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H387 他們跟隨羔羊 THESE ARE THEY WHICH FOLLOW THE LAMB (1/8). 從伯利恆我們動身, Via Bethlehem we journey, 學習耶穌的忠貞; We whose hearts on God are set; 跟著祂要完全歸神, Babe-like souls of Jesus leering, 但是臉上滿淚痕。 While our cheeks with tears are wet;. H387 ( 節 1/8, 頁 2/2) 因為馬槽那樣寒陋, For the manger and the stable

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  1. H387 他們跟隨羔羊THESE ARE THEY WHICH FOLLOW THE LAMB(1/8) 從伯利恆我們動身, Via Bethlehem we journey, 學習耶穌的忠貞; We whose hearts on God are set; 跟著祂要完全歸神, Babe-like souls of Jesus leering, 但是臉上滿淚痕。 While our cheeks with tears are wet;

  2. H387 (節1/8, 頁2/2) 因為馬槽那樣寒陋, For the manger and the stable 並非我們所愛視; Are not pleasant to our eyes, 但是腳須與祂同走, But our feet must follow Jesus, 如果手要接賞賜。 If our hands would grasp the prize.

  3. H387 (節2/8, 頁1/2) 經拿撒勒,這條道路, Via Nazareth!the pathway 我們越走越窄小, Narrows still as on we go, 多年勞碌無人領悟, Years of toil none understanding, 常受羞辱,常無聊。 Yet God teaches us to know

  4. H387 (節2/8, 頁2/2) 但神藉此教訓我們: That the servant is not greater 如此苦難,是因為 Than the lord, who thro' long years 僕人不能大於主人, Hid Himself from this world's glory, 所以當同祂流淚。 Follow Him. Count not the tears.

  5. H387 (節3/8, 頁1/2) 經加利利,我們見祂 Via Galilee, we see Him! 被人厭棄,被人詛; Stones are hurled, and curses hissed 祂路豈非走錯了嗎? By the men who gather round Him, 不然那有許多苦? Has He not the pathway missed?

  6. H387 (節3/8, 頁2/2) 不!不!這段雖然崎嶇, No! unarmed the Savior passes, 祂仍前進平安過; And this tough bit of the way 我們若要同祂高舉, We must travel, since like Jesus, 也得前進不畏禍。 Nothing can our purpose stay.

  7. H387 (節4/8, 頁1/2) 隨後就在客西馬尼, Via too, the awful anguish 園中孤單受磨煉; Of the hours beneath the trees, 撒但全軍都來攻逼, Where the hosts of Satan linger, 這樣光景真難遣! Awful hours of anguish these!

  8. H387 (節4/8, 頁2/2) 但是我們並不失敗, Yet we fail not, for God's angels 因有天使來服事, Minister to us, and say, 並說“應當注目賞賚, "Look, beloved at the glory, 爭戰不過此一時”。 Conflict is but for a day!"

  9. H387 (節5/8, 頁1/2) 十架到了!因為所有 Then the Cross!for via Calvary 忠魂都經加略; Every royal soul must go; 我們在此同祂蒙羞, Here we draw the veil, for Jesus 不肯自憐,不退卻。 Only can the pathway show;

  10. H387 (節5/8, 頁2/2) 因為不過一點時候, "If we suffer with Him," Listen, 我們如此感苦痛; Just a little, little while, 將來見祂,一切憂愁, And the memory will have faded 要消在祂笑容中。 In the glory of His smile!

  11. H387 (節6/8, 頁1/2) 隨到墳墓,親友環泣, Then the grave, with dear ones weeping, 知道已經無希望; Knowing that all life has fled; (親愛旅伴!世人對你, (Fellow-pilgrims, art thou numbered 是否算為已經亡?) With the men the would calls dead?)

  12. H387 (節6/8, 頁2/2) 我們從此與祂同升, Thence we rise, and live with Jesus, 遠離屬地的追求, Throned above the world's mad strife, 心裡歡然失去世人, Gladly forfeiting forever, 所謂生命和富有。 All that worldings count as life.

  13. H387 (節7/8, 頁1/2) 我們努力向竿而前, On we press! And yonder gleaming, 日近一日仍追隨; Nearing every day, we see 我們已經彷彿能見 The great walls of that fair city, 天城四射的光輝; God has built for such as we;

  14. H387 (節7/8, 頁2/2) 我們已經隱約可聞 And we catch the tender music 天樂悠揚的清音; Of the choirs that sing of One 耶穌在彼迎接我們, Who once died to have us with Him 要慰百創的這心。 In His kingdom, on the throne.

  15. H387 (節8/8, 頁1/2) 不過,再過幾里,朋友! Just a few more miles, beloved! 腿要不酸,身不累; And out feet shall ache no more; 不再有罪,不再有憂, No more sin, and no more sorrow, 主要擦乾你眼淚。 Hush thee, Jesus went before;

  16. H387 (節8/8, 頁2/2) 聽祂正用柔聲說道: And I hear Him sweetly whispering, “勿恐,勿餒,仍力前, "Faint not, fear not, still press on, 因為也許明朝未到, For it may be ere tomorrow, 旅程就已到終點”。 The long Journey will be done."

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