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EARTH. We gave information to the students about the importance of earth and asked them “ what are the ways of protecting the earth ?” The most popular answers were ‘’ recycling and planting tree ’’.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. EARTH Wegaveinformationtothestudentsabouttheimportance of earthandaskedthem“whataretheways of protectingtheearth?” Themost popular answerswere‘’recyclingandplantingtree’’

  2. Weselectedthevolunteerstudents .Theybecamemembersof theenvironmentalistteam. Theyhad theirtaskcards on theircollarsandtheystartedtheir Works.

  3. First, theypreparedcorners at theschoolthatexplainstudentsandteacherstheimportance of earthandforest.

  4. Second , Theyhelpedthecleaning of theschoolgarden

  5. Teachersexplainedtheimportance of recyclingtothestudents in theclassesand a newcampaignStarted.Theycollectedemptybatteries,lids of thebottles,wastepapersandwasteoilthatweuse at homes • Theseareforthewastepapers.We put onetoeachfloor

  6. Theredbox is forbatteries,thewhiteplastic can is forwasteoilandtheotherplastic can withbluelid is forcollectinglids.

  7. Wehaveofficialreportsthatshowshowmuch kg of batteriesandlidswecollectedanddeliveredto KAYPLAS

  8. KAYPLASgave a wheelchairtoone of ourhandicappedstudent

  9. WevisitedKAYPLAS withthestudentswhichmeans Kayseri plasticrecyclingplant

  10. Wewantedourstudentstoseehowthe life starts in earth. Wegavethemsomeseedsandwantedthemtoplant in vasesandwaterthemregularly.Soat theendtheywereveryhappytoseetheresults.

  11. Studentsmadepresentationsabouttherelationshipbetweenearthandtreestotheirfriends. Theylearnedthatcuttingdowntreescausessoilerosionbecausethetreerootshelpholdthesoil in place. Thisprotectsthesoilfrombeingwashedawayduringrainfallorblownawaybythewind.

  12. Then, theywantedtoplanttreesaroundourschoolgarden.

  13. Thesearesome motto like ‘’ We can saveforestwithlove but not with a watchman, KeepyourenvironmentcleanandSaveyour life’’

  14. ThesepicturesarefromMount Ali.Thesestudentsarefrom 6th grade.

  15. AndSome of studentsfromtheaterclubprepared a sketchaboutprotectingtreesandkeepingcleantheenvironment.

  16. Weorganized a visitto ‘’FiveHills Park’’ on WorldEnvironmentDay. Ourstudentscouldfindchancetoobservethesoil, plants, animalsandnature. Thisvisitwasthelastactivityof 2012-2013 Educatitonyear. Wearegoingtocontinueouractivitiesnexteducationyear.

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