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Join Dr. Uwe Trittmann in a fascinating lecture series on the Sun, its characteristics, and how we understand its properties such as mass, density, temperature, and composition. Learn about the methods used to measure the Sun's features and the significance of its energy output. Explore the science behind the Sun's rotation, appearance, and spectrum in this engaging presentation. Discover the secrets of our remarkable celestial body in this informative session of the Otterbein Astronomy Lecture Series. Welcome to Starry Monday on February 2, 2009.
Welcome to Starry Monday at Otterbein Astronomy Lecture Series -every first Monday of the month- February 2, 2009 Dr. Uwe Trittmann
Today’s Topics • The closest Star: Our Sun • The Night Sky in February
The Sun – A typical Star • The only star in the solar system • Diameter: 100 that of Earth • Mass: 300,000 that of Earth • Density: 0.3 that of Earth (comparable to the Jovians) • Rotation period = 24.9 days (equator), 29.8 days (poles) • Temperature of visible surface = 5800 K (about 10,000º F) • Composition: Mostly hydrogen, 9% helium, traces of other elements
How do we know the Sun’s Diameter? • Trickier than you might think • We know only how big it appears • It appears as big as the Moon • Need to measure how far it is away • Kepler’s laws don’t help (only relative distances) • Use two observations of Venus transit in front of Sun • Modern way: bounce radio signal off of Venus
How do we know the Sun’s Mass? • Fairly easy calculation using Newton law of universal gravity • Again: need to know distance Earth-Sun • General idea: the faster the Earth goes around the Sun, the more gravitational pull the more massive the Sun • Earth takes 1 year to travel 2π (93 million miles) Sun’s Mass = 300,000 that of Earth
How do we know the Sun’s Density? • Divide the Sun’s mass by its Volume • Volume = 4π × (radius)3 • Conclusion: Since the Sun’s density is so low, it must consist of very light materials
How do we know the Sun’s Temperature? • Use the fact that the Sun is a “blackbody” radiator • It puts out its peak energy in visible light, hence it must be about 6000 K at its surface
Black Body Spectrum • Objects emit radiation of all frequencies, but with different intensities Ipeak Higher Temp. Ipeak Ipeak Lower Temp. fpeak<fpeak <fpeak
Why does the Sun appear yellow? • Tricky question. It is actually whitish-yellow. • The blackbody curve peaks at green. • Impression we get is a mix of all colors but with different intensities • Caveats: • Eye’s receptors are not equally sensitive to all colors • Atmosphere scatters away short wavelengths • When you can conveniently observe it (sunrise/set), it appears yellow
Color of a radiating blackbody as a function of temperature • Think of heating an iron bar in the fire: red glowing to white to bluish glowing
How do we know the Sun’s rotation period? • Crude method: observe sunspots as they travel around the Sun’s globe • More accurate: measure Doppler shift of spectral lines (blueshifted when coming towards us, redshifted when receding). • THE BIGGER THE SHIFT, THE HIGHER THE VELOCITY
How do we know the Sun’s composition? • Take a spectrum of the Sun, i.e. let sunlight fall unto a prism • Map out the dark (Fraunhofer) lines in the spectrum • Compare with known lines (“fingerprints”) of the chemical elements • The more pronounced the lines, the more abundant the element
Spectral Lines – Fingerprints of the Elements • Can use spectra to identify elements on distant objects! • Different elements yield different emission spectra
The energy of the electron depends on orbit • When an electron jumps from one orbital to another, it emits (emission line) or absorbs (absorption line) a photon of a certain energy • The frequency of emitted or absorbed photon is related to its energy E = h f (h is called Planck’s constant, f is frequency, another word for color )
Sun • Compare Sun’s spectrum (above) to the fingerprints of the “usual suspects” (right) • Hydrogen: B,FHelium: CSodium: D
“Sun spectrum” is the sum of many elements – some Earth-based!
The Sun’s Spectrum • The Balmer line is very thick lots of Hydrogen on the Sun • How did Helium get its name?
How do we know how much energy the Sun produces each second? • The Sun’s energy spreads out in all directions • We can measure how much energy we receive on Earth • At a distance of 1 A.U., each square meter receives 1400 Watts of power (the solar constant) • Multiply by surface of sphere of radius 149.6 bill. meter (=1 A.U.) to obtain total power output of the Sun
Energy Output of the Sun • Total power output: 4 1026 Watts • The same as • 100 billion 1 megaton nuclear bombs per second • 4 trillion trillion 100 W light bulbs • $10 quintillion (10 billion billion) worth of energy per second @ 9¢/kWh • The source of virtually all our energy (fossil fuels, wind, waterfalls, …) • Exceptions: nuclear power, geothermal
Where does the Energy come from? • Anaxagoras (500-428 BC): Sun a large hot rock – No, it would cool down too fast • Combustion? • No, it could last a few thousand years • 19th Century – gravitational contraction? • No! Even though the lifetime of sun would be about 100 million years, geological evidence showed that Earth was much older than this
What process can produce so much power? • For the longest time we did not know • Only in the 1930’s had science advanced to the point where we could answer this question • Needed to develop very advanced physics: quantum mechanics and nuclear physics • Virtually the only process that can do it is nuclear fusion
Nuclear Fusion • Atoms:electrons orbiting nuclei • Chemistry deals only with electron orbits (electron exchange glues atoms together to from molecules) • Nuclear power comes from the nucleus • Nuclei are very small • If electrons would orbit the statehouse on I-270, the nucleus would be a soccer ball in Gov. Strickland’s office • Nuclei: made out of protons (el. positive) and neutrons (neutral)
Atom:Nucleus and Electrons The Structure of Matter Nucleus: Protons and Neutrons (Nucleons) Nucleon: 3 Quarks | 10-10m | | 10-14m | |10-15m|
Nuclear fusion reaction • In essence, 4 hydrogen nuclei combine (fuse) to form a helium nucleus, plus some byproducts (actually, a total of 6 nuclei are involved) • Mass of products is less than the original mass • The missing mass is emitted in the form of energy, according to Einstein’s famous formulas: E = mc2 (the speed of light is very large, so there is a lot of energy in even a tiny mass)
Hydrogen fuses to Helium Start: 4 + 2 protons End: Helium nucleus + neutrinos Hydrogen fuses to Helium
Could We Use This on Earth? • Requirements: • High temperature • High density • Very difficult to achieve on Earth!
Fusion is NOT fission! • In nuclear fission one splits a large nucleus into pieces to gain energy • Build up larger nuclei Fusion • Decompose into smaller nuclei Fission
Harvesting Binding Energy Most stable element in the universe Small harvest by decay Big harvest by fusion
The Standard Solar Model (SSM) • Sun is a gas ball of hydrogen & helium • Density and temperature increase towards center • Very hot & dense core produces all the energy by hydrogen nuclear fusion • Energy is released in the form of EM radiation and particles (neutrinos) • Energy transport well understood in physics
How much energy does the Sun produce in theory? • Short answer: As much as it has to … • Longer answer: … to maintain hydrostatic equilibrium
Hydrostatic Equilibrium • Two forces compete: gravity (inward) and energy pressure due to heat generated (outward) • Stars neither shrink nor expand, they are in hydrostatic equilibrium, i.e. the forces are equally strong Heat Gravity Gravity
More Mass means more Energy • More mass means more gravitational pressure • More pressure means higher density, temperature • Higher density, temp. means faster reactions & more reactions per time • This means more energy is produced
Does too much Energy lead to Explosion? • No, there is regulative feedback: • More energy produced means more radiative pressure • This means the stars gets bigger • This means density, temperature falls off • This means less reactions per time • This means less energy produced
How do we know what happens in the Sun? • We can’t “look” into the Sun • But: come up with theory that explains all the features of the Sun and predicts new things • Do more experiments to test predictions • This lends plausibility to theory
Example: Solar Neutrino Crisis • We can detect the neutrinos coming from the fusion reaction at the core of the Sun • Way to few are seen! (1/3 to 1/2 of the predicted value!) • Possible explanations: • Models of the solar interior are incorrect • Our understanding of the physics of neutrinos is incorrect • Against all odds, #2 is the answer – neutrinos “oscillate”, they change their identity
Details • Radiation Zone and Convection Zone • Chromosphere • Photosphere • Corona • Sunspots • Solar Cycle • Flares & Prominences
Convection Zone • The core generates all energy, which propagates as particles of light, photons • By the end of radiation zone (500,000 km) all photons are absorbed by Sun’s gas • Energy is then carried to the solar surface by convection
Evidence: Granulation • Bright granules move up; dark one move down • About 1 km/sec • Granules are about the size of Earth’s continents
A Puzzle • Photons and Neutrinos move at light speed • Photons take about 700,000 years to leave the Sun • Neutrinos make it in a few seconds
Chromosphere • Above the photosphere • Gas too thin to glow brightly, but visible during a solar eclipse • Characteristic pinkish color is due to emmision line of hydrogen • Solar storms erupt in the chromosphere • Spicules – thin jets of matter thrown out from photosphere
Solar Corona • Thin, hot gas above the chromosphere • High temperature produces elements that have lost some electrons • Emission in X-ray portion of spectrum • Cause of high temperatures in the corona is unknown
Sunspots • Dark, cooler regions of photosphere first observed by Galileo • About the size of the Earth • Usually occur in pairs • Frequency of occurrence varies with time; maximum about every 11 years • Associated with the Sun’s magnetic field
Sun Spots • 1/180 second exposure • With Solar Filter!
Sunspots and Magnetism • Magnetic field lines are stretched by the Sun’s rotation • Pairs may be caused by kinks in the magnetic field
Prominences • Loops or sheets of gas • May last for hours to weeks; can be much larger than Earth • Cause is unknown
Solar Flares • Like prominences, but so energetic that material is ejected from the Sun • Temperatures up to 100 million K • Flares and prominences are more common near sunspot maxima