Students will have a word book to use for spelling help when they write. • Spelling homework
Language • Language lessons are taught through our reading text books and Daily Oral Language. • Students will use the writing process to complete several longer writing pieces during the year. • These projects will be in their portfolio which they will share at a Student-led Conference in the spring.
P.E./Music • Our class is split this year. • All students have Music with Mrs. Tune. • All students have P.E. with Mrs. Barr. • Wear tennis shoes on P.E. days. You might have your child wear them or bring them each Monday if you’re not sure whether it’s a Day 1 or 2.
Grading • Third grade uses letter grades decided by percentage scores. • All papers with a percentage below 70 may be corrected to a passing grade of 70. • Consistent missing work or late work will result in office hours.
Agendas • Third graders use an agenda to record their daily assignments. • Please look over this each evening and initial in the box on the right. • This is also a place where you can send me messages, and I can send messages to you.
Other Information Dismissal If you usually meet your child in the front hall, please wait for them in the gym and they will come meet you there. Parent Portal is the new “Parent Connect” There is a table at the front of the building tonight where you can get your password, but you will need an ID.
Wish list Sharpies Clorox wipes Germ-X antibacterial Dry erase markers