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Fertilizers and Tillage PLS 386 09/23/05

Fertilizers and Tillage PLS 386 09/23/05. Outline of topics: I. Land preparation II. Tillage systems III. Tillage implements. Fertilizers and Tillage PLS 386 09/23/05 p. 2. Land preparation Virgin land must be cleared by removing vegetation.

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Fertilizers and Tillage PLS 386 09/23/05

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  1. Fertilizers and Tillage PLS 386 09/23/05 Outline of topics: I. Land preparation II. Tillage systems III. Tillage implements

  2. Fertilizers and Tillage PLS 386 09/23/05 p. 2 Land preparation Virgin land must be cleared by removing vegetation. Terrain modification can be undertaken on new land: 1. Leveling- for surface drainage, irrigation installation 2. Terracing- for steep slopes 3. To correct drainage problems

  3. Fertilizers and Tillage PLS 386 09/23/05 p. 3 Purpose of tillage practices: 1. Land leveling 2. Seed bed preparation tilth- physical condition of a soil as related to its ease of tillage, fitness as a seedbed, and suitability to support crop growth. 3. Incorporating organic matter and other amendments 4. Weed control

  4. Fertilizers and Tillage PLS 386 09/23/05 p. 4 Purpose of tillage practices, continued 5. Improve soil physical conditions 6. Erosion control 7. Shaping soil (raised beds, furrows, etc.)

  5. Fertilizers and Tillage PLS 386 09/23/05 p. 5 Tillage systems Two types, depending on degree of soil stirring: Conventional versus Conservation Tillage Conventional tillage used primary and secondary tillage operations. Primary tillage- topsoil is stirred to a depth of 6-14” a slice of soil is cut and inverted, burying the plant debris from the surface. This produces a rough surface, and takes lots of fuel.

  6. Fertilizers and Tillage PLS 386 09/23/05 p. 6 Tillage systems Secondary tillage- follows primary tillage to produce a finer tilth for seeding. Plowing is a primary tillage operation, while disking, harrowing, and listing are secondary tillage practices Soil moisture and texture are very important in the determination of tillage timing and equipment that is used.

  7. Fertilizers and Tillage PLS 386 09/23/05 p. 7 Advantages of conventional tillage 1. Even though tillage causes compaction, it is the best way to manage soil compaction when it occurs. 2. Clean soil is easier to apply fertilizers and seed. 3. Lack of crop residue reduces pest populations. (less overwintering or oversummering)

  8. Fertilizers and Tillage PLS 386 09/23/05 p. 8 Diasdvantages of conventional tillage 1. Erosion 2. Compaction 3. Cost (fuel, machines, time) 4. Loss of soil organic matter

  9. Fertilizers and Tillage PLS 386 09/23/05 p. 9 Conservation tillage crop residue management systems No-tillage, zero tillage, direct drilling, direct seeding Mulch tillage Strip tillage Minimum tillage Ridge tillage

  10. Fertilizers and Tillage PLS 386 09/23/05 p. 10 Advantages of conservation tillage 1. Reduced erosion from wind and water. 2. Reduced compaction. 3. Applicable to steep slopes. 4. Better infiltration and water conservation. 5. Reduced costs of production. 6. Soil temperature modification. 7. Increased soil organic matter content.

  11. Fertilizers and Tillage PLS 386 09/23/05 p. 11 Disadvantages of conservation tillage 1. Dependence on chemicals (mainly herbicides) 2. Costs (new equipment) 3. Higher risks of pests during establishment. 4. Higher soil moisture increases risks of nitrate leaching. 5. Crop residue impedes fertilizer applications. 6. High herbicide use increases risk of weeds becoming resistant to the herbicide. 7. New weed species become a problem.

  12. Fertilizers and Tillage PLS 386 09/23/05 p. 12 Tillage implements Primary tillage Moldboard plow Disk plow Chisel plow Powered rotary tiller Sweep plow = stubble mulch plow Lister/bedder

  13. Fertilizers and Tillage PLS 386 09/23/05 p. 13 Tillage implements, con’t. Secondary tillage Disk harrow Harrow Field cultivator

  14. Fertilizers and Tillage PLS 386 09/23/05 p. 14 Tillage implements, con’t. Special tillage operations Deep tillage- can be used to bury topsoil with a problem (like salinity). Subsoiling- is used to break up compaction and plow pans or hard pans in soil.

  15. Fertilizers and Tillage PLS 386 09/23/05 p. 15 Tillage practices use considerable energy Fuel, equipment, etc. Shift from gasoline to diesel tractors (more efficient). 1978-1993 saw a 25% reduction in energy use by the agricultural sector in the USA.

  16. Fertilizers and Tillage PLS 386 09/23/05 p. 16 1965 1993 Gasoline 42% 11% (% of on farm energy use) Diesel use 13% 29% Agricultural output increased by 47% during this period.

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