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X-ray States of Black Hole Binaries & Possible Applications for General Relativity

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X-ray States of Black Hole Binaries & Possible Applications for General Relativity

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  1. This presentation will probably involve audience discussion, which will create action items. Use PowerPoint to keep track of these action items during your presentation • In Slide Show, click on the right mouse button • Select “Meeting Minder” • Select the “Action Items” tab • Type in action items as they come up • Click OK to dismiss this box • This will automatically create an Action Item slide at the end of your presentation with your points entered. X-ray States of Black Hole Binaries & Possible Applications for General Relativity Ron Remillard, Center for Space Research, M.I.T.

  2. Outline • Progress for Black Hole Binaries • Intensive Monitoring Campaigns: RXTE, radio, optical • Modified Definitions of X-ray States: Physical Elements • Each State : Applications for General Relativity • Each State : Problems in Accretion Physics • Prospects for Advancement • Multi-X-ray Observations (broad-band and high-resolution Spectroscopy & Timing & Imaging) • Multi-Frequency Observations • Engaging Theorists

  3. Compact Objects Masses from binary motion of companion stars or pulsars Black Hole Binaries Mx = 4-18 Mo Neutron Stars (X-ary & radio pulsars) Mx ~ 1.4 Mo

  4. Black Holes in the Milky Way 16 Black-Hole Binaries in the Galaxy (Jerry Orosz, SDSU) Scaled, tilted, and colored for surface temp. of companion star. Black Hole Properties: mass (Mx) and spin (a* = cJ / GMx2)

  5. BH in Milky Way: 15/16 are transients XTE J1550-564 First recorded outburst: 1998 Sept 6 Optical study in quiescence: 1.54 day binary, 9.6 Mo black hole + K subgiant star d ~ 5 kpc ; Peak Lx ~ 20,000 Lo

  6. Black Holes in the Milky Way

  7. Black Holes in the Milky Way X-ray States: thermal & non-thermal Spectral components

  8. X-ray States of Black Hole Binaries McClintock & Remillard 2003 Statemodified descriptions “very high” “steep power law” power law, G ~ 2.4-3.0, fpow > 50% or fpow > 20% + QPOs “high/soft” “thermal dominant” fpow < 20%, no QPOs, rms (0.1-10 Hz) < 0.06 at 2-30 keV “low/hard” “low-hard (steady jet)” fpow > 80% (2-20 keV), G ~ 1.5-2.1, broad PDS features, rms(0.1-10 Hz) is 10-30% + “quiescent” “quiescent” Lx < 10-4 Lmax , power law, G ~ 1.9

  9. X-ray States, GR, & Accretion Physics • State / propertiesGR opportunity ? / physics problem • Steep power lawHigh Freq. QPOs: n GR resonance? (Mx, a*) a* • G ~ 2.5 , QPOsorigin of steep power law and QPOs • Thermal dominant“spectro. parallax” Rin : {Ndbb, d, i } Rin(Mx, a*) a* • Tdisk ~ 1 keV range a* 0  1, then Rin = 6  1 GMx/c2 • disk spectrum in Kerr metric + MHD + rad. transfer • Low Hard (steady jet) jets tap BH spin energy? (impulsive & steady jets?) • ~ 1.7 ejection mechanisms; X-ray mechanism; B evolution • Quiescence N.S. vs. B.H. spectra  surface vs. event horizon • ~ 1.9 ADAF/CDAF model disputes; alternative scenarios?

  10. Black Hole Emission States Statistics XTE J1550-564GRO J1655-40XTE J1118+480 Steep Power Law 26 15 0 Thermal Dominant 147 47 0 Low/hard 22 2 10 Intermediate 57 2 0 Timescales (days) for all BH Binaries (RXTE) durationtransitions Steep Power Law 1-10 <1 Thermal Dominant 3-200 1-10 Low/hard 3-200 1-5 Intermediate 3-30 1-3

  11. X-ray States : Complications “intermediate”G~2.5 impulsive jets state+ Ecut? in transitions; +

  12. More Complications: Fast X-ray Novae SAX J1819.3-2525 (V4641 Sgr) black hole binary (Orosz et al. 2002) ‘Fast X-ray Nova’ 20 min of rage, Sept 15, 1999 (RXTE) toutburst << t disk flow ~ 20 d

  13. High Frequency QPOs (40-450 Hz) source HFQPO n (Hz) GRO J1655-40 300, 450 XTE J1550-564 184, 276 GRS 1915+105 41, 67, 113, 164 XTE J1859+226 190 4U1630-472 184 XTE J1650-500 250 H1743-322 160?, 240 ----------- red: 2-30 keVgreen: 6-30 keV blue: 13-30 keV

  14. Commensurate Frequencies (3:2) XTE J1550-564: 184, 276 Hz GRO J1655-40: 300, 450 Hz

  15. HFQPOs and General Relativity • “Diskoseismology” (Wagoner 1999; Kato 2001) • Eigenfunctions for adiabatic perturbations  g-modes m={0,1}  no, 4.1no • ?? Add complexities {thick disk, corona model for SPL, nonlinear effects} • Resonance in the Inner Disk (Abramowicz & Kluzniak 2001) • GR has Frequencies for 3 coords {r, q, f} & non-circular orbits  : nr, nf or nr, nq resonance • ‘blob’ orbits? (Stella et al. 1999 for n.s.)… model too simplistic? …ray tracing in Kerr metric (Schnittman & Bertschinger 2003): feasible to produce QPOs at n =nfand n= nf-nr = 0.667nf

  16. GR Coordinate Frequencies nr, q, f = f ( Mx, r= r / (GMx/c2), a* = cJ/GMx2 ) azimuth: nf = c3/GMx [ 2pr3/2 (1+ a*r-3/2) ]-1 radial: nr = |nf| (1 - 6r-1 + 8a*r-3/2 - 3a*2r-2)1/2 polar: nq = |nf| (1 - 4a*r-3/2 + 3a*2r-2)1/2 Bardeen & Pettersen 1975; Chandrasekhar 1983 Merloni et al. 1999; Markovic 2000; Lamb 2001

  17. QPO Pairs (3:2 no) vs. BH Mass GRO J1655-40, XTE J1550-564, GRS1915+105: plot 2no vs, MBH • “QPO mass” (no = 931 Hz / M)  same mechanism AND same spin a* ~ 0.3-0.4 if QPOs are nfand nf-nr ? Compare subclasses While model efforts go on.

  18. Combining X-ray Timing & Spectroscopy GRO J1655-40 red “x”: no QPOs, thermal dom. green D: only Low-Freq. QPOs (0.1-20 Hz) blue: LFQPOs + HFQPOs; (300, 450 Hz) steep power law state

  19. Combining X-ray Timing & Spectroscopy XTE J1550-564 red “x”: no QPOs, thermal dom. green D: only Low-Freq. QPOs (0.05-20 Hz); LH and INT states blue: LFQPOs + HFQPOs; (184, 276 Hz) most: steep power-law state

  20. Low Frequency QPOs XTE J1550-564 QPOs (4 Hz) rms variations ~ 30% At Lx ~ 5X1038 erg cm-2 s-1 (5.3 kpc; ~0.3 LEdd) ? Spiral waves in a highly magnetized disk? Tagger & Pellat 1999 (transports energy out to wave corotation radius)

  21. Low Frequency QPOs • Properties • n range: 0.05 – 30 Hz (most 0.5 – 10 Hz) • amplitude: 1 – 20 % (rms, 2 – 30 keV) • Q (= n / Dn) 3 – 20 (typical 8.5) • Phase lags -0.1 to +0.2 (2-6 keV vs. 13-30 keV) • X-ray States • Low / Hard sometimes (transitions) • Thermal Dominant generally, no • Steep Power Law yes • Physical Correlations • n proportional to disk flux (not Tdisk; Fpow, etc) • Ampl.(E) roughly like power law flux (harder than disk)

  22. Sensitive Broad-Band Spectra (e.g. XMM) Other Methods to Deduce Disk Structure • Broad Fe Ka Emission in B.H. (Profiles require spin? Which states?) XTEJ1550-564 (INT): Miller et al. 2002 XTE J1650-500 (SPL): Miller et al. 2002 GRS1915 (SPL?) Martocchia et al. 2002 V4641 Sgr (LH?) Miller et al. 2002 • Disk Reflection Spectra (Reflection vs. states?) e.g. Done et al. 1999; Done & Nayakshin 2001

  23. High Resolution Spectra (e.g. Chandra) Other Methods to Deduce Disk Structure • Spectral Lines from Hot Gas • Local outflow? disk winds (e.g. in Cir X-1) but no BH cases yet. • Disk atmosphere (? thick disk at high Lx) GRS1915+105: Lee et al. 2001

  24. Conclusions • Progress in Astrophysics of Black Hole Binaries: • 18 Mass Measurements (4-18 Mo) • Radio : X-ray efforts secure LH state  steady jet • Prospects (3) for measuring spin • Timing + Energetics  framework to probe disk magnetization and other essential variables • Outstanding Problems: • Origin of Steep Power Law component • Strong, Low Frequency QPOs in SPL and INT states • Kerr disk spectral models difficult; (5,000+ X-ray spectra)

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