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President Trump's Inaugural Parade down Pennsylvania Avenue.
President Trump and first woman Melania stroll amid the inaugural parade. REUTERS/Pool
Demonstrators hold signs along the parade course as Trump's child Barron watches out of an auto window in the motorcade. REUTERS/Shannon Stapleton
Washington cruiser police lead the parade. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts
President Donald Trump and first woman Melania stroll along Pennsylvania Avenue. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst
President Trump's heavily clad limousine is escorted. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson
DC revolt police frame a line crosswise over K Street Northwest at thirteenth Street. REUTERS/James Lawler Duggan
People line up to view President Trump. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts
Protesters and spectators accumulate amid the parade. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst
President Trump, first woman Melania and their child Baron are joined by a Secret Service detail as the walk. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst
People hold signs as they line the parade course. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts
President Trump waves as he and his significant other Melania walk. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson
President Trump and first woman Melania walk. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst
The U.S. Armed force band Pershing's Own walks. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts
Demonstrators hold signs along the parade course. REUTERS/Shannon Stapleton
A dissenter holds a hostile to Trump sign. REUTERS/Jason Redmond
Secret Service operators stroll close by Trump's limousine. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts
Ben Carson lands to sit down for the inaugural parade. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson
Ben Carson lands to sit down for the inaugural parade. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson