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SOIL - WATER RELATIONSHIPS. Ground Surface (G.S.). Air. Water. Water Table (W.T.). Voids. Solids. By: KAMAL TAWFIQ, Ph.D.; P.E. 1. STRESSES CAUSED BY A POINT LOAD. Boussinesq’s Equation. D P z = (3P/2 p) (Z 3 /L 5 ). P. Using Influence Factor. Y. GROUND SURFACE.

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  1. SOIL - WATER RELATIONSHIPS Ground Surface (G.S.) Air Water Water Table (W.T.) Voids Solids By: KAMAL TAWFIQ, Ph.D.; P.E.

  2. 1. STRESSES CAUSED BY A POINT LOAD Boussinesq’s Equation DPz = (3P/2p) (Z3/L5) P Using Influence Factor Y GROUND SURFACE DP = (P/Z2) Ip X L Z General Stresses DP = s1 DP = sv Principal Stresses t s2 sh s3 Z By Kamal Tawfiq, Ph.D; P.E.

  3. 2. STRESSES CAUSED BY A LINE LOAD QO (Load/Unit Length) QO (Load/Unit Length) X Y WALL X Z Boussinesq’s Equation DPz = {2 Qo Z3/p (X2 + Z2 )2} Z General Stresses Using Influence Factor DP = sv s1 DP = (P/Z) IL Principal Stresses t s2 sh s3 Z By Kamal Tawfiq, Ph.D; P.E.

  4. 4. TRIANGULAR LOAD 3. CONTINUOUS LOAD DP = (q/p) {(X/B) a - (sin 2d/2)} DP = q/p [b + sin b cos (b + 2 d)] Y X Z General Stresses HIGHWAY EMBANKMENT sv s1 Principal Stresses t s2 sh s3 Z By Kamal Tawfiq, Ph.D; P.E.

  5. 5. VERTICAL STRESS DUE TO CIRCULAR LOAD Qo X q Y GROUND SURFACE X Z DP= q { 1- 1/[(R/Z)2 + 1 ]3/2 } Z General Stresses DP = sv s1 Principal Stresses t s2 sh s3 Z By Kamal Tawfiq, Ph.D; P.E.

  6. 6. VERTICAL STRESS DUE TO RECTANGULAR LOAD DP = q IR IR = 1/4p {[ (2. m.n (m2 + n2 + 1)1/2 ) / (m2 + n2 + m2. n2 + 1) ] [(m2 + n2 + 2)/(m2 + n2 + 1)] + tan-1 (2.m .n (m2 + n2 + 1)1/2 / (m2 + n2 - m2 . n2 + 1)} IR = f (m,n) L q = Load /Area B Loaded Area Foundation Level Corner of the Building L X Z B m = B/Z DP = sv m & n from Charts t n = L/Z sh By Kamal Tawfiq, Ph.D; P.E.

  7. GROUND SURFACE Water Table Dpv + sv Stresses due to additional load H Geostatic Stress sh + Δph A

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