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Who is testing farm machinery in Europe ?

Learn about ENTAM, a specialized network testing farm machinery in Europe. The network includes top institutions from various European countries. ENTAM sets common testing standards for agricultural and forestry equipment, providing mutual recognition of test reports. Discover the purpose and structure of ENTAM, its technical working groups, and recent recognitions. Visit www.entam.net for more information.

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Who is testing farm machinery in Europe ?

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  1. Who is testing farm machinery in Europe ?

  2. ENTAM The European Network for Testing Agricultural Machines

  3. Austria Bulgary ٭ Denmark France Germany Germany Greece Hungary Italy Poland Russia ٭ Germany Argentina ٭ F.A.O. Spain Spain Switzerland Members of ENTAM European Network for Testing Agricultural Machinery: Brazil ٭ : ٭ Bulgary, Argentina, Brazil, Russia are Observer Members. FAO is Honorary Member

  4. The ENTAM Agreement has been signed in 1999 and updated in 2009, it concerns the following Institutions 1. HBLFA Francisco Josephinum Wieselburg – Biomass, Logistics, Technology, Hereinafter referred to as the “FJ-BLT” – Rottenhauser Straße, 1, 3250 Wieselburg, Austria; 2. Aarhus University, Department of Agricultural Engineering - Engineering Centre Bygholm, Hereinafter “AU-DAE” – Schüttesvej 17, DK 8700 Horsens, Denmark; • Cemagref - Institut de recherche pour l'ingénierie de l'agriculture et de l'environnement, Hereinafter “Cemagref” – Parc de Tourvoie BP 44, 92163 Antony Cedex, France; • Deutsche Landwirtschafts - Gesellschaft e. V., Hereinafter “DLG” – Max Eyth Weg 1 D - 64823 Groß-Umstadt, Germany; • Julius Kühn-Institut - Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen, Hereinafter “JKI” – Messeweg 11/12, 38104 Braunschweig, Germany; 6. Kuratorium für Waldarbeit und Forsttechnik, Hereinafter “KWF” – Spremberger Straße 1, 64823 Gross-Umstadt, Germany; 7. National Agricultural Research Foundation, Hereinafter “NAGREF” – 61 Democratias st., 135 61 Agii Anargyri Attikis, Greece; 8. Mezogazdasági Gépesítési Intézet –MGI, Hereinafter “MGI” – H2100 Gödöllo, Tessedik S. U. 4., P.O. Box 403, Hungary; 9. Ente Nazionale per la Meccanizzazione Agricola, Hereinafter “ENAMA” – Via Venafro 5, 00159 Roma, Italy; 10. Przemyslowy Instytut Maszyn Rolniczych, Hereinafter “PIMR” – ul. Starolecka 31, 60-963 Poznan, Poland; 11. Centre de Mecanització Agrària, Hereinafter “CMA” – Rovira Roure 191, 25198 Lleida, Spain; 12. Estación de Mecánica Agrícola - Centro Nacional de Tecnología de Regadíos, Hereinafter “EMA - CENTER” – Ctra. De Toledo Km 6.8, 28916 Leganés (Madrid), Spain; 13. Forschungsanstalt Agroscope Reckenholz-Tänikon ART, Hereinafter “ART” – CH 8356 Ettenhausen, Switzerland;

  5. ENTAM The European Network for Testing Agricultural Machines • The purpose of the Agreement is to “develop common activities in the field of agricultural and forestry engineering; develop testing activities for the mutual recognition of test and test reports in the field of agricultural and forestry engineering; develop common research projects; promote the exchange of information among the Institutions; keep contacts with other National, International, public and private Institutions. • The final aim is to create a specialized network of testing stations working on the basis of the same methodologies in order to facilitate the international trade and give the farmer tested machines and equipment ”.

  6. ENTAM The European Network for Testing Agricultural Machines • ENTAM has became since 1999 a specialized network of testing stations working on the basis of the same methodologies which offer to the manufacturers and to the farmers (who are the final users of the machines and equipment tested) the “ENTAM recognition”, a proof of tested machines and equipment renewed in all the members’ countries.

  7. The ENTAM is organized in accordance to a “3 PILLAR model”

  8. ENTAM - The European Network for Testing Agricultural Machines The testing activity The ENTAM “Technical Working Groups” (TWG) are in charge of developing the ENTAM common methodology, the establishment of a technical working group is approved during the annual meeting. The ENTAM “Team of Competences” (ToC) are responsible for the ENTAM recognition of the test reports, the institution of a team of competence is approved during the annual meeting.

  9. The Technical Working Groups (“TWG”) now active at ENTAM are listed below:- TWG Plant Protection,- TWG Mineral Fertilizer Spreaders- TWG Mixer Feeder Wagons,- TWG Organic Fertilizer Spreaders- TWG Irrigation- TWG Soil Tillage and Sowing.- TWG Irrigation machinery and equipment - TWG Forestry machinery and equipment- TWG Hill side Farming

  10. ENTAM recognition During the last 12 month the request for ENTAM recognitions were 38, 12 presented by JKI (formerly BBA), 13 by the ENAMA, 7 by the BLT, 6 by the KWF. Among these tests, 8 tested plant protection machines (sprayers), 16 test of plant protection equipment (nozzle tests), 8 forest winches, 3 transporters, 2 two axle mower, 1 stone crusher. All the recognized test as well as the agreement and more information on the ENTAM Members competences and activity can be found at www.entam.net

  11. The ENTAM recognition released by the Team of Competence on Hill side Farming are: ENTAM recognition n. 22/2009: recognition of the BLT test report n. 049-07 (Two-Axle Mower AEBI Terratrac, models: TT 205, TT70, TT70s, TT75); ENTAM recognition 23/2009: recognition of the BLT test report n. 042-08 (Transporter CARON 998); ENTAM recognition 24/2009: recognition of the BLT test report n. 021/09 (Transporter CARON 870); ENTAM recognition 25/2009: recognition of the BLT test report n. 043-08 (Transporter Lindner 7990); ENTAM recognition n. 32/2009: recognition of the BLT test report n. 049-07 (Two-Axle Mower AEBI Terratrac, models TT120 and TT140).

  12. The Homepage of the ENTAM

  13. An example of an ENTAM recognized test taken from the database

  14. In the period May 2009 – April 2010 the average number of visitors per day is approx. 100 people/day with a significant increase (+ 40%) compared to 2009. The average number of Kb downloaded from the server to the visitor’s PC is approx. 1,6 GB in a month (also this data is increasing compared to 2009 and 2008, when it was respectively 1,2 GB and 1,0 GB). The number of people using the ENTAM web site is constantly increasing and, moreover, since an average “load” of an ENTAM test report is approximately 500 Kb, we can assume that people downloaded during the last year approximately 2.000 test reports per month.

  15. Other activities of the ENTAM Network the ENTAM receives several request of candidature for different international research project. The last projects which involved the ENTAM are: The EFFICIENT20, a reasearch project funded by the European Intelligent Energy Agency, started on May the 1st 2010. In the past the SAFETY FIRST,a Leonardo da Vinci Life long learning project involved most of the ENTAM Members. Some Members have agreed on a project proposal presented by the University of Ankara (Turkey) for the transfer of the Safety First project in Turkey. Today the proposal has been submitted to the national agency of the Leonardo da Vinci for its approval.

  16. Other activities of the ENTAM Network A research project opportunity (to be drafted yet) could involve the TWG “Mixer feeder wagons” with a “precision feeding” project aimed to the assessment of the performance, safety, environmental and animal welfare requirements of a new generation of mixer feeder machines. There is also a call for proposal from the EU-funded network ICT-AGRI ERA-NET – Coordination of European Research within ICT and Robotics in Agriculture and related Environmental Issues. The Online submission open (on www.ict-agri.eu) on 15 April 2010 and the deadline for submission of pre-proposals is 31 May 2010. Up today the tests carried out by the ENTAM Members have been focused mainly on the performance of the agricultural machines, then new tests have been recently developed for the safety assessment (safety of the worker/driver). The future could be to evaluate the environmental impact of a certain machine or equipment. These ideas were discussed during the TWG “Ecotechnologies” on February 28th in Paris, during the TWG meeting. The first step that has to be carried out is to check the real interest of manufacturers in the “Ecotechnologies” scheme application to the agricultural machines, than other project proposal could come from

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