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Understanding Metamorphic Rocks and Their Agents

Learn about lower-grade regional metamorphics including Slate, Phyllite, “Greenstone”, and Schist. Discover the chemical, structural, and mineralogical changes caused by pressure, temperature, and chemically active fluids in metamorphic rocks. Explore the effects of stress, foliation, strain, temperature, pressure, and chemically active fluids on rock texture and mineral composition.

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Understanding Metamorphic Rocks and Their Agents

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  1. Metamorphic Rocks, Part 1LOWER-GRADE REGIONAL METAMORPHICS Slate, Phyllite, “Greenstone” and Schist

  2. Metamorphic Rock Definition • A sedimentary, igneous, or previously existing metamorphic rock which has undergone textural, structural, and/or mineralogical changes due to the action of one or more agents of metamorphism

  3. Agents of Metamorphism • Changes in pressure or stress • Changes in temperature • Chemically active fluids

  4. Recrystallization • Metamorphism involves recrystallization of original minerals in the rock that is undergoing metamorphism • In some minerals, notably quartz, feldspar, and calcite, this may lead to a simple increase in grain size - the orientation of the grain may be modified in the process. • In other minerals, especially clays, chlorites, dolomite, and other carbonates, recrystallization is accompanied by neomineralization, the formation of new minerals not present in the rock prior to metamorphism

  5. Stress • Stress (differential pressure) is one of the most powerful factors influencing metamorphic rock textures. • Effects • Development of mechanical fractures • Complex minor folding • Development of foliation • Rapidly applied stress may result in “crush” rocks

  6. Stress Continued • Stress plays a chemical as well as physical role - reduction in grain size increases the surface area available for reaction • Developments of shear planes and fractures provides routes for the movement of chemically active fluids • Stress may also be a source of localized heat - friction of rocks moving past each other may heat up the rocks along the contact

  7. Foliation Example • A foliation is any planar fabric in a metamorphic rock • Here, foliation is defined by aligned sheets of muscovite sandwiched between quartz grains Quartz-mica schist

  8. Strain • Strain is deformation due to applied stress • Strain in crystals partially breaks bonds, thus facilitating the conversion to new mineral species

  9. Temperature • Change in temperature is a potent metamorphic agent • In otherwise unmetamorphosed rocks exposed to the heat from an igneous intrusion, changes in the type of mineral present are often observed

  10. Effects of Temperature • The solubility of minerals in water generally increases as temperature rises, although there are many exceptions to this rule (gypsum, calcite, etc.) • Phase boundaries are crossed • Some minerals become unstable, while others become stable • Chemical reaction rates increase rapidly with increasing temperature • Endothermic reactions are favored

  11. Effects of Temperature • Generally minerals with more open crystal structures are favored at higher temperatures • Increasing temperature tends to drive off water and carbon dioxide, which serve to increase the activity of the fluid phase which they enter

  12. Effects of Pressure • Pressure tends to counter the effects of temperature • Water and carbon dioxide are retained to higher temperatures as pressure increases • Pressure tends to favor minerals with closed, compact (denser) mineral structures • Metamorphic rocks produced at greater depths are denser than those produced near the surface

  13. Effects of Pressure • Pressure is determined largely by burial depth • At great depths, fluids are usually unable to escape and any fluid pressure present will be added to the load pressure • Toward the surface, fluids usually escape • Load pressure is hydrostatic (equal in all directions) • An increase in load pressure tends to prevent stress fractures from forming, and to close those that exist

  14. Chemically Active Fluids • Many progressive reactions (from lower to higher grade across a metamorphic terrain) liberate water, carbon dioxide, and other mineralizing agents • Mineral assemblage present will vary tremendously in environments high or low in these mineralizing agents, particularly water

  15. Fluid Release • Presence of these fluids often depends on the original compositions of the rock. • Wet sediments will release large quantities of water during metamorphism. • Basalts will not • Limestones will release carbon dioxide during metamorphism

  16. Combination of Agents • Although it is possible for any agent acting alone to produce metamorphism, in most cases two or more agents will work synergistically. • Many combinations are possible • Several types of metamorphism, involving one or more agents, are commonly recognized

  17. Types of Metamorphism • Regional metamorphism • Contact (or thermal) metamorphism • Dynamic metamorphism • Impact metamorphism • Metasomatism

  18. Regional Metamorphism • By far, the most volumetrically important -as the name suggests, that these rocks occur over extensive areas • Results from the combined effects of heat, pressure, and stress, with chemically active fluids often playing a role, at least with parts of a regional metamorphic complex • Often regional metamorphism is associated with orogenesis

  19. Regional Metamorphism, Cont. • Granitic intrusions are often associated with regional metamorphic complexes • This association raises many questions, especially as to whether the granite is the cause of or the effect of metamorphism • It is often possible to define several zones of progressive metamorphism in regional complexes • Either the “grade” or the “facies” system may be used to classify these zones

  20. “Grade” Classification • The grade system is the product of the British petrologists, principally Barrow, Harker, and Tilley • Classification based on the first appearance of certain characteristic minerals • Minerals are chlorite, biotite, garnet, staurolite, kyanite, and sillimanite

  21. Facies Classification • The facies system of Eskola is more commonly used in the United States • Classification based on the characteristic mineral associations • The facies system allows a parallel classification with mafic igneous rocks • This means that a rock formed from a magma, by recrystallization from a solid, or from hydrothermal solution, will have similar mineralogical associations • The facies system puts somewhat more emphasis on pressure than the grade system

  22. Eskola Facies System • The diagram shows the principal regional metamorphic facies • Note that pressure increases downward

  23. Contact Metamorphism • Contact metamorphism is the result of heat from an intrusion of magma altering the country rock around it • This type of metamorphism was formerly called “thermal” metamorphism because it was believed that heat was the only agent of metamorphism involved - this may sometimes be true

  24. Contact Metamorphism, Cont. • However, the heat often releases water and carbon dioxide, and these fluids play an important role in many cases • Thus, the name contact metamorphism is more appropriate

  25. Dynamic Metamorphism • Dynamic metamorphism occurs when rocks move along fault zones • Stresses involved are large • Frictional heat and fluids also may play a role • Fluid metamorphism is often temporally later than the stress metamorphism • Volumes involved are small • No samples are available, and we will not examine this type of rock

  26. Impact Metamorphism • Result of large scale impacts, usually of meteoritic origin • Temporary pressures of megapascals are possible • Temperature spikes of short-duration may also play a role

  27. Impact Metamorphism, Cont. • This type of metamorphism was important during the early history of the earth, but has become less frequent with time • The volume of rock metamorphosed is not large

  28. Impact Metamorphism, Cont. • The major importance of impact metamorphic studies are in recognizing and/or confirming the occurrence of events such as the K-T impact that caused mass extinctions • The establishment of the frequency of these events is far more significant than the petrographic study of the rocks

  29. Metasomatism • Metamorphosis through the action of chemically active fluids • Frequently occurs during other types of metamorphosis, but has begun to be recognized as a type of metamorphism in its own right • We will examine rocks, often carbonate containing, that may be either regional or contact • These rocks likely involve metasomatic changes, sometimes with the aid of other agents

  30. Parent Rock Compositions • Original composition of the country rock plays a tremendous role in the type of metamorphic rock formed • While a complete discussion of this topic is nearly a course in itself, but some of the principles can be outlined here • We can recognize five basic categories of country rock

  31. Pelite • A sediment or sedimentary rock composed of the finest detritus, clays or mud-size particles, or a calcareous sediment composed of clays and minute quartz particles • Often these sediments are aluminous • Pelite is sometimes used to mean the metamorphic equivalent of an argillaceous rock

  32. Psammite • A clastic sediment or sedimentary rock composed of sand-sized particles • Synonymous term is arenite • Sometimes called the metamorphic equivalent of arenite

  33. Carbonate • Limestone or dolomite • Argillaceous and arenaceous types

  34. Felsic to Intermediate Igneous Rocks • “Granite”, Diorite or equivalent among the intrusive rocks • Extrusive igneous rocks are less commonly metamorphosed, but may be if they are buried - Rhyolite to Dacite

  35. Mafic to Ultramafic Igneous Rocks • Gabbros, Peridotites, Pyroxenites may be metamorphosed • Extrusive rocks such as basalt are frequently metamorphosed, because they are dragged down a subduction zone, or cut in an accretionary prism melange

  36. Slates and Phyllites • Slates and phyllites characteristically form from pelitic rocks. • Little difference in mineralogy from the original rock • Typical principal minerals are quartz, feldspar, sericite, and chlorite • At slightly more advanced metamorphic levels, biotite will be present, usually with either chlorite or sericite

  37. Slates and Phyllites • A close relative of biotite, stilpnomelane, is another new mineral that may form in these rocks • If manganese is present, garnets may form in the biotite zone • Some loss of water occurs during the formation of these rocks

  38. Foliation in Slates and Phyllites • Both slates and phyllites show well-developed rock cleavage • The cleavage may be parallel to the original bedding in some phyllites • In other phyllites and in most slates, the cleavage cuts across the bedding

  39. Elongation Perpendicular to Applied Stress

  40. Slaty Cleavage • Gray slate showing well-developed slaty cleavage

  41. Slate Photomicrograph • Note the fine grain size and the unimpressive foliation in this weakly-metamorphosed rock • Locality: Vermont

  42. Andalusite • Upper (CN): The distinct chiastolite cross that is characteristic of andalusite is easily seen in this section • Lower (PP): The distinct chiastolite cross that is characteristic of andalusite is easily seen in this section • First order white/gray interference colors • Moderately high positive relief

  43. Phyllite • Phyllite showing the sheen typically associated with it • Larger grain size of phyllite produces the sheen

  44. Phyllite Crenulations • Crenulations are often seen in phyllite

  45. Phyllite Photomicrographs • Sample: Ira Phyllite • Note the wavy foliation and the overall fine-grain size of this rock • Location: Vermont • Upper photo CN • Lower photo PP

  46. Slates and Phyllites of Psammitic Origin • Psammitic rocks show little changes in hand specimen under low-grade metamorphism • The grains of quartzitic sandstones may become elongated and interlocking, but this can only be seen by microscopic examination of thin sections

  47. “Greenstones” • Greenstones are usually mafic to ultramafic rocks that formed under conditions of high-temperature and often high-pressure • If these rocks undergo low-grade metamorphism, the formation condition is greatly different than the conditions of metamorphism

  48. Greenstones Continued • As a result, they undergo almost a complete mineralogical change. • Chief changes involve addition of water and carbon dioxide • Many of these rocks are undeformed, and may preserve igneous textures • The most important new mineral is usually chlorite • The feldspar is often albitized

  49. Schists • Schists exhibit much larger grain sizes than slates or phyllites • They correspond to phaneritic igneous rocks. • Hand specimen examination of schists reveals much more about composition than from the examination of slates and phyllites

  50. Mica Schist • Most common type of schist • Not all schists are micaceous • Mica schists are typically of pelitic origin • The micaceous minerals include sericite, muscovite, chlorite, biotite or stilpnomelane, and sometimes talc

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