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Learn about the importance of public relations for Rotary, responsibilities of PR committees, and tools like PR checklists and media engagement to create a positive public image. Explore resources to boost your club's visibility and impact.
Rotary Public Relations Public relations efforts are vital to Rotary’s continued growth and service. Rotary Pubic Relations Creating a positive image for Rotary is the responsibility of every Rotarian, both locally and globally
WHY PUBLIC IMAGE AND PUBLIC RELATIONS? Right from the PR Committee Manual (226c-en) : Having strong public relations ensures that communities around the world know that Rotary is a credible organization that meets real needs.
Your Public Relations Plan for 2019-20 Right from the PR Committee Manual: The role of your club’s PR committee is: to create and implement a plan to tell Rotary’s story to the public and to promote the club’s projects and activities.
Positive Public ImageWHY ? When your Rotary Club has a positive public image: your current members are motivated to be active AND prospective members are eager to join your club.
This powerpoint presentation, in its entirety, will be seen on the ‘www.rotary7070.org’ District website • Go to the “PUBLIC IMAGE” tab at the top of the page • Scroll down and click on the tab “A 2019-20 Public Relations Checklist For Your Club” Slide 6
A Public Relations Checklist for Your Club To assist your Public Image Committee to create a positive public image for Rotary and for your Rotary Club
A Public Relations checklist for your club Check your PR Checklist: Does your club have a Public Image Director and Chair? Do you know the media in your area? Do you send out press releases? Are News media members of your club? Who are your publics? Tools of the Trade - Resources
1. Public Image Chair for your club • Does your Club have a Public Image Director? • Does your Club have a Public Image Chair? • Does your Club have a Public Image Committee? • Do you have the Club PR Manual? • It is on the District Website, under the Public Image Tab • https://clubrunner.blob.core.windows.net/00000050157/en-ca/files/homepage/lead-your-club-public-relations-2016-19-committee-manual/226c_en-Lead-Your-Club---Public-Relations-Committee---2016-19.pdf • Have Your Committee members read the Club PR Manual?
Lead Your Club – Public Relations Committee: 2016-19 Edition 226c-EN • Downloadable from the rotary.org website. • google “rotary 226c-en” • Updated March, 2015 Slide 10
COMMITTEE RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Create awarenessof club activities and projects among club members, media, and the community 2. Support the work of the membership committee 3. Learn key points for talking about Rotary and use them when speaking in public Slide 11
COMMITTEE RESPONSIBILITIES 4. Use social media to promote awareness of Rotary and your club in the community 5. Make sure your club’s image is in line with Rotary’s public image 6. Share your club’s Rotary stories with the local media 7. Become familiar with Rotary’s public relations resources Slide 12
2. Know your media in your area • Print – Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Regional, SNAP • Radio – Local Stations • TV – Local, National, Cable • Social – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, ETC !!! • Do you know the news editors at each media location? • The names, email addresses, phone numbers (both editors and the reporters). • Their deadlines for publishing
2. Know your media in your area • Do you reach out to the news editors at each media location? • Give them a call. • Invite them to a Rotary Meeting to see what Rotary is all about • Invite them to be a speaker
3. Press releases • Do you currently do your own press releases? • Do you send out press releases? • Do you use the News Release templates in the Brand Center? • Do you use the RI Brand Center, our District Website, Rotary.org/My.Rotary for Rotary Information? • Are your press releases being published?
4. News media as club members • Do you have any News media as members of your club? • Are they on your PR Committee? • Are you actively searching for one (or more) to become a Rotarian?
5. Who Are Your Publics / Audiences? • the media • local government officials • the business community • civic leaders and other organizations • qualified prospective members • Your current members • people directly affected by Rotary service projects.
6. Tools of the Trade / Resources • News Releases • District 7070 Newsletter • Websites: • Rotary International • District 7070 • Your Club website • The Social Media • Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, Instagram, YouTube, etc
RESOURCES 1.Lead Your Club – Public Relations Committee manual: 2016-19 Edition 226c-EN 2. Tell Rotary’s Story - Voice & Visual Identity Guide For Rotarians 547A-EN 3. The Rotary Brand Center (My Rotary on the RI Website) 4. New in 2017-18 - our new Public Image Campaign: People of Action ( in the Rotary Brand Center) Slide 19
RESOURCES 5. Media Crisis Handbook 515-EN 6. Media Centre (My Rotary / News and Media) 7. “Public Relations” page (My Rotary/ Learning & reference/Learn by Topic) on the RI rotary.org website • Public Image Newsletters (in the Public Image Tab of the Rotary7070.org website) from Carrie Jones - Rotary Zone 24 East Public Image Coordinator Slide 20
RESOURCE 2:Tell Rotary’s Story - Voice & Visual Identity Guide For Rotarians 547A-EN • Downloadable from the rotary.org website. • New Aug 2013 and already updated in January 2014 and reprinted May 2014 and again in July 2015 and in September 2016 • Or google : • rotary voice and visual identity guide Slide 21
RESOURCE 2:Tell Rotary’s Story: Voice & Visual Identity Guide For Rotarians (547-EN) Slide 22
RESOURCE 2: Tell Rotary’s Story: Voice & Visual Identity Guidelines 547-EN • We have a powerful story to tell • It’s up to all of us to protect, promote, and deliver our message in all of our interactions. • By speaking, writing, and designing in a unified voice and look, we ensure that our communications are unmistakably Rotary. Slide 23
RESOURCE 2:Tell Rotary’s Story: Voice & Visual Identity Guidelines 547-EN • Applying aconsistent and clear Rotary style in all of our communications is vital to: • strengthening our image • and enhancing our reputation as a world-class organization. Slide 24
RESOURCE 2:Tell Rotary’s Story: Voice & Visual Identity Guidelines 547-EN This guide: • Defines who we are • Defines our “look” • Provides a visual toolkit: with logos, masterbrand, imagery, icons, graphics • Contains ideas on where we can use our new identity Slide 25
RESOURCE 2: Tell Rotary’s Story: Voice & Visual Identity Guidelines 547-EN • WHY • Despite over 100 years of impact on our communities, • Rotary does not get the recognition it deserves Slide 26
RESOURCE 2: Tell Rotary’s Story: Voice & Visual Identity Guidelines 547-EN • WHY • Worldwide, more than 2 million nonprofits compete for limited volunteer hours, donor money, and other resources. • Rotary has a great story to tell, but we need to tell it more simply and consistently. Slide 27
RESOURCE 2: Tell Rotary’s Story: Voice & Visual Identity Guidelines 547-EN • In 2011 , Rotary started a multi year initiative to: • Strengthen our image • Expand public understanding of What Rotary does • Motivate, engage, and inspire current and prospective members, donors, partners and staff Slide 28
Siegel + Gale • Google: rotary siegel and gale Siegel+Gale: “ We brought a 100-year-old international service organization into the digital age.” • extensive research - inputs representing audiences (Rotarian and non-Rotarian) in 167 countries Slide 29
Siegel + Gale • Rotary was not effectively communicating its approach and impact in terms relevant to external audiences. • S +G created a brand architecture framework that clearly signaled how anyone could engage with Rotary - join clubs, exchange ideas and take action. Slide 30
Siegel + Gale • S + G overhauled Rotary’s digital presence • They recognized that the member and non-member digital experiences needed to be drastically simplified • and dramatically amplified both on the web and • for mobile use Slide 31
Siegel + Gale : Rotary's New Website • two websites in one: • My Rotary - a personalized experience for members • and Rotary.org - an engaging experience for non- • members Slide 32
RESOURCE 2: Tell Rotary’s Story Voice & Visual Identity Guidelines 547A-EN • Just one example - our new Rotary Logo: • For many years, our Rotary wheel stood alone as our logo on signage and communications materials. • Although the words Rotary International were embedded in the wheel, they were hard to read from a distance. • As a result, the general public did not always recognize Rotary’s involvement in a project or activity. Slide 33
RESOURCE 2: Tell Rotary’s Story Voice & Visual Identity Guidelines 547A-EN • That’s why we decided to expand our official logo to include the word “Rotary” next to the wheel. • This is our official logo and our masterbrand signature, which should be used whenever possible. • Our logo has recently evolved to include our wordmark, which is one word “Rotary” and our emblem, the Rotary Wheel Slide 34
RESOURCE 2: Tell Rotary’s Story Voice & Visual Identity Guidelines 547A-EN Slide 35
Rotary's new Logo • The word “Rotary” always appears before our emblem in all of our signatures • This official logo is our masterbrand signature, which should be used wherever possible. • The mark of excellence (the Rotary wheel) should not appear alone Slide 36
RESOURCE 2:New logos • Rotary has created a special signature system to allow you to identify each club, district or zone Slide 37
RESOURCE 2:New logos Slide 38
RESOURCE 3: The Rotary Brand Center It’s now easier than ever to strengthen Rotary’s imagein your community with the materials and resources available in the Rotary Brand Center. Google: rotary brand center and sign in to My Rotary Slide 39
RESOURCE 3: The Rotary Brand Center Slide 40
RESOURCE 3: The Rotary Brand Center • The Rotary Brand Center: • offers a simple and intuitive way to customize your club logo • create a marketing brochure for your Club • or give your newsletter (bulletin) AND WEBSITE a fresh look. • You’ll also find guidelines and answers to frequently asked questions as well as information about why telling our story is important. Slide 41
RESOURCE 4: The Rotary Brand Center • New for 2017-18 our new public image campaign:People of Action • Download ads and materials TODAY • This is the “next step” in our global brand strengthening initiative • It is a multi year campaign that narrows the gap between public awareness and public understanding of ROTARY Slide 42
RESOURCE 4: The People of Action • People of Action: • The campaign brings the Rotary story to life for those who do not know us • By showing Rotarians as the People of Action, we are: • Leaders who work together in communities to : • Inspire • Transform • Connect • and Celebrate what is possible Slide 43
RESOURCE 4: The People of Action • People of Action: Our Target Audience • The campaign motivates, engages, and inspires: • Current and Prospective Members • Donors • Partners • Supporters Slide 44
RESOURCE 4: The People of Action • People of Action: campaign materials now available: • Videos • Print Ads • Outdoor Ads • Online Ads • Radio ads and scripts • Campaign style guide and guidelines Slide 45
RESOURCE 4: The People of Action • People of Action: • Multiple ads in all Rotary languages • Templates created for you to customize with local images and content • Use an ad specific to YOUR story Slide 46
RESOURCE 4: The People of Action • Most Important: • Helps YOU to develop a media plan to place these new public image ads: • Online • In traditional media : newspapers, magazines, • billboards Slide 47
RESOURCE 4: The People of Action Slide 48
RESOURCE 4: The Rotary Brand Center Slide 49
RESOURCE 4: The Rotary Brand Center Slide 50