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Maximizing Learning Potential in GCE English Language

Discover key features, content, and assessment in GCE English Language with Edexcel, ensuring clear progression and comprehensive support for students to achieve their full potential. Engage in exploring language diversity, data response questions, and creative coursework tasks.

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Maximizing Learning Potential in GCE English Language

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  1. GCE 2008 English Language

  2. GCE English Language:Key features of the QCA subject criteria Minimal change from current criteria Slide 2

  3. GCE English Language with Edexcel Supporting all students in achieving their full potential Clear progression from AS to A2 in both content and modes of assessment: • At AS the focus on contemporary language provides a familiar and engaging area for study and enables the introduction of the main constituents of language in contexts that can be readily understood • A practical emphasis on finding out about language and using it effectively • At Advanced Level students will study areas of development, diversity and change and choose for themselves the subject of their individual investigation. Slide 3 GCE 2008

  4. GCE English Language with Edexcel Content to interest and engage • Students explore ways in which meanings are constructed in a wide range of spoken, written and multimodal texts • As observers, readers and writers students learn about spoken and written language from real and imagined worlds and engage with the craft of writing to create their own texts Slide 4 GCE 2008

  5. GCE English Language with Edexcel Assessment to support achievement • Short answer responses to data in AS examinations • Data response questions also in A2 examinations • Opportunity for both creative response and independent investigation in coursework • Examples and advice for all coursework tasks Slide 5 GCE 2008

  6. GCE English Language with Edexcel Advanced Subsidiary Units Unit 1 Language Today Examination 30% Unit 2 Exploring the Writing Process Coursework 20% Slide 6

  7. GCE English Language with Edexcel A2 Units Unit 3 Language Diversity & Children’s Language Development Examination 30% Unit 4 English Language Investigation and Presentation Coursework 20% Slide 7

  8. GCE English with Edexcel – Supporting You Full support for all new specifications: • FREE e-Spec with your specifications and on the website • ‘Getting Started’ tutor support materials • Sample Assessment Materials • Comprehensive professional training & development programme • Range of published support Slide 8 GCE 2008

  9. GCE English resources from Edexcel Edexcel aims to provide the most comprehensive support and the widest choice for our qualifications. • For GCE2008, we are working with a range of publishers to endorse quality materials. • We are also publishing our own dedicated suite of resources for teachers and students written by qualification experts. Slide 9

  10. GCE English Resources fromEdexcel • Provides extensive specification coverage • Written by highly respected authors • For each specification: • AS & A2 Students’ Books • Teachers’ Guide Slide 10

  11. GCE 2008 – How do I keep up-to-date? Keep informed – sign up for email alerts on: • gce2008@edexcel.org.uk Regional Office and Team Support Keep in touch - use the ‘Ask the Expert’ service • gceenglishliterature@edexcelexperts.co.uk • gceenglishlanguageandliterature@edexcelexperts.co.uk • gceenglishlanguage@edexcelexperts.co.uk Slide 11 GCE 2008

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