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The wonder of workplace wellness

Learn why workplace wellness is crucial for your organization's success. Discover the benefits of supporting employee well-being and practical strategies to combat stress and improve overall health. Contact us for a customized wellness plan today.

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The wonder of workplace wellness

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  1. The wonder of workplace wellness Current as at March 2014

  2. Why consider wellness? • Your employees are your organisation’s most valuable asset. • Well employees are motivated and productive employees. • In a global report by Regus, 38% of Australians say their stress levels are increasing and 48% say the main reason is their job. • Workplace stress costs the Australian economy approximately $730 million a year in lost productivity (estimate by The Victorian Government). • Stressed workers have poorer health, take more sick leave and are not as efficient and productive as they can be. Sources: VECCI (2013) Coping with rising workplace stress Dollard, M. F., Winefield, H. R., & Winefield, A. H. (2001) Occupational strain and efficacy in human service workers: When the rescuer becomes the victim. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers Contact Suzanne at Performance Advantage on 0408 897 079 or Suzanne@performanceadvantage.com.au

  3. The hazards of helping • Most of us get into the non-profit and community services sector because we value helping others, giving, compassion and making a positive contribution to the community. • We like to help but we also get a sense of purpose and meaning from the work. • Working in non-profit and community services organisations can often involves lower pay rates, lower levels of job security and higher stress levels. • The hazards of helping include stress, depression, anxiety, compassion fatigue, burnout and vicarious trauma. • The most common worker’s compensation claims in the welfare sector are for stress and anxiety related complaints*. *Source: Dollard, M. F., Winefield, H. R., & Winefield, A. H. (2001) Occupational strain and efficacy in human service workers: When the rescuer becomes the victim. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers Contact Suzanne at Performance Advantage on 0408 897 079 or Suzanne@performanceadvantage.com.au

  4. Stress • The Oxford Dictionary defines stress as: • “A state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances.” How do you experience stress? Contact Suzanne at Performance Advantage on 0408 897 079 or Suzanne@performanceadvantage.com.au

  5. Stress • Previous participants say stress is: • Feeling out of control • Feeling overwhelmed • Feeling tense • Feeling sick • Feeling agitated • Experiencing conflicting priorities • Too much stress can result in: • Lack of concentration • Procrastination • Demotivation • Anxiety • Insomnia • Emotional overreacting • Too much stress leads to reduced functioning and can have serious impacts on health if not addressed. Contact Suzanne at Performance Advantage on 0408 897 079 or Suzanne@performanceadvantage.com.au

  6. Eustress • Not all stress is bad. • The Oxford Dictionary defines eustress as: • “Moderate or normal psychological stress interpreted as being beneficial for the experiencer”. • Just the right amount of stress can result in: • Motivation • Focus • Empowerment • Sense of purpose • With just the right amount of stress we can change what we can and cope with what we can’t. • Self-awareness is crucial in evaluating our stress levels – it is important that we are not just “soldering on” as we may crash later. Contact Suzanne at Performance Advantage on 0408 897 079 or Suzanne@performanceadvantage.com.au

  7. Coping with stress How do you eat an elephant? Contact Suzanne at Performance Advantage on 0408 897 079 or Suzanne@performanceadvantage.com.au

  8. Coping with stress One bite at a time. Contact Suzanne at Performance Advantage on 0408 897 079 or Suzanne@performanceadvantage.com.au

  9. Self care - exercise • What do you do to look after yourself in the following areas?: • Emotional • Physical • Spiritual • Fun • Picture a time when you felt you were at your most well. Describe what you were doing, thinking, feeling and seeing…. • Now compare to how you are right now. Describe… Contact Suzanne at Performance Advantage on 0408 897 079 or Suzanne@performanceadvantage.com.au

  10. Self care Contact Suzanne at Performance Advantage on 0408 897 079 or Suzanne@performanceadvantage.com.au

  11. SELF • Think SELF for wellness and self care • Sleep • Exercise • Lifestyle • Fun Contact Suzanne at Performance Advantage on 0408 897 079 or Suzanne@performanceadvantage.com.au

  12. SELF - evaluation • Get clear where you are now and where you want to be. • The key to any sustainable change is small, incremental steps. • Take an honest look at each key area and evaluate: • What is working well? • What is not working well? • Where are the gaps in what you are doing? • What small steps can you commit to in order to address this? Contact Suzanne at Performance Advantage on 0408 897 079 or Suzanne@performanceadvantage.com.au

  13. Sleep • The average person needs 6-10 hours per night of regular and consistent sleep – even across weekends. • If you miss out on sleep you accumulate a sleep deficit. • Sleep benefits: • Improves memory • Improves attention • Improves performance • Spurs creativity • Decreases risk of depression • Decreases risk of errors and accidents • Decreases risk of weight gain • Decreases grumpiness • Decreases stress. Contact Suzanne at Performance Advantage on 0408 897 079 or Suzanne@performanceadvantage.com.au

  14. Sleep - exercise Currently I am getting on average __________hours per night __________ times per week. On a scale of 0-10 (0 being no satisfaction) my satisfaction with my current sleep is: __________ My goal is to get on average __________hours per night __________ times per week. • What is working well? • What is not working well? • Where are the gaps in what you are doing? • What small steps can you commit to in order to address this? Contact Suzanne at Performance Advantage on 0408 897 079 or Suzanne@performanceadvantage.com.au

  15. Sleep - tips • Ensure your bedroom is dark and there is limited electrical activity • Cut out caffeine from the afternoon onwards (remember caffeine is in soft drinks too) • Avoid alcohol at night (if may help you get to sleep but interrupts the second part of the sleep cycle) • Avoid big meals at the end of the day • Have a winding down sleep routine (avoid stimulation a couple of hours before bed) • Have an hour or so free from technology before bed • Keep the bedroom for sleep and sex only. • SMALL CHANGES CAN HAVE A BIG IMPACT Contact Suzanne at Performance Advantage on 0408 897 079 or Suzanne@performanceadvantage.com.au

  16. Exercise • It is recommended you exercise 30 minutes per day or 3-5 one hour sessions per week. • Exercise: • Makes you stronger and more resilient • Helps to clear your mind and manage cortisol levels • Builds motivation • Helps you lose/maintain weight • Reduces cholesterol • Reduces your blood pressure • Strengthens bones • Improves immunity • Enhances confidence • Improves sexual performance • Gives you time away Source: Health 24 http://www.health24.com/Fitness/FitnessGettingStarted/20-proven-benefits-of-exercise-20120721 Contact Suzanne at Performance Advantage on 0408 897 079 or Suzanne@performanceadvantage.com.au

  17. Exercise - exercise Currently I am ______________________________________________ _______________________________________________times per week. On a scale of 0-10 (0 being no satisfaction) my satisfaction with my current exercise is: __________ My goal is to ___________________________________________________________ • What is working well? • What is not working well? • Where are the gaps in what you are doing? • What small steps can you commit to in order to address this? Contact Suzanne at Performance Advantage on 0408 897 079 or Suzanne@performanceadvantage.com.au

  18. Exercise - tips • Don’t wait to feel better to start • Do something you would like to do, not what you think you should do • Start small • Work your way up • Celebrate the small victories • Partner with a friend for fun and motivation • SMALL CHANGES CAN HAVE A BIG IMPACT Contact Suzanne at Performance Advantage on 0408 897 079 or Suzanne@performanceadvantage.com.au

  19. Lifestyle (Diet) • Don’t wait to eat until you are starving • Plan ahead • Carry healthy snacks • Don’t always socialize over meals/coffee – try a walk instead • Make extra and freeze meals • Eat fresh – cut out processed foods • Eat a rainbow • SMALL CHANGES CAN HAVE A BIG IMPACT Contact Suzanne at Performance Advantage on 0408 897 079 or Suzanne@performanceadvantage.com.au

  20. Lifestyle (Diet) - exercise Currently I am ______________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ On a scale of 0-10 (0 being no satisfaction) my satisfaction with my current diet is: __________ My goal is to ___________________________________________________________ • What is working well? • What is not working well? • Where are the gaps in what you are doing? • What small steps can you commit to in order to address this? Contact Suzanne at Performance Advantage on 0408 897 079 or Suzanne@performanceadvantage.com.au

  21. Lifestyle (Alcohol) • Count your drinks • Measure your drinks • Drink water in between drinks • Pace yourself by the hour • Eat • Do something else • Practice saying “No” • Write down how many drinks you want to drink per day and how many days a week you want to drink • SMALL CHANGES CAN HAVE A BIG IMPACT Contact Suzanne at Performance Advantage on 0408 897 079 or Suzanne@performanceadvantage.com.au

  22. Lifestyle (Alcohol) - exercise Currently I am ______________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ On a scale of 0-10 (0 being no satisfaction) my satisfaction with my current alcohol consumption is: __________ My goal is to ___________________________________________________________ • What is working well? • What is not working well? • Where are the gaps in what you are doing? • What small steps can you commit to in order to address this? Contact Suzanne at Performance Advantage on 0408 897 079 or Suzanne@performanceadvantage.com.au

  23. Fun • Having fun is a crucial part of stress management. • When we are feeling stressed we tend to work harder and focus on the more “serious” aspects of our lives, cutting out fun. • The more stressed you are – the more you need to have fun. • A recent study found, “workers who have a good time while they’re (at work) accomplished more, showed a higher level of creativity and extended more help to co-workers.”* • Suggestions: • Laugh (even better – laugh with friends and co-workers) • Be silly • Tell jokes • Play games • Watch comedy • Dance (like no-ones watching) • Maintain a sense of humour * Source: University of Florida http://news.ufl.edu/2008/07/17/fun-at-work/ Contact Suzanne at Performance Advantage on 0408 897 079 or Suzanne@performanceadvantage.com.au

  24. Fun - exercise Currently I am ______________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ On a scale of 0-10 (0 being no satisfaction) my satisfaction with my current fun is: __________ My goal is to ___________________________________________________________ • What is working well? • What is not working well? • Where are the gaps in what you are doing? • What small steps can you commit to in order to address this? Contact Suzanne at Performance Advantage on 0408 897 079 or Suzanne@performanceadvantage.com.au

  25. 10 tips on motivation • Start small and build up • Make changes simple and part of your regular routine (it’s what we do consistently that counts) • Surround yourself with people who support you to be your best • Find a mentor/role model • Know your triggers • Forgive yourself for slip ups (be your own best friend) • Forget “all or nothing” thinking • Increase incidental exercise • Remember change takes time • Celebrate the small victories Contact Suzanne at Performance Advantage on 0408 897 079 or Suzanne@performanceadvantage.com.au

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