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Adapting Outcome Based Education Framework

Explore the journey of adapting Outcome-Based Educational Framework at K.L.E. Technological University, Hubli, enhancing student capabilities, addressing industry challenges, and introducing innovative courses.

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Adapting Outcome Based Education Framework

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  1. KLE Society’s B. V. Bhoomaraddi. College of Engineering and Technology Adapting Outcome Based Education Framework Our journey…. Prof. Ashok Shettar, Vice Chancellor K L E Technological University, Hubli 2018 c

  2. Adapting Outcome Based Educational Framework Clarity of Focus Program Outcomes Student Capability at the end of graduation Graduate attributes (ABET / NBA) 2008 - 2013 Collectively Achieve Course Outcomes Course Outcomes Course Outcomes Course Outcomes Course-1 Course-2 Course-3 Course-n Content , Pedagogy and Assessment Program Design Prof. Ashok Shettar, Vice Chancellor K L E Technological University, Hubli 2018 c

  3. Adapting Outcome Based Educational Framework Continuous Improvement Perspective OBE Innovate Clarity of Focus Improve Adapt Framework in Place Understand gaps Assess Outcomes Prof. Ashok Shettar, Vice Chancellor K L E Technological University, Hubli 2018 c

  4. Adapting OBE Framework Two Weak Links Bold Experimentation and Innovations in Design and Delivery of Courses Realistic Measurement of Attainment of Outcomes & Quality of Assessment

  5. Adapting OBE Framework Bold Experimentation and Innovations in Design and Delivery of Courses Why ? Outcome Driven Challenges Industry Driven Challenges Student driven Challenges Drivers of Change 01 02 03 Sample Text Sample Text • Higher level Problem solving skills • Applying analysis and design principles to solve real life problems with constraints • Communication, teamwork lifelong learning skills Traditional classrooms are failing to retain student interest and attention for learning to happen • Catching up with ever Changing Technology trends • Gap between Industry approach / process and Academic practices • Multidisciplinary approach in Engineering This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here. This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here. Todays student prefer • Experiential; • Contextual and • Situated Learning environments Prof. Ashok Shettar, Vice Chancellor K L E Technological University, Hubli 2018 c

  6. Adapting OBE Framework Technical Outcomes Why ? Bold Experimentation and Innovations in Design and Delivery of Courses Professional Outcomes K L E Technological University, Hubli Prof. Ashok Shettar, Vice Chancellor 2018 c

  7. Adapting OBE Framework Relook at the Existing Courses Dialogue Pedagogical Innovations Practice based Curriculum Improve Learning Outcomes Best Practices • Social Innovation • Engineering exploration • Product design and realization…. • Research Experience for Undergraduates • Global immersion in Innovation & Entrepreneurship • Harvard Calculus reform movement… • …….. Study, Research, Learn Introduction of new Courses . Prof. Ashok Shettar, Vice Chancellor K L E Technological University, Hubli 2018 c

  8. Adapting OBE Framework Introduction of New Courses Drawing tools for blind Social Innovation Course at First year • To build students' capacity to useProblemSolvingSkills to address social issues through innovative solutions. • To develop skills in need identification, ideation, synthesis, creativity and Design Thinking Back to school Student Learning Happens through on-field Projects Every year Over 250 projects are done by First year students in Social Space Cart for Roadside Vendor Prof. Ashok Shettar, Vice Chancellor K L E Technological University, Hubli 2018 c

  9. Adapting OBE Framework Introduction of New Courses Engineering Exploration Course at First year • Highly experiential; learning through design activities • Applying analysis and design principals to solve real life problems • Connecting needs and Technologies • Understanding multidisciplinary approachin Engineering Designed in collaboration with Virginia Tech, USA K L E Technological University, Hubli Prof. Ashok Shettar, Vice Chancellor 2018 c

  10. Adapting OBE Framework Engineering Exploration Course at First year K L E Technological University, Hubli Prof. Ashok Shettar, Vice Chancellor 2018 c

  11. Introduction of new Courses Product Design & Realization • Delivered to over 1100 students in VI semester REQUIREMENTS • Interdisciplinary: Mechanical, Electronics, Electrical and Computer Science SYSTEM INTEGRATION FUNCTIONAL INTERDISCIPLINARY SYSTEM DESIGN • Project based learning LOGICAL SOLUTION ELMENT • More than 200 multidisciplinary teams MECHANIC • Design tools from all three domains EE PHYSICAL ELEMENT SOFTWARE SIMULATION • 8000 sq ft state-of-the- art prototyping facility (Learning Factory) Prof. Ashok Shettar, Vice Chancellor K L E Technological University, Hubli 2018 c

  12. Product Design & Realization Learning Factory Prof. Ashok Shettar, Vice Chancellor K L E Technological University, Hubli 2018 c

  13. Our Model Strong Curriculum Spiral • Higher level problem solving skills • Design skills to solve real life problems • Interdisciplinarity • Teamwork, communication • Technology trends • Industry approach / process • Industry standards • Contextual Advanced Courses Engineering Design Product realization • Connected with Industry Foundational courses • Continuous Industry Driven Outcome Driven Flipped Classrooms Curriculum Design II & III Year Social Innovation Engineering Exploration First Year Connecting needs to Technology Understanding societal needs K L E Technological University, Hubli Prof. Ashok Shettar, Vice Chancellor 2018 c

  14. Adapting OBE Framework Two Weak Links • Bold Experimentation and Innovations in Design and Delivery of Courses • Realisticmeasurement of Attainment of Outcomes and Quality of Assessment K L E Technological University, Hubli Prof. Ashok Shettar, Vice Chancellor 2018 c

  15. Adapting OBE Framework Why Assessment is so Important ? What Educational Researcher Say ? “ Assessment Drives Student Learning.” -George E Miller K L E Technological University, Hubli Prof. Ashok Shettar, Vice Chancellor 2018 c

  16. Adapting OBE Framework Why Assessment is so Important ? What Educational Researcher Say ? Assessment Drives what Students Pay Attention to, and Defines the Actual Curriculum -Ramsden 1992 K L E Technological University, Hubli Prof. Ashok Shettar, Vice Chancellor 2018 c

  17. Adapting OBE Framework Why Assessment is so Important ? What Educational Researcher Say ? The ‘law’ of Educational Cause and Effect states that: for every Evaluative Action, there is an equal (or greater) Educational Reaction.” -Schuwirth, L.W.T. (2001) K L E Technological University, Hubli Prof. Ashok Shettar, Vice Chancellor 2018 c

  18. Adapting OBE Framework Why Assessment is so Important ? What Educational Researcher Say ? “Curriculum Instructs Teacher What to Teach; Exam Instructs Students What to Learn.” -Donald Melnick, 1991 K L E Technological University, Hubli Prof. Ashok Shettar, Vice Chancellor 2018 c

  19. Adapting OBE Framework Key Drivers for Reforms in Assessment / Examination Strategy • Success of OBE framework depends on realistic measurement of Attainment of Outcomes • Connecting Outcomes to Assessment • Importance of Higher Order Abilities and professional skills for Employability of Graduates • Improving Structure & Quality of Assessment • Growing Concerns about the Quality and Employability of the Graduates K L E Technological University, Hubli Prof. Ashok Shettar, Vice Chancellor 2018 c

  20. 1. Assessment Strategy for Outcome Based Education Challenges in Connecting POs to Assessment • Program Outcomes represent fairly high level generic goals that are not directly measurable • A realistic observability and measurability of the PO’s at Course level is very difficult. K L E Technological University, Hubli Prof. Ashok Shettar, Vice Chancellor 2018 c

  21. 1. Assessment Strategy for Outcome Based Education Challenges in Connecting POs to Assessment Necessary to Bring further Clarity and Specificity to Program Outcomes ProposedTwo-Step Process To enhance resolution of POs Identify for Each of the Program Outcomes • Competencies • Performance Indicators K L E Technological University, Hubli Prof. Ashok Shettar, Vice Chancellor 2018 c

  22. 1. Assessment Strategy for Outcome Based Education Bringing further Clarity and Specificity to Program Outcomes Two-Step Process Identify Competencies to be attained: Step -1 For each PO define Competencies –different abilities implied by Program Outcome statement that would generally require different assessment measures. This helps us to create shared understanding of the competencies we want our students to achieve. They serve as an intermediate step to creation of measurable indicators. K L E Technological University, Hubli Prof. Ashok Shettar, Vice Chancellor 2018 c

  23. Identify Competencies Example Program Outcome (Attribute 3): PO 3:Design/Development of Solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, and cultural, societal, and environmental considerations. Step -1 Competencies • Demonstrate an ability to define a complex open-ended problem in engineering terms. • Demonstrate an ability to generate a diverse set of alternative design solutions • Demonstrate an ability to select the optimal design scheme for further development • Demonstrate an ability to advance an engineering design to defined end state K L E Technological University, Hubli Prof. Ashok Shettar, Vice Chancellor 2018 c

  24. 1. Assessment Strategy for Outcome Based Education Bringing further Clarity and Specificity to Program Outcomes Two-Step Process Define Performance Indicators: Step -2 For each of the competency identified, define performance Indicators (PIs) that are explicit statements of expectations of the student learning. • They can act as measuring tools in assessment to understand the extent of attainment of outcomes. • They can also be designed to determine the appropriate achievement level or competency of each indicator, so that instructors can target and students can achieve the acceptable level of proficiency. K L E Technological University, Hubli Prof. Ashok Shettar, Vice Chancellor 2018 c

  25. Example Define Performance Indicators: For the Competency -2 Demonstrate an ability to generate a diverse set of alternative design solutions Step -2 Performance Indicators: • Apply formal idea generation tools to develop multiple engineering design solutions • Build models, prototypes, algorithms to develop diverse set of design solutions • Identify the functional and non-functional criteria for evaluation of alternate design solutions. K L E Technological University, Hubli Prof. Ashok Shettar, Vice Chancellor 2018 c

  26. 1. Assessment Strategy for Outcome Based Education • Using the two step method, brings a clear understanding of the expectations of each Program Outcomes to faculty and students • Connecting Course Outcomes to Performance Indicators and hence to POs will be easy and accurate Course Outcomes Performance Indicators Examination questions Program Outcomes Examination questions Assess Assess Assess • By mapping examination questions with Performance Indicators, we get clarity and better resolution for the assessment of COs and POs. K L E Technological University, Hubli Prof. Ashok Shettar, Vice Chancellor 2018 c

  27. Connecting Outcomes to Assessment Assessment Competencies to be Attained CA Performance Indicators PI Program Outcomes PO Competency 1.1 CIE and SEE questions, project / lab, assignment rubrics PI 1.1.1 PI 1.1.2 Competency 1.2 PI 1.1.2 Program Outcome-1 PI 1.2.2 P I 1.2.2 Competency 1.3 PI 1.3.1 PI 1.3.2 PI 1.3.3

  28. 2. Improving the Structure & Quality of Assessment • In the present examination system, memorization occupies a dominant place. • Assessment process must also test higher level abilities viz. ability to apply knowledge, solve complex problems, analyse, synthesise and design. • The recall of factual knowledge, though essential to any examination, is only one of several major abilities to be demonstrated by the graduates. How will we Ensure it ? K L E Technological University, Hubli Prof. Ashok Shettar, Vice Chancellor 2018 c

  29. 2. Improving the Structure & Quality of Assessment Bloom’s Taxonomy for Assessment Design Assessed through Learning Levels Creating • Course projects • Mini Project • Minor Project • Capstone Project • Open ended problems evaluating Analyzing Higher Order Abilities Applying • Fixed hour examinations (CIE & SEE) Understanding Remembering K L E Technological University, Hubli Prof. Ashok Shettar, Vice Chancellor 2018 c

  30. 2. Improving the Structure & Quality of Assessment Model Question Paper Total Duration (H:M): 3:00 Course : Basic Electrical Engineering (ESC101) Our pattern L1 + L2 = 40 % L3+ L4 = 60 %

  31. 2. Improving the Structure & Quality of Assessment Technical Outcomes Professional Outcomes K L E Technological University, Hubli Prof. Ashok Shettar, Vice Chancellor 2018 c

  32. 2. Improving the Structure & Quality of Assessment Assessing professional skills and higher order abilities It’s all about creating Educational Experiences • Following are the few educational experiences that we create to teach and assess professional outcomes and higher order cognitive abilities: • Course projects • Open-ended experiments in labs • Project-based learning modules • Co-Curricular experiences • Mini / Minor projects • Final year projects • Internship experiences • E-portfolios of student works • Rubrics provide a powerful tool for assessment and grading of student work. K L E Technological University, Hubli Prof. Ashok Shettar, Vice Chancellor 2018 c

  33. Our Transformational Journey… 300 % Jump in Placements 400 % Jump in Internship offered 450 % Jump in Salary offered 340 % Jump in Research output Recognition Overall Impact MIT Report Several Colleges across India replicating our model

  34. KLE Society’s B. V. Bhoomaraddi. College of Engineering and Technology Adapting Outcome Based Education Framework Our journey…. Thank You K L E Technological University, Hubli Prof. Ashok Shettar, Vice Chancellor 2018 c

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