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Explore the extensive cross references and insightful charts in the Recovery Version Bible, guiding you to deeper spiritual truths and divine revelations. Discover the unique study aids that reveal God's eternal economy and biblical insights clearly and systematically.
Special Topic 3Cross References and Chartsof the Recovery Version Bible Mainland Scholars’ Gospel
Main Content • Introduction • Cross References • Charts • Conclusion
Cross References • Many study Bibles have cross references which link related passages of the Bible together. • The Recovery Version contains over 26,000 cross references leading the reader not only to similar expressions and facts of history and geography, as do most cross references in other study Bibles, but also to other portions of the Scriptures that relate to the same spiritual truthsanddivine revelations.
Explanation of Gal. 1:23 • For example, cross reference b on the word “faith” in Galatians 1:23 links this verse with other New Testament verses that relate to faith in the objective sense, that is, to the faith as the contents of the complete gospel according to the New Testament revelation. • The footnote on the word “faith” says: “The faith here and in all the verses of reference 23b implies our believing in Christ, taking His person and His redemptive work as the object of our faith. The faith, replacing the law, by which God dealt with people in the Old Testament, became the principle by which God deals with people in the New Testament. This faith characterizes the believers in Christ and distinguishes them from the keepers of law. This is the main emphasis of this book. The law of the Old Testament stresses letters and ordinances, whereas the faith of the New Testament emphasizes the Spirit and life.”
Charts • The Recovery Version contains charts of important truths. • The four charts in the Recovery Version are: • The Generation of Jesus Christ • A Chart Showing the Difference between the Kingdom of the Heavens and the Kingdom of God • God’s New Testament Economy • The Chart of the Seventy Weeks and the Coming of Christ, with the Rapture of the Saints
Conclusion • The cross references of the Recovery Version Bible are an unique and invaluable study aid in that they not only lead the readers to verses with similar expressions and facts but also to portions with related spiritual truths and divine revelations, thus helping the readers to see the overarching vision of God’s eternal economy, which is God’s plan to dispense Himself into man for the producing of the Body of Christ consummating in the New Jerusalem. • The charts of the Recovery Version Bible, similarly, are a tremendous help to the readers in gaining a clear, systematic bird’s-eye view of deeper and more complicated biblical truths on great subjects such as God’s New Testament economy, the kingdom of the heavens, the kingdom of God, the Seventy Weeks, the second coming of Christ, the rapture of the saints, etc. Consequently, the vision of God’s eternal economy is also made more apparent to the readers through their careful study of God’s Word.