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Mexico City Network Meeting

Mexico City Network Meeting. Status of Compliance Data Reporting Establishment of Licensing Systems Ratification of MP Amendments In the Latin American and Caribbean region. Overview of Presentation.

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Mexico City Network Meeting

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Mexico City Network Meeting Status of Compliance Data Reporting Establishment of Licensing Systems Ratification of MP Amendments In the Latin American and Caribbean region

  2. Overview of Presentation Status of reporting on ODS Status of reporting on QPS Status of compliance/regional challenges HCFC trends Licensing systems Ratification status Trade Provisions

  3. Status of Reporting As of 27 September, all countries in the Caribbean subregion had reported their data – making them the first sub-region to fully report for the 3rd year in a row In terms of the LAC generally, as of 27 September, the Secretariat had not received data from Argentina, Bolivia, El Salvador, and Panama

  4. Data Reporting for 2007, 2008, and 2009!Celebrating first 2007 submissions

  5. In substance, the LAC region is doing great No countries reported non-compliance with targets/compliance agreement benchmarks CFCs: 21 of 29 reporting countries have reported 0 CFCs in 2009 Full region: 0 halon, MCL, HBFCs, other CFCs and BCM for 2009 – only Columbia and Ecuador reported small CCL4; 19 of 29 reporting countries reported 0 MBR – 8 of remaining 10 decreased 09-10

  6. Lets Look at Continuing Challenges MBR still a challenge in some countries in the region - 5 countries in the region are over 100 t - Guatemala increased over 30% 08 t0 09 As we are in 2010, all must already be at 0 for CFC including the 8 parties that reported positive consumption in 2009. All countries need to sustain 0 level

  7. Status of Licensing Systems All Montreal ratifiers must have system to license imports and exports of ALL ODS All countries in the region have reported having licensing systems However, more then cursory compliance is essential to ensure phaseout – are all ODS including HCFCs and MBR licensed in your country?

  8. Licensing Efficiency •   do you license all imp/exp firms in your country?      - Importing/exporting firms reporting obligations (are firms required to report annual amounts?)   - Customs authorities involvement (do you collect customs data?)  - Import/export data collection and processing  (how do you process data before reporting? Do you cross check customs  vs firms data?) What are the challenges you encounter and how do you intend to deal with them?

  9. Continuing Challenges HCFCs in the Caribbean Party 2007 2009 Party 2007 2009 Antigua 0.9   0.5 Jamaica 1.4 18.2 Bahamas 5.8 3.5 St Kitts 0.5 0.4 Barbados 2.9    4.5 St Lucia 0.0 0.4 Belize 1.0 2.5 St Vincent 0.1 0.4 Dominica 0.0 0.4 Suriname 2.6 2.7 Grenada 0.2 0.8 T&T 45.4 38.0 Guyana 0.5   0.9  Haiti 0.4 1.9 10 parties trending up – 4 down or stable

  10. Continuing Challenges HCFCs in Latin America Party 2007 2009 Party 2007 2009 Argentina 342   - Guatemala6.1 9.4 Bolivia 4.0 6.0 Honduras 17 18 Brazil 1151 1415 Mexico 1424 1125 Chile 79 75 Nicaragua .2 6 Columbia 206 210 Costa Rica 16 14 Panama 45 38 DR 50 - Ecuador 0 21 Paraguay 15 15 El Salvador17 - Peru 43 27 Uruguay 18 22 Venezuela 260 216

  11. Critical Nature of HCFC Licensing The HCFC freeze is only 2.2 years away, and the 10% reduction is only 4.2 yrs away Virtually all HCFC consumption in over half of this region is in refrigerant servicing How will you meet the freeze and 10% reduction? Acute question if your consumption is on the rise

  12. Decision XX/6 - QPS Reporting – are you preparing your QPS submission??? Beijing ratifiers must report QPS annually as required by Article 7 para 3 Secretariat posts QPS data – only 12 in the region reported: Barbados, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, T&T, Uruguay Non reporting of QPS to be reviewed by the Impcom, may be treated as non compliance

  13. New Push for Global Ratification of all Amendments London Amendment – all ratified Copenhagen Amendment – all ratified Montreal amendment – all but Nicaragua Beijing Amendment – congratulations to Antigua and Barbuda – now we need just Bolivia, Ecuador, Haiti and Peru Secretariat will make a push this year

  14. Decision XX/9: Application of Trade Provisions of the Protocol to HCFCs Changed past decision to make clear that the trade provisions apply to developing country trade in HCFCs beginning 1 January 2013 Please ratify all amendments!!!!!

  15. In conclusion Accomplishments of the region great Significant challenges in HCFCs and for some, MBR. QPS reporting essential Close to full ratification of all amendments Lets be the first region with 100% ratification

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