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ACT Aspire Opens LIFE Opportunities for Students. L ongitudinal Connects student growth and progress from elementary through high school. E vidence-Based Built using over 50 years research. I nsight-Driven Delivers relevant and actionable insights . LIFE.
ACT Aspire Opens LIFE Opportunities for Students LongitudinalConnects student growth and progress from elementary through high school Evidence-BasedBuilt using over 50 years research Insight-DrivenDelivers relevant and actionable insights LIFE Future-FocusedIdentifies essential skills and knowledge to become ready for college and career
ACT Aspire is an Assessment System Developed for and Focused on the Student Identifies a student’s predicted path towards readiness Highlights gaps between what students have learned and what they need to learn Leverages familiar technology Offers robust online reporting that enables timely modifications to student learning and intervention strategies
Research Supports Early Monitoring Readiness matters Earlier monitoring matters Multiple dimensions matter
ACT Aspire Vertically articulated, standards-based system of assessments to monitor progress in the context of college and career readiness Summative assessments on a vertical scale that spans grades 3–10 and links to ACT’s College Readiness score scale (1–36) Subject areas: English, math, reading, science, and writing Linear, computer-based, multiple question types with paper and pencil option
What Makes ACT Aspire Unique? Measure “other” critical areas needed for student success • Science • Text complexity • Modular administration by subject and/or grade • Linked to ACT College Readiness Benchmarks and aligned with Common Core State Standards • Evidence based
What We’ll Learn About Students Subject Scores—English, math, reading, science and writing ACT Readiness Benchmarks for all grades in English, math, reading and science Reporting based on ACT College Readiness Standards and aligned to the Common Core State Standards Norms—National Paths to Improvement
Online Reporting - Support • ELA Scores for those who test in English, Reading and Writing • Reading Text Complexity Scores (Reading only) • Longitudinal growth • Student predicted paths towards college and career readiness • Composite Score (Early High School) • Predicted ACT Subject and Composite Score (Early High School)
Benefits to You • Highest quality item development and test construction Validated standards and benchmarks • Provides a 3-digit, vertical scale for grades 3–10 empirically linked to the ACT scale through the inclusion of ACT’s Readiness Benchmarks at each grade level • Highlights gaps between what students have actually learned and what they need to learn Leverage technology • CBT design to assess more authentic construct and create more natural engagement for student • Robust online reporting
Benefits to You Sustainability plan • Ongoing research, support, and validation • Item refreshment plan Connectivity • First digital, longitudinal system to connect student performance from grades 3–12 to college and career • An aligned classroom and interim based tool and assessment Standards-based reporting
Thoughts about transition In comparison to the existing Explore/Plan assessments, the 2014 version of ACT Aspire will: Offer CBT administration with paper/pencil as an option Include multiple item types – selected response, constructed response, technology-enhanced Provide online reporting and reporting for students and parents Offer a direct writing assessment in addition to English, math, reading and science Be aligned to a grade 3-10 vertical scale Provide insights on additional dimensions of readiness (e.g., text complexity, justification, explanation, work readiness) Be aligned to an interim/classroom-based assessment tool