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Learn about Upper Yamuna River Board - its functions, key projects, MOU details, and water allocation specifics for basin states. Stay informed about water management activities in the Yamuna River basin.
Upper Yamuna River Board (UYRB) • It is a sub-ordinate office of MoWR. • It was Constituted through MoWR Notification dated 11th March, 1995 in pursuance of MoU dated 12th May, 1994.
Upper Yamuna River Board Constitution Chairman – Member (WP&P), CWC Members – • Chief Engineers from the basin States • Chief Engineer from Central Electricity Authority • One Representative each from CGWB and CPCB Member Secretary - Chief Engineer level officer (on deputation from CWES)
Main Functions of the Board • Regulation and supply of water from all storages and barrages upto and including Okhla barrage. • Maintenance of minimum flow in Yamuna from ecological considerations. • Monitoring return flows from the waters withdrawn : (i) by Delhi for domestic use. (ii) by the States of Uttar Pradesh and Haryana for the purpose of silt exclusion. (iii) for Khara hydel station.
Main Functions of the Board (contd.) • Framing of rules and regulations for water accounting. • Keeping concurrent records of the flows and withdrawals. • Ensuring delivery of supplies to all the concerned States in accordance with their entitlements. • Monitoring and reviewing the progress of all projects.
Upper Yamuna Review Committee (UYRC) To supervise working of UYRB and to ensure implementation of MOU dated 12.5.94 Constitution Chairman - Union Minister / Minister of State for Water Resources Members - Chief Ministers of basin States Secretary - Chairman, UYRB • Disagreement, if any, on the decisions of the Board may be referred to the Review Committee by a member of the Review Committee.
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) • An MOU was signed on 12.5.1994 amongst basin States of Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Delhi. Uttrakhand was added in 2001. • It provides for allocation of surface flow of Yamuna to basin States. • It also provides for regulation of allocated waters by Upper Yamuna River Board.
Salient Features of MoU • Mean year availability is assessed 13 BCM out of which 0.68 BCM may not be utilisable due to flood spills. • Minimum flow upto 10 cumec shall be maintained downstream of Tajewala and Okhla Headwork from ecological considerations. • Surplus water to be allocated in proportion to each State’s allocation. • If availability is less, first drinking water allocation of Delhi to be met, balance to be distributed in proportion to state’s allocation. • Three main storage projects have been identified- Renuka, Kishau and Lakhwar-Vyasi.
Salient Features of MoU (contd.) • Separate agreement to be signed for each identified storage. • Annual as well as Interim seasonal water allocations have been made. • As storages are constructed, allocations shall get progressively modified to the final annual allocations. • This agreement may be reviewed after the year 2025, if any of the basin States so demand. • Interim seasonal water allocation is as follows:
ALLOCATION OF YAMUNA WATERS (BCM) July - Oct. Nov. - Feb. March - June Annual Haryana 4.107 0.686 0.937 5.73 Uttar Pradesh & Uttrakhand 3.216 0.343 0.473 4.032 Rajasthan 0.963 0.07 0.086 1.119 Himachal Pradesh 0.19 0.108 0.08 0.378 Delhi 0.58 0.068 0.076 0.724 Total 9.056 1.275 1.652 11.983 SEASONAL STATE
UPPER YAMUNA Upper Yamuna refers to the stretch of Yamuna from its origin upto and including the Okhla Barrage at Delhi. • BASIN STATES: Himachal Pradesh, Uttrakhand,Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Rajasthan and Delhi. • AREA: 42931 Sq.km. (upto Okhla)
BARRAGES: • Tajewala / Hathnikund • Wazirabad • Okhla CANAL NETWORKS: • Western Yamuna Canal • Eastern Yamuna Canal • Agra Canal / Gurgaon canal
Proposed Storage Projects Project Storage Power • Renuka 542.5 MCM 40 MW • Kishau 1275 MCM 600 MW • Lakhwar 330 MCM 300 MW • Vyasi HE 3.5 MCM 120 MW
Thank You Thank You
Pollution in Yamuna • Industrial Pollution coming from Sonipat/ Panipat drains, Haryana: • BOD a non issue. • Mainly high Ammonia content. • Damages WTP’s of Delhi. • Details of proposal for treatment if any not available. • Municipal pollution coming from Delhi. • BOD is about 40mg/litre. • Sewage discharge u/s of Okhla is about 3800 MLD (700 cusec).
Pollution in Yamuna (Contd.) • DJB’s Interceptor Sewage Project with a cost of about Rs. 1395 crore, financed by JnNRUM, is under implementation. • Scheduled for completion by December 2015. • Present overall progress of six packages is about 75%. • Rehabilitation of old trunk sewers is being done separately. • Rehabilitation of existing STP’s is also under progress.
Yamuna Water for Rajasthan • The MoU provides for following interim seasonal allocation pending construction of the storage dams in the upper reaches of the river:
The distribution approved by the Upper Yamuna River Board to Rajasthan, in its 22nd meeting held on 21-12-2001 as per above interim seasonal allocation, is as under:
For utilizing its allocated share of Yamuna water, Rajasthan Govt. submitted two schemes, one for district Bharatpur and the other for districts Jhunjhunu & Churu. • Ex-Tajewala through Western Yamuna Canal system up-to tail of Loharu feeder (total length of common carrier would be 274.266 Km.) and thereafter through a parallel /new canal up-to Rajasthan border. The total length of canal up-to Rajasthan border is likely to be 320.90 Km. The existing system of WJC/JLN up-to Loharu Feeder will have to remodeled to pass Rajasthan’s share of water. • Ex-Okhla through Agra/Gurgaon canal by Modernization of Gurgaon Feeder in Haryana territory.
These schemes were cleared by the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) of the Ministry of Water Resources in its 80th meeting held on 7.2.2003, subject to certain observations which inter alia included concurrence of Haryana/ Rajasthan Government for taking up the construction in Haryana and Rajasthan simultaneously. • Rajasthan submitted a MoU in this regard to Haryana for: a) Modernization of canal system from Tajewala Head works lying in Haryana territory upto Loharu sub branch; and b) Modernization of Gurgaon Feeder in Haryana territory.
Haryana has not signed the MoU so far. • In the 26th meeting of UYRB held on 6.8.2004, the member from Haryana insisted that they do not agree to the utilization of water by Rajasthan at Tajewala in the manner proposed by Rajasthan. • Haryana was opposed to UYRB’s decision allocating Rajasthan’s shares at Tajewala and Okhla on the ground that UYRB did not follow set procedures of protecting the existing uses of the States at Tajewala and Okhla while taking the decision. • Accordingly, Haryana referred the matter to UYRC.
Further, Haryana has suggested that water to Rajasthan could be carried through a 300 km long canal parallel to Western Yamuna Canal (WYC) from a new barrage proposed at Mawi near Panipat on river Yamuna. • Rajasthan is not enthusiastic about this proposal and has been stressing to get its share of water from Tajewala/ Hathnikund barrage through WYC instead of the new barrage and canal system being proposed by Haryana.
From Tajewala • The mode of conveyance of Rajasthan’s share upto border of Rajasthan and Haryana was discussed in the 4th UYRC meeting held on 19.07.2011. • It was decided that that both the States may discuss and settle the issue bilaterally, at the earliest and if needed, help of CWC may be taken to find out most appropriate option for the conveyance of Rajasthan’s share upto Rajasthan border. • Both the States agreed to the suggestion. • However the bilateral meeting was not held.
The issue was again discussed in the 5th UYRC meeting held on 28.05.2013. • Chairman felt that one more chance may be given to both the States to settle the issue bilaterally. • However bilateral meeting has not been held so far to settle the issue. • The issue was again discussed in the 6th UYRC meeting held on 20.03.2015. • Chairperson felt that one more chance may be given to both the States to settle the issue bilaterally.
From Okhla • The Agra Canal takes off from the Okhla barrage. After a short while, AgraCanal enters Haryana territory. After flowing for some distance, it enters into UP. • While the Agra Canal flows in Haryana territory, it carries waters for Haryana as well as for Rajasthan. • The Gurgaon Canal takes off from Agra Canal while the latter is in Haryana territory. The Gurgaon canal flows in Haryana territory for some distance after which it enters Rajasthan. Therefore it carries water for the requirements of both Haryana en route, and Rajasthan. • A part of Rajasthan’s share is delivered through Agra Canal / Aring Distributary / Bharatpur Feeder.
Agra Canal enters UP after it has flowed for some distance in Haryana. • It is in Haryana territory that the alleged unauthorized lifting of water by Haryana farmers and the need for restoration of carrying capacity has been reported. • In order to check unauthorized lifting of water by Haryana farmers Upper Yamuna River Board has constituted a committee of Superintending Engineers from Rajasthan, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh to jointly observe the water releases in Hindon Cut Canal, Agra Canal and Gurgaon Canal, periodically. • Three Joint observations have been made by the Committee so far.
Agra Canal enters UP after it has flowed for some distance in Haryana. • It is in Haryana territory that the alleged unauthorized lifting of water by Haryana farmers and the need for restoration of carrying capacity has been reported. • In order to check unauthorized lifting of water by Haryana farmers Upper Yamuna River Board has constituted a committee of Superintending Engineers from Rajasthan, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh to jointly observe the water releases in Hindon Cut Canal, Agra Canal and Gurgaon Canal, periodically. • Three Joint observations have been made by the Committee so far.