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Haute Ecole Charlemagne Departement of pedagogy

Haute Ecole Charlemagne Departement of pedagogy. LIEGE - Belgium Ministery for higher education and scientific research (French Community of Belgium) With the support of the European Social Fund. CERISE. C entre for E ducation R elated to I nteractions between Health & E nvironnement.

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Haute Ecole Charlemagne Departement of pedagogy

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  1. Haute Ecole Charlemagne Departement of pedagogy LIEGE - Belgium • Ministery for higher education and scientificresearch (French Community of Belgium) • With the support of the European Social Fund

  2. CERISE Centre for EducationRelated to Interactions between Health & Environnement

  3. Historical account • Created in 2000 with the following goals: the education to sustainable development, to environmental risks prevention and the creation of a more systemic kit for teachers.

  4. WHY? Various needs as identified in the education field: • Weave transversal links • Improve teacher’s scientific alphabetisation

  5. Need for a SDE training ?? Three pillars : • Economic: SDE training = qualified job? • Societal: meeting the citizen needs or the governments plannings ? • Environnemental: interactions between environment & health

  6. Minded learningfor citizens • Learning sciences and technologies • Learning complexity • Learning risks, uncertainties • Learning efficient communication • Learning values (solidarity, rights) active and participative citizen

  7. 3 axis for motivation • environment • health • ICT Various pedagogical approaches: field trips, socio-constructivism, various strategies/media

  8. Target groups In the beginning: teachers & other education actors. Later on: social workers, journalists, info-graphists, medical staff, teachers, education actors, animators, artists …

  9. training free of charge 20 places per session 2 times per year Conditions: To be unemployed, motivated by education, environment, health & SDE…

  10. Intervention through education for action… build up projects & actions by steps identify ressources and/or partnerships, design pedagogical tools including ICT and insert oneself professionnally…

  11. To educate for SDE, « motivate, stimulate… », to appropriate the concept (and its various interpretations) to oneself

  12. SDEmust not only address any scholar audience but also any citizen. (Unesco 2005) • Skilled staffrequested for setting up agendas 21. • Education to environmental risks has become a right, since 2004, (Arrhus convention) • It is a priorityfor the present decade (Vilnius strategy).

  13. Methodology Topic Health Topic Environment

  14. Topic Health Topic Environment Toxicology Ethical & sociological aspects

  15. An education « for » : a « sustainable development » health environment

  16. The pedagogical approaches are designed towards the action • Problem solving, • Acting to change, improve, develop or reduce … • Oneself educate and professionalize to become education actor and then act within one’s life or job spheres with one’s own skills. • …Behaviour modifications

  17. Innovation and creativity: • Environment and health are not new issues in the education world ; our specificity is to insist on the INTERACTIONSexisting among both concepts. • Approach through SOCIO-CONSTRUCTIVISM(listen in the learners, considering of representations). • Thanks to learners heterogeneousness, interdisciplinary construction, innovation, creation…

  18. Explication du jeu But du Jeu (coopération)

  19. Eco-consumption

  20. 3 types of approach Store Home fitting up Mobility

  21. Benefits from the conception of such a curriculum • Choose the targets according to the needs: pedagogical freedom • Regulate, develop, choose the partnerships • Select the formers according to their skills? • Gain resources • Adapt to events of the moment, be in touch with the reality.

  22. Balance sheet … • Over 300 education workers trained in SDE since 2001. • Initiative generating employment (over 60% professional insertion rate) • Training bringing new skills to various professional profiles.

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