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屈奇安先生 Mr. WAT Ki-on. 香港消防處救護員會主席 Chairman of Hong Kong Fire Service Department Ambulancemen’s Union. 廣東省坊間流傳有不知名的疾病 市民開始搶購白醋,中藥板藍根. Unknown disease spreaded in Guangdong People to rush for white vinegar and Chinese Medicine, Isatidis Seu Baphicacanthus ( Banlangen ) .
屈奇安先生 Mr. WAT Ki-on 香港消防處救護員會主席 Chairman of Hong Kong Fire Service Department Ambulancemen’s Union
廣東省坊間流傳有不知名的疾病 市民開始搶購白醋,中藥板藍根 Unknown disease spreaded in Guangdong People to rush for white vinegar and Chinese Medicine, Isatidis Seu Baphicacanthus ( Banlangen ) 2003年2月,不明朗期Feb.2003 The Indeterminate Stage
10-2-2003 廣洲新聞報道不明肺炎病毒襲穗民眾緊張 • 專家提醒市民做好預防保護措施避免感染疾病。 • 一.是保持生活﹑工作環境的空氣流通﹔ • 二.是可用食用酸醋熏蒸消毒空氣﹔ • 三.是勤洗手﹔ • 四.是凡與病人接觸者需戴口罩﹐注意手的清潔和消毒﹔ • 五.是根據天氣變化﹐注意防寒保暖﹐多參加鍛煉﹐增強自身抵抗疾病能力﹐防止疾病的發生
2003年3月,爆發期 March 2003 (The outbreak Stage) • 香港開始有了不知名的疾病 • The unknown disease was discovered in Hong Kong • 威爾斯醫院亦開始有醫護人員受到感染 • Princess of Wales Hospital was found infected 東方日報圖片13-3-2003
M95醫用口罩 手套 保護袍 N95 mask Gloves Gowns 前線救護員配備保護性裝備Front line ambulancemen protective gear
每天在各區收集意見 反映前線人員的意見及要求。 即時的回應,並盡力滿足 collecting opinion in all the division reflected the views of front line staff tried their best to respond to the request of the staff 每天一千五百多次的召援 1500 Ambulance Calls Daily
插喉 使用霧化器 抽液器 血液 處理嘔吐物 高流量氧氣療法 BVM灌氣 硝酸甘油(噴劑) Intubation Nebulization Suction Blood Vomits High flow oxygen BVM ventilation Nitrolingual-Spray As a Paramedic Daily Work
第一位的前線救護人員受到感染 The first ambulancemen was infected • 四月十四日由衛生署証實感染非典型肺炎並留院診治
保護力特強之眼罩 Purchase better goggles • 購買保護力特強之眼罩替病人插喉時用 • Purchase better goggles for intubations
改良救護車內的器材 Improved the Ambulance equipment • 儲霧器代替霧化器 • spacer to replace the nebulizer
改良救護車內的器材 Improved the ambulance equipment • 霧化器是非常高危傳染的。 • Nebulization were highly infectious.
發覺自己有身體不適,尤其是發燒及呼吸道疾病,切勿當值,及應即時求診。發覺自己有身體不適,尤其是發燒及呼吸道疾病,切勿當值,及應即時求診。 The department also advised the ambulanceman who felt sick especially those suffering from fever and URI to see medical treatment immediately and not to report duty. 處方勸告 Department advised
準備了多間宿舍 有需要的前線人員自我隔離 保障他個人跟家人的健康 Quarters were also provided for the self isolation of the front line staff in order to protect themselves and their family member. 前線救護員能安心地工作 Ambulancemen could have a feeling of safe to fight
雖然我們做了大量的工作,仍然有第二位前線救護人員受到感染。雖然我們做了大量的工作,仍然有第二位前線救護人員受到感染。 Although we had done a lot there was still the second ambulanceman infected. 2003年5月,控制期May 2003 (The Controlled stage )
第二位前線救護人員受到感染 The second ambulanceman infected • 四月二十二日由衛生署証實感染非典型肺炎並留院診治 • 該救護員居住於沙田端榮樓
教穿上及脫下保護衣物 脫下時,如果做得不好,是很容易受到感染的 teach the staff how to wear / take off the protective clothing easily infected especially when taking off the clothing 處方立刻制作光碟 Department immediately produced VCD
消防處 衛生署 醫院管理局 F.S Department Health and Hygiene Department Hospital Authority 保持聯絡 Keep contact
總結 Conclusion
香港消防處救護人員處理了四千多宗證實或是懷疑SARS個案 為甚麼,救護人員卻處理了四千多宗,那麼多的SARS個案呢? During the SARS periods the H.K. ambulancemen had attended 4000 confirmed or suspected SARS cases Why Hong Kong ambulancemen had attended so many SARS cases About 1700 SARS case in H.K
每一位SARS病人 在家裡往醫院 再在醫院轉往傳染病醫院,或再轉往其它醫院 都是由救護車的救護人員處理的 A SARS patient was conveyed from his / her home to hospital and transferred from general hospital to infectious disease hospital or other hospital. All of this case was handled by the ambulancemen Why so many SARS cases
救護員處理完SARS後,發生交通意外An ambulance traffic accident after conveyance SARS patient
作為輔助醫療人員 ,若為了個人安全而放棄病人的生命,那是不可能的。 As a paramedic , absolute impossible to give up the life of the patient for the sake of personal safety.
處理氣喘的病人,為了減少傳播機會,在病人家裡,我們不會使用霧化器,只有在救護車上使用霧化器給予藥物,為了減少傳播機會,到達急救中心門口時,我們便停止使用霧化器。 We only applied drugs through the nebulizor inside the ambulance and stopped the application when arrived at the entrance of the emergency center
改良救護車內的器材 Improved the Ambulance equipment • BVM加上過濾器 • add filter to the BVM
保護香港巿民的生命和健康Protect the life and health of the citizen is our duty • 救護人員的士氣沒有減小,甚至在放取例行假期方面,比平常的還要少,每天有更多的救護人員當值,為甚麼會這樣的呢? • the morale of the ambulancemen was not dropped. There were less ambulancemen to leave than normal. There were more ambulancemen on duty everyday. Why this was happened ?
香港法例95章消防條例第7條 消防處的職責為 • D段- 用以下方法協助任何看似需要迅速或立即接受醫療護理的人- • I 確保該人的安全; • II 令該人復甦或維持其生命; • III 減少其痛苦或困憂
Chapter 95 F.S. Ordinance Section 7The duties of the F.S.D. should be to • (d) assist any person who appears to need prompt or immediate medical attention by- • I securing his safety; • II resuscitating or sustaining his life; • III reducing his suffering or distress;
Compared with the Medical Staff與醫護人員比較 • 慶幸地,我們只有二位前線救護人員受到感染 • It was very lucky that only two ambulancemen were infected
救護人員 Ambulancemen (1) 接觸時間短,通常只有一位病人,相對接觸病菌較少 short contact period, usually only one patient. 醫護人員 Medical staff (1) 接觸時間長,照顧的病人也多,相對接觸病菌較多 long contact period, take care of multiple patient. 與幾位顧問醫生研究Discussed with some medical consultants
救護人員 Ambulancemen (2)戶外工作 ,關空調,開車窗 ,空氣流動便會較佳。病菌積存較少。 outdoors condition, the air conditioner was switched off and the windows were opened. 醫護人員 Medical staff (2)戶內工作,因此空氣的流動,一般便會較差。病菌積存較多。 Indoors condition, the circulation of air was not so effective 與幾位顧問醫生研究Discussed with some medical consultants
救護人員 Ambulancemen (3)救護人員要消毒救護車及換掉工作服,再去洗澡、洗頭等等,才去繼續工作 Disinfections the ambulance then change our uniform and have a shower before next task 醫護人員 Medical staff (3)不可能每一次都換衣服和洗澡、洗頭 Could not change their uniform and have a shower every time 與幾位顧問醫生研究Discussed with some medical consultants
救護人員 Ambulancemen (4)每年需要通過嚴謹體能考驗 Required to have a high standard of physical strength and to pass an annual physical assessment. 醫護人員 Medical staff (4)並沒有高體能的要求 Not required to have such high standard of physical strength. 與幾位顧問醫生研究Discussed with some medical consultants
4‧8 公里長跑 雙槓 單槓 摺腹 跳高 掌上壓 每年體能考驗Annual physical assessment
成立專責小組購買保護裝備 職管雙方成立熱線 發現有什麼困難,或是保護裝備上有什麼問題,處方亦能做到即時跟進和想辦法改善。 set up a special team for purchasing of protective gear Hot line Whenever there was any problem of the ambulancemen at work on the protective gear, we could reflect to the management for follow up immediately. 400萬元購買保護裝備 Department had resolved 4 million dollar
足夠的保護裝備 安心地去工作 成立熱線 交換意見 發現困難 即時跟進 想辦法改善 Protective gear Feeling of safe to work Hot line Views exchange Any problem Reflect to the management Follow up immediately 重要的 very important